
Chapter 149: Persuasion

Chapter 149: Persuasion

Lake Shirodieh, Shirodieh City Area

Should they be called mutually inflammatory words? It was decided that the duel between Yumika and Jiraid would be held by the lake shore, the place where Kazane was testing Crystallization that morning. Furthermore, Kazane repaired the entrance of the Barnes family villa with Golem Maker. Needless to say, Jiraid, Lyle, and Emily stared dumbfounded with open mouths as they watched, and when it was finished, the door looked a bit like it had come out of a fairy tale and had Kazane-chan's house written on it, so they were even more speechless. It was no longer the Barnes residence.

That matter was settled, and Jinrai looked at his favorite disciple and his son with unpleasant thoughts. His disciple was settling the bill for his own failure. He was ashamed of himself for being a worthless master.

However, the wordsYou are parent and childYumika said earlier was naturally another burden on Jinrai. He never thought he would direct real killing intent at his own son, and he was shocked by his own lack of fidelity. So he thought he shouldn't pile even more shameful behavior on top of what he had already done and decided to leave everything to his disciple.

Then Kazane used Golem Maker to make the hand-type golem Tebasaki-san to use as a seat for watching the match. On that occasion, Lyle and Emily approached and also sat on Tebasaki-san with Kazane. The two people timidly looked at Tebasaki-san, but it didn't seem like they would be attacked.

(Is this the same kind as those mud hand Golems in swamps?)

(That reminds me, there was a rumor that the Ogre Killing Princess used Golems)

Lyle and Emily whispered to each other. Since even orthodox Golem usage was rare, the Ogre Killing Princess being a Golem user wasn't well-known. The puppet and monster cat usage left a stronger impression.

One of those puppets, Tatsuyoshi-kun Normal, was currently cleaning the inside of the Barnes family villa. With anAbsentplacard hanging at the entrance.

Will this really be okay? That girl is about the same age as us. No matter how you look at it, isn't having a match with my father absurd?

Lyle said to Kazane. Kazane glanced at Lyle as he asked the question, but her gaze immediately returned to Yumika and the others.

Yumika said she would do it and Jinrai-san gave his permission. There's nothing for me to say.

Jinrai's eyes held absolute confidence. Since that was the case, she would only watch silently.

Well, just watch. This duel is to measure the ability of the person Lyle's grandpa took as a disciple.

In a place slightly separated from Kazane and the other's exchange, Jiraid was bewildered by the strange situation while holding the dragonbone spear and facing Yumika.

We'll use tournament style rules.

Jiraid and Yumika nodded after Jinrai's words.

If I win, you will apologize and take back all the abusive words against my master.

If I win, he will swear to never return to Hyvern again.

Yumika mutteredStubborn old manafter Jiraid's words. Her posture while facing him should be giving him an indication of her true ability, but it seemed Jiraid didn't want to admit it.

The tips of the dragonbone spear and Silky overlapped.

Seeing that both people were in position, Jinrai raised his hand and yelledStart!

I'm goingLet's go!

At the start, both spears thrust forward to give a blow. Both of them usedFlash,the fastest thrust that required almost no movement.

Of course, it was a simultaneous strike.

You're kidding me!

Lyle watched that situation with a startled expression, but he couldn't overturn the truth that was happening before his eyes. With the physique difference, Jiraid was able to recover from the shock of the simultaneous blow slightly faster and released a second thrust.

(Fast!? ......but)

But Yumika blocked it with the shield wrapped around her left arm. The white small shield was the Dragon Shield she had previously received from Kazane. That shield had warded off Jinrai's two spear style many times during training. Jiraid hadn't reached Jinrai's domain, so there was no reason his thrust couldn't be warded off. Then Yumika came in close and attacked, so Jiraid used the spear techniqueWeeping Willowto avoid and immediately kept his distance.

You seem capable...

Jiraid reflexively said.

That's right, since I'm my master's disciple....right?

Jiraid groaned after those words. Once he acknowledged it, the reason for this battle would disappear.

You understand, don't you?

Be silent!

Jiraid responded to Yumika's words while thrusting. Yumika warded off the spearpoint while stepping back.

Do you seriously think that master would neglect training to engage in obscene behavior like you were saying?

Jiraid groaned after those words. Jiraid certainly couldn't even imagine Jinrai behaving like that.

Then Jinrai also groaned. He was recalling those days after the Grand Tournament when he avoided fighting against the Wolf God Transformation. I was neglecting then...... he muttered inside his mind.

While she was talking, Yumika thrust her spear another time. A high speed thrust, what is called Rush as a Skill. Although she hadn't trained enough and it still wasn't complete, one in five attempts had already reached power close toFlash.

Putting it simply,Flashwas a basic thrust carried to its maximum potential. Yumika was taught by Jinrai that the same power asFlashcould be brought out while using Rush if she trained thoroughly. Jiraid received the attack with a face lacking leeway. Then, Yumika continued persuading while she was close.

Master is an honest person. He completely rejected all of Louise-san's advances.

That's unbelievable!

Kazane nodded uh-huh after Jiraid's words. Happily, no one saw her.


No, Jinrai noticed Kazane's reaction. He looked like he was about to cry.

The main point is that even when I could useDog's Sense of Smelldue to my Wolf God Transformation, my master's scent was never mixed with another person.

Words continued departing from her mouth, and while Jiraid didn't understand their meaning, he understood that the girl in front of him was trying to argue his father's innocence.

(Excellent skill, those sincere eyes. This is surely not a person who has spent all their time on idle amusement. Were my eyes clouded?)

Above all, this girl was the same age as his children, but she was acapablegirl. That skill clearly couldn't be obtained by someone spending their time on idle amusement.

(I.....what have I.....)

And Jinrai was on his knees because of his cowardice. He was remembering those days he had been escaping from the Wolf God Transformation with all of his power.


Jiraid was a little agitated, and Yumika didn't overlook that carelessness. UsingWeeping WillowandToppleand suddenly accelerating with her Sylphin Boots, she tripped Jiraid with her spear shaft.


Then Jiraid felt pain and groaned as his back struck the ground, and when he opened his eyes, the battle was settled. Yumika's spear point had stopped in front of Jiraid's throat.

I guarantee it. Master is innocent.

There was no doubt in that girl's eyes.

Then Jiraid realized he had been defeated in two ways, so he spoke.

It's my defeat. To my father, and to you guys, there was no basis for the abusive words I said to you.

So saying, Jiraid looked at Yumika, then Jinrai. For the sake of looking at his father with the respectful eyes a son should have.

And Jiraid saw it. His father's splendidDogeza.

I'm sorry!!!!

Yes, the son saw it for the first time. His father's full-power dogeza. The dogeza while shedding tears. The grandchildren, and above all Yumika were watching with open mouths.

It was truly a splendid dogeza.

Then Kazane saidWell, that's it, right?The sole girl who knew the truth was watching that conclusion.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 30

Health: 107

Magic Power: 181+420

Strength: 52+10

Agility: 43+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 57

Dexterity : 38

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv3 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv3 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder ChariotSturdy TeethCrystallization

Yumika: ............

Kazane: Ah, it froze.

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