
Chapter 152: Let's Talk About Dragon Knights

Chapter 152: Let's Talk About Dragon Knights

In the middle of their journey to the capital, Kazane asked about the Dragon Knights.

As a matter of fact, Dragon Knights didn't exist in Zexiahart. There was no system allowing a player to partner with, ride, or tame a dragon and make them fight. She had heard that Jiraid was a Dragon Knight, and that he rode his beloved dragon when he came to Shirodieh City. However, Lightning Dragon Mordo had to wait outside the city, and since Jiraid immediately returned to the capital she didn't have a chance to see his appearance.

And Kazane knew that Dragon Knights fought while riding on dragons, could receive a power boost by wearing the Dragon Spirit emitted by their partners, and that there were many Dragon Knights in Hyvern.

Well, it feels like that's about everything the normal person in Hyvern would know?

Emily said after Kazane's words. Like before, the girl group was inside the carriage while the men group was sitting on the coachman's seat.

Basically, Hyvern's Dragon Knights make contracts with dragons received from the dragon village to become Dragon Knights. The Dragon Knight contract makes a Path between the person and the dragon. Although it doesn't require a soul as compensation like a devil contract.

Louise interjected after Emily's explanation.

Although they don't get their souls, from a certain point of view the dragons receive a considerably great thing from the humans they partner with.

What do you mean?

Kazane tilted her head.

Ok. First of all, the Dragon Knight contract started after the war between the dragon using demon king and humans 600 years ago.

Louise so answered Kazane's question.

That was called the Dragon Emperor War, right?

Kazane also knew about that. That was because Tatsuyoshi defeated the demon kingDragon Emperor Gairalwho used the dragons. Kazane had read a book with a basic history concerning that event.

You're quite knowledgeable. Well, that war greatly reduced the number of dragons intelligent enough to speak human language. It was no longer possible to maintain the dragon villages.

Ah, Ao-sama told me about that.

Tiara interrupted from the side. Tiara was well informed because Ao was an advisor to the Tsuvara Kingdom.

Ao-san is that Blue Flame Ao-san?

Louise affirmed with a nod after Kazane's question. Ao was the Player who had become a dragon that they had met in Minshiana. It seemed he had greatly influenced this world.

Yeah, the Ao-sama we met in Minshiana. In order to rebuild the dragon villages, he devised a method to quickly transplant intellect into the dragons instead of waiting for them to grow enough to naturally gain that intelligence.

That is the Dragon Knight contract?

Kazane tilted her head, but Louise continued speaking.

The Dragon Knight contract is generally considered a method for the dragon and knight to communicate with each other mentally, just like Kazane's Information Link. That isn't wrong, but there is another function as well. The dragons can acquire human intelligence and knowledge through the Dragon Knights, so unlike wild dragons, the dragons linked with Dragon Knights are intelligent and can speak human language.

Oh, really?

The Hyvern-born Emily looked at Louise with admiration. It seemed it wasn't a well known story.

(............So they use human beings as learning devices?)

In other words, humans borrowed the power of the dragons and gave them human wisdom in exchange. That being the case, Kazane agreed that it could certainly be said that the dragons were receiving a considerably great thing.

(It really feels like something from another world.)

Kazane thought, but Louise continued explaining.

So Dragon Knight dragons are quite different from the normal ones used for the Flying Dragon Services. Those flying dragons are tamed wild dragons, so naturally they can't talk. Well, a few people have personal relationships with dragons from the dragon village and become free Dragon Knights, but that number is tiny compared to the number of Dragon Knights affiliated with the country.

Is that so.

In other words, there were few, but they existed.

By the way, a Dragon Knight gives wisdom to their dragon, so the Dragon Knight's personality naturally influences the personality of the dragon. So the people chosen to become Dragon Knights are basically foolishly honest respectable people of character. Just like Jinrai-kun's son, many of them are stubborn middle-aged men, though.

I see.

Kazane nodded. While rudely thinking that it didn't seem like Dragon Knights were very bright.

Speaking of foolishly honest, my older brother also took the Dragon Knight examination, but it seems he was rejected. Although I think my brother is a splendid fool.

She was a rude younger sister.

Hmm. That kid is a young man from Hyvern, but I wonder if it's a bad thing that he's a little too unreserved. A fool is a fool, but foolishly honest, or perhaps I should say, sincere people are desired.

Louise wryly smiled after Emily's words. After saying that, Louise meaningfully grinned and continued speaking.

By the way, there are also people with another contract similar to the Dragon Knight contract. Emily knows about that, right?

It was delegated to Emily, but just as Louise said, Emily knew the answer.

Umm, the Dragon Mikos, right?

That's right. Unlike the Dragon Knight contract, the Path is light, but they're basically in charge of the everyday care of the dragons. Because there are many male Dragon Knights, the dragons also have manly personalities. So women are naturally requested to be the caretakers. By the way, Dragon Knights and Dragon Mikos often get married. Isn't that right, Emily?

Ah, yes. Like father and mother.

Emily affirmed.

That's right. Your mother is a Dragon Miko and your grandmother Cindy is the Head Miko. Come to think of it, with your amount of Magic Power you could become a Dragon Miko, but you didn't do that?

That's right. I was told I could do as I liked.

Emily was highly independent, with a strong inclination to do things with her own power. Even though she was a woman, it should have been possible for her to become a Dragon Knight, but it seemed she didn't choose that path either.

I like people who can decide things for themselves.

Tha, thank you.

Even though she was startled by the voluptuous smile aimed at her, Emily thanked Louise. According to Louise's judgement, Emily's core was the closest to Jinrai in the Barnes family. She probably would have taken her if she were a man. Louise thought it was regrettable.

Ah, so then. Kazane, Yumika, Tiara. I want you to know this. There are three people in Hyvern  that should absolutely never be angered.

The three people whose names were suddenly called bent forward. They understood that Louise was about to say something important.

The first one is Hyvern's Archduke Rynox, the top official of the country. He is this country's best spear user. With one shout he can control this country's Dragon Knights, and he is also a very strong warrior who will race to personally appear in a battlefield.

Yumika had previously heard about him from Jinrai. One of Jinrai's goals was to surpass that person's spearmanship.

The second person isn't a person, but the leader of the East Dragon VillageGod Dragon Emperor Naga.It goes without saying that he is incredibly strong as the oldest dragon, but he is also the king of all the dragons in the eastern Vezel region, which includes Hyvern.

Kazane nodded. Kazane and the others came to this country to deliver something to that dragon.

And the last one is the Head Dragon Miko Cindy Barnes. She is like a mother to all of the Dragon Knight dragons. She is loved by all of the dragons and lives together with them, and could be called the spiritual support for all of the Dragon Knight cavalry dragons.

She is Jinrai-san's wife, isn't she?

Louise smiled after Kazane's question and continued to speak.

It is no exaggeration to say that making an enemy of her is making an enemy of every dragon in this country's cavalry. She can only do it within Deer South, but since she can wear Dragon Spirit from many different dragons, she can be called the strongest existence in the country.

After hearing all of that, the three excluding Emily understood the true meaning of Louise's words.

They all looked at Jinrai on the coachman's seat. He was somewhat calm as he was holding Hippomaru-kun's reins, but there was an old man feebly hanging his head.

Isn't master in a big pinch!?

Louise laughed after Yumika's words.

That's right. Jinrai-kun got married to such a person, and now he has made her angry.

Louise-san, you seem delighted.

According to the current story, Kazane thought Louise was also in a lot of danger, but based on Louise's behavior she didn't care at all.

Kazane sighed at Louise's completely usual behavior. Then she looked down the road and thought (That's an awfully high amount of birds.) They would soon reach Hyvern's capital city Deer South. If Kazane had used the Circlet of Wisdom's remote viewing she would have noticed the true identity of those birds, but unfortunately she didn't do so.

She would only notice that they were flying dragons acting wildly a little before their arrival in Deer South.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 30

Health: 107

Magic Power: 181+420

Strength: 52+10

Agility: 43+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 57

Dexterity : 38

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv3 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv3 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder ChariotSturdy TeethCrystallization

Yumika: The strongest grandma?

Kazane: She seems strong. Ah, at any rate, that's a lot of birds.

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