Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 104: Destroyed a neighborhood

Chapter 104: Destroyed a neighborhood

Chapter 104 Destroying a Neighborhood

At this critical moment, Su Yao didn't have time to think too much, and relied on his nerve reaction speed to surpass that of ordinary people, and used chaos magic.

Chaos Magic Experience +1

Red light appeared on the surface of his chest, firmly blocking the dagger's sneak attack.

Su Yao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the dagger stopped.

Fortunately, I responded quickly, otherwise I might have suffered.

With the strength of his current divine body, he may not be able to safely catch the sneak attack of this dagger. It is estimated that there will be no fatal injuries by then, but there will definitely be blood.

After all, even a rhinoceros or an elephant would be injured if stabbed by a sharp dagger, let alone him.

After thinking about it in a flash of lightning, Su Yao was about to use chaos magic to stop this sneak attack guy.

However, something unexpected happened to him and many viewers.

At the same time as the dagger was thrust out, a thick puff of white smoke quickly dispersed from Yamazaki Masao's body.

Masao Yamazakis figure disappeared into the thick fog in a blur. The whole process was completed in a very short time.

Chaos Magic Experience +1

Su Yao used chaos magic to grab into the fog.

What surprised him was that the middle-aged man with a mustache seemed to disappear, or in other words, he changed his position in a short period of time.

The fog quickly spread to the entire neighborhood, soon creating a very thick fog environment that made it almost impossible to see even ones fingers!

Such a strange move surprised Su Yaoyan.

At this moment, the audience and netizens were also surprised and startled.

What a strange move. Is he a mutant? Is this a mutant ability?

Its not like that, its a bit like the ninjutsu spread over there in Japan, its just some kind of deceitful method to fool people.

Its true that this person looks a bit like the people over there.

It seems like this weirdo in white is in trouble. He is very good at sneak attacks. If you are not careful, this weirdo in white will be attacked and die miserably..."

The audience and netizens were gloating and talking about it.

They felt that even if the strange man in white had good mutant abilities, he might die of suffocation without even using his strength under the assassination method!

Even so, the white fog made them very annoyed. They couldn't even see the battle situation clearly and could only judge the specific situation by listening to the sound.

At this time.

A few slight crackling sounds came from the air, as if something was flying over from the mist.

Su Yao frowned, and the red chaos magic immediately blocked him.

Boom, boom, boom!

A violent explosion occurred, and flames engulfed everything in front.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

Every few seconds, bombs that looked like darts appeared, making Su Yao feel irritable.

At this moment, he wished he could use the sun to clear out the neighborhood and kill the flea that was hiding here and there.

Su Yao couldn't bear it anymore, and in the next second his hands glowed red, and he floated into the air, quickly flying to an altitude of tens of meters above the fog.

The scene of him suddenly flying away made Masao Yamazaki, who was secretly preparing to continue the assassination, stunned, and then he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Baga, why dont you just run away if you cant beat him? Hes such a useless guy!

Just as he was thinking this, a red light fell from the sky.

With a bang, the ground not far away exploded, and a large crater nearly two meters wide appeared.

Soon, there was another loud noise.

Masao Yamazakis eyes were surprised and he couldnt figure out what happened.

The audience and netizens who were gloating about the misfortune were also a little puzzled.

But soon, they saw everything clearly.

The black beetle camera that was specially used to take pictures quickly flew out of the white fog, and then spotted the strange man in white at an altitude of dozens of meters.

I saw that Su Yao's hands kept blooming with red light, and then a red energy ball was blasted down by him.

Boom boom boom... For a time, the ground continued to shake, big craters appeared one after another, and the walls collapsed.

The audience and netizens were in disbelief.

This person's mutant ability is actually so strong?

Who can survive under such widespread bombing?

No matter how powerful the assassination method is, you cant pull it off, you still have to die, right?

They suddenly realized that they were gloating over the wrong person, and for a while, countless people became in a bad mood.

The movement was huge, as if a map cannon had been fired. Not only did the audience and netizens feel frightened, but other passers-by on the distant streets also noticed what was happening here.

Omaika, God bless you!

"what's the situation?"

Its the weirdo in white, that mutant?!

Soon, someone recognized who the person floating in the air was.

But at the same time, they couldn't help but be surprised by each other's strength.

The ground continued to shake, and bombing sounds came from the ground.

Not long after, the white fog dissipated, and what came into view was the ruins created by this overwhelming force.

Within a few tens of meters, there were almost no intact things visible, only large and small potholes!

At the same time, they also saw Masao Yamazaki lying in the ruins covered in blood and dying.

As for the other middle-aged man, he had already lost his life.

Do you lose now?

A street was destroyed like this?

Not to mention the Messiah who destroyed the city, is this new mutant so terrifying?

Why are there so many powerful mutants everywhere?

The audience, netizens, and many powerful people were shocked and stunned.

Su Yao temporarily stopped bombing, and slowly flew to Masao Yamazaki's side.

Seeing him flying over, Yamazaki Masao immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at him fiercely.

Su Yao raised his right hand slightly. Under the gaze of countless people, a ball of red light enveloped Masao Yamazaki and lifted him up slowly.

Baga Yalu, Baga

Masao Yamazaki spat out the blood in his mouth and cursed fiercely.

Su Yao naturally knew what this meant, and his eyes were slightly cold.

His right hand slowly closed.


Masao Yamazaki was no longer in the mood to curse. Now his whole body was trembling, and his mouth let out a scream that made the audience shudder.

I saw his body shrinking continuously with the red light, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard.

Masao Yamazaki's face looked ferocious, with various emotions appearing in his face and eyes, including despair, fear, unwillingness, and hatred.



With the last scream, Yamazaki Masao turned into a mosaic, and blood was squeezed out everywhere, as if it was raining.

Seeing this cruel scene, everyone couldn't help but feel the fear of Su Yao and the fear of mutants.

Then very quickly, no one knew who was taking the lead, and the spectators who were watching from a distance started to run away in fear.

For a time, there was almost no one around within a few hundred meters.

At this moment, Su Yao was not in the mood to pay attention to them. While feeling the nearly half of the light energy left after the bombing, he frowned and thought about things.

Although the person who assassinated him died, he believed that things would not end like this.

Although this current identity does not attract as much hatred as the original identity, it has attracted the attention of many people. I think there will be no shortage of such things in the future.

Thinking about it, Su Yao thought of another serious thing.

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