Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 108: Messiah

Chapter 108: Messiah

Chapter 108 Messiah

They feel that this Messiah is like a clown, so arrogant, sooner or later someone will deal with him!

The fact was just as they thought. Just listen to Irina's solemn voice in the live broadcast.

Viewers, please rest assured that this kind of evil force is not allowed by the government. The relevant departments are already dealing with this matter. I think it wont take long to give you an answer.

Neither the Twelve Apostles nor the Messiah can escape!

It is said that the relevant departments have prepared more mysterious and powerful weapons this time!

Dont worry, everyone

Irina comforted many viewers and netizens.

However, after listening to her words, the audience and netizens did not relax much.

The Messiah is so powerful, what secret weapon can be used to deal with it?

No matter what Irina said this time, they were a little unconvinced.

Irina knows what most of the audience is thinking, and she is not in a hurry to defend herself. Time will tell.

She smiled.

Looking at her sudden confident smile, X-Men Logan and the others, as well as the members of the Brotherhood of Mutants, were shocked and felt faintly worried for Su.

What preparations are needed to make this woman show this expression?

They believe that this Irina is not a fool and does not know the power of the Messiah.

Stark Tower.

At this moment, Iron Man Tony Stark had just recovered from the bombardment of Irina's news when he heard the voice from Jarvis.

Sir, your phone number.

Tony Stark was a little surprised, and after looking at the phone, he was not ready to deal with it.

After waiting for a while to make sure Tony didn't answer, Jarvis's voice rang again.

Sir, my program has been rewritten.

Subsequently, a middle-aged mans voice rang out.

"Mr. Stark, I have something to ask you." The voice of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Coulson came over.

Tony Stark sighed, picked up the phone and spoke very quickly, "This, um... Agent Coulson, please tell me if you have anything to do. I'm busy."

Not long after, Agent Coulson came up in the elevator.

He raised his hand and handed a piece of information to Iron Man Tony Stark.

Tony did not accept it and said casually, "I don't like people handing me things."

Colson looked helpless, and then remembered the eccentricities of this Iron Man.

After he put the information on the table, Tony Stark started to look through it.

What is this Tony Stark asked while flipping through it.

Mr. Stark, this is some information about the Sentinel robot. The director hopes that you can join in and help us develop the Sentinel robot more perfectly.

Colson explained his purpose.

Putting down the information, Tony Stark said impatiently, "Hey, Mr. Agent, why should I help you?"

He naturally knows what a sentry robot is, and has always felt that it is too dangerous.

Coulson corrected him, "Mr. Stark, this is not to help me, but to help SHIELD."

"I'll tell you straight, Mr. Stark, that mutant Messiah is too scary, and we need you to join the plan to perfect the Sentinel robot so we can deal with him."

Tony Stark frowned when he heard this and said, "He is still just a child. There may be room for change. Are you sure you want to do this?" To be honest, he was not willing to specialize in dangerous weapons to deal with a child.

From his point of view, the Messiah was still a child, and everyone was young. Destroying the city may not have been his original intention. Judging from his usual behavior, he did not look like someone who killed indiscriminately.

Had it not been for the strong pressure from people like Colson, the child would not have done such a thing.

Hearing what he said, Agent Coulson said helplessly, "Mr. Stark, he is not a child anymore. Have you ever seen a child who destroyed a city?"

The power in his body is too terrifying. If it is not dealt with and controlled in time, it may cause even greater disasters..."

The two of them talked for a long time, and in the end Tony Stark still didn't agree to join, but he also had his own way of dealing with it.

He decided to meet with the child soon to see if there was a chance to mediate.

While Tony Stark was talking to Agent Coulson and various forces were taking action, Su Yao looked confused.

Standing in a hidden corner, looking at the picture played on the big screen in the square in the distance, he was completely confused.

He just wants to say one thing now...

Who would understand, family members? When I woke up, twelve disciples and a bunch of believers appeared out of thin air. Who would understand?

Su Yao was speechless.

The others were still here, and as a result, the news spread throughout the streets that he was recruiting believers, as well as the twelve disciples and guardian knights.

Looking at Irina's live broadcast, the corner of his mouth never stopped twitching.

Who is this person?

At this time, the scene of the Messiah standing on a high platform and giving a speech happened to be played.

Not to mention, Su Yao looked left and right, but he couldn't see any difference between this man's appearance and his own.

Is it Mystique?

In his memory, the only person who could imitate someone like this was Mystique.

But when he thought about it, he felt something was wrong and thought it wasn't Mystique.

And these twelve disciples

Su Yao glanced at his so-called disciple curiously and had to sigh, this guy pretending to be him was really good at recruiting people.

After watching all the live broadcasts, he fell into deep thought.

After a while, he decided to go take a look and see what kind of monster this guy was.

Su Yao walked to a remote alley and waited for a while. After dealing with a group of armed robbers, Su Yao received a relief fund.

Soon, he used the money to get a map.

The next second, he moved, his feet did not touch the ground, and flew towards the target.

Different from before, this time he flew very fast, and ordinary people could only see an afterimage with the naked eye.

Surprisingly, floating flight has been unlocked again!

Floating flight experience +1

Feeling the strong wind, Su Yao had to sigh, the speed of floating flight is fast, at least much faster than the speed of chaos magic.

Of course, the speed is still far behind the sonic boom speed of Thor's Hammer.

However, floating flight is only at level 4 now. As the ability that improves the fastest, by the time it reaches level 5, its speed will definitely be comparable to or surpass Thor's hammer!

Thinking of Thor's Hammer, Su Yao couldn't help but think of Thor, the God of Thunder, and didn't know when he would appear again.

Just as he was rushing towards his destination, ready to see the excitement, Mutant Tiger Cannonball also noticed the news about him, and immediately ran over with joy, preparing to find his owner.

Not only that, the X-Men and Magneto Brotherhood will also take action.

Everyone is pitiful, feed a little monthly ticket ()

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