Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 124: How fast will the Messiah grow?

Chapter 124: How fast will the Messiah grow?

Chapter 124 How fast is the Messiahs growth?

Stark Tower.

"Sir, this is the latest news about the Messiah..." Jarvis projected the news in front of Tony Stark.

Tony Stark was studying the new armor with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Who is stronger?

For this issue, he subconsciously had a bias in his mind.

Although the child Messiah is also an Omega mutant, he still feels that the ability of the strange man in white is more powerful and terrifying.

Modify, distort reality

Whether it is changing matter or the disappearing sentinel robots, they all prove how terrifying the other party is!

Although they are both Omega mutants, Tony Stark still feels the difference.

However, when he saw the speech of the black man Igor behind him, he couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

real or fake?

According to what this guy said, the Messiah is simply more ridiculous than the weirdo in white!

Tony Stark frowned and ordered Jarvis, "Help me retrieve the video data from the early days of Messiah to the present."

Soon, a series of video materials appeared in front of him, and Tony Stark quickly flipped through them.

After a while, he realized to his surprise that the guess made by this man was indeed reasonable, and the Messiah might indeed be who he said he was.

If everything is true, then the horror of the Messiah cannot be described in words...

Of course, just like other retorts said, it must be scientific and reasonable.

Tony Stark is also unwilling to believe this speculation.

Where is the potential of mutants, it would be so terrifying and beyond imagination...

X College.

At this moment, the X-Men and mutant students are looking at the topic of the Messiah.

Whether it is the Messiah or the weirdo in white, there is no difference to them. They are both terrifying, objects of their worship and envy.

Of course, when it comes to which of the two is more powerful, they, like ordinary people, feel that the weirdo in white is more powerful.


The Messiahs power and ability increased rapidly over time?

Oh my God, is it fake?

The mutant students looked in disbelief. Even if the Messiah was an Omega mutant, it couldn't be so outrageous, right? !


"Professor..." Cyclops Scott gave Professor X the latest information.

After reading this, Professor Xs face looked very solemn.

Originally he thought he had paid enough attention to the Messiah, but unexpectedly he underestimated him?

If the guess of the person in the topic is true, then the Messiah would be terrible!

He has never seen a mutant who grew up so quickly!

At the same time, he did not dare to imagine what kind of disaster would happen if the Messiah fell into the hands of someone with intentions.

I hope this guess is false. Professor

Cyclops Scott comforted, "Professor, don't think too much. The Messiah's power is terrifying enough, and his strength cannot grow too fast."

There is no such thing as a monster with such powerful power and endless growth potential. Professor, dont worry!

Professor X Charles heard what he said, thought about it, and felt that what he said was right, and gradually let go of his worries.


Tou, whats wrong with you?

Looking at the director who was frowning and dazed, Agent Coulson asked doubtfully.

Looking at the latest news about Messiah, Nick Fury frowned and subconsciously touched the BB machine that called Captain Marvel.

He was hesitating whether to call Captain Marvel back from other planets.

After a moment, Nick Fury comforted himself that this was just a conjecture and there was no need to think too much.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense, and he felt that there was no need to call Captain Marvel all the way back to Earth from an alien planet. I guess right now, the other party is still busy saving the aliens.

At present, he feels that the only one who is capable of fighting against the Messiah and the guy in white is his old friend Captain Marvel.

Just when Su Yao's topic became popular, Irina, the host of the live show, had her eyes lit up, and she had a small idea in mind, wanting to attract a wave of traffic.

And just in time, the boss sent the latest news about the Messiah, which was just right for a live broadcast.

Thinking about it, she immediately started making arrangements.

Half an hour later, the news that Irina was about to do another live broadcast quickly spread across the Internet.

Irina started live streaming again?

Go away, we dont need your live broadcast!

Irina, you woman, you have no credibility with me!

Irina is naturally aware of the complaints and insults on the Internet, but she is used to them.

After she released the secret news about the Messiah, netizens stopped.

At 11 a.m., the live program started on time.

Under the spotlight, Irina was wearing a pink dress on her slender body, with dyed red hair, and exuded a beautiful atmosphere.

Hello, audience friends, we meet again, I am your old friend Irina.

Irina holds a white microphone in her hand and has a sweet smile on her face.

Listening to her speech, netizens almost couldn't hold back and began to complain and curse her.

Irina knew how they were feeling, so she didnt continue talking nonsense, and opened her mouth with a bombshell.

What I want to tell you today is the latest news about the Messiah, and it is also great good news.

Not long ago, the latest news came from the military that the Messiah had been repelled and defeated by them once.

After saying this, the audience who was complaining and scolding Irina fell silent and were stunned.

Whether it was ordinary people or mutants watching, the only emotion left in their hearts was disbelief.

The Messiah was driven back, defeated?

How is this possible? Is it fake?

Irina, you are not deceiving us again, are you?

At this moment, their first reaction was disbelief.

For so long, the Messiah has given them the feeling that they are invincible. Especially the recent destruction of the city has made them terrified and frightened. They feel that no one can defeat or destroy the opponent.

However, now, Irina openly told them that the Messiah was repulsed and defeated. How could they dare to believe it?

Knowing what they were thinking, Irina quickly explained, "This is true, and the military did defeat the Messiah."

According to the news, the military used a lot of powerful missiles in that operation to attack Messiah from a long distance.

Having said this, she stretched out her right hand and waved not far away, and said, "I have invited an eyewitness here and asked him to come on stage to talk about the specific situation."

Soon, under the spotlight, an ordinary-looking white man walked onto the stage.

Thanks to 20230706765_ce for the 688-coin reward.

Thanks to Destined. for the 588 coin reward.

Thanks to Zhang Xiaobai Yaya for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to I Polar Star I for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to Dusk Love Home for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to Nine Nether White Bones for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to 20210209210458269279332 for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to Mayfly Renjian for the 500-coin reward.

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