Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 182: The person who snatches the soul scepter?

Chapter 182: The person who snatches the soul scepter?

Chapter 182 The person who snatches the spiritual scepter?

An accident happened?

Captain America and others were wary, thinking it was another Chitauri helper.

However, what they didn't know was that Commander Chitauri and others were also very shocked at this moment.

The Chitauri commander glanced at Loki subconsciously, but Loki shook his head, indicating that he was not one of his people.

In full view of everyone, the portal flickered with sparks, revealing a very large hole.

At this moment, Captain America, Commander Chitauri and others can clearly see the scene on the other side of the cave entrance.

Is this a portal?

Black Widow Natasha, who had just closed the space portal, subconsciously looked at the scepter in her hand, and then at the equipment beside her. After confirming that the equipment had not been activated, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

How can anyone open a space portal without using the Cosmic Cube?

who is it?

What do you want to do?

Soon, they saw clearly who he was.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe, with blond hair and a pigtail on the back of his head, leading more than a dozen people in similar attire, walking out of the portal.

The people who came were surprisingly Casillas and other mages.

After confirming that they wanted to seize the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter and sacrifice them to the great Demon God, they took action decisively and opened a portal to the top of Stark Tower, ready to come and seize the two artifacts.

Who are these guys, and are they drama actors?

Looking at their clothes, Tony Stark said with surprise.

This is the first time that you have seen people wearing strange clothes again?

Of course, although he joked that he was a drama actor, he was no less vigilant in his heart, or even more.

After all, people with weird clothes are usually not easy to mess with. Just like Loki and Thor, Tony Stark has already lost his memory.

As soon as they came out of the portal, Casillas and others had a clear goal and headed straight for the equipment containing the Cosmic Cube.

Noting his actions, both Captain America and the others, as well as Commander Chitauri and others, were all shocked.

Stop, you are not allowed to come close here!

Natasha moved very quickly. She held the spiritual scepter in one hand and took out a black pistol from her waist with the other hand. She pointed it straight at the approaching Casillas and others, and opened her mouth to warn, trying to expel them. them.

However, Casillas and the others did stop after hearing her warning, but they also looked at Natasha at the same time.

Casillas's eyes were fixed, staring at the black pistol in her hand, and the next second, something beyond Natasha's expectation happened.

The other two mages next to Casillas received Casillas's eyes.

The next second, they all waved their hands, and two yellow energy whips appeared, instantly wrapping around the psychic scepter and black pistol held by Natasha.

In just a moment, two things were separated from Natasha's unprepared hands.

One of the men opened a portal and threw the black pistol directly in. As for the other man, Perry, he held the mind scepter and handed him to Casillas.

Its such a good thing, the great demon will definitely like it. Casilla praised.

While stroking the golden body of the spiritual scepter, he felt the gem inlaid at the top and the huge energy contained in it. His eyes showed wonder and excitement.

At this moment, the other mages were also very excited, with expectations in their eyes, looking forward to the rewards the Demon God would give them after sacrificing this thing to the Demon God.

They were waiting here, and Captain America and others who watched this scene were very surprised at this moment.

What is this?

Two people waved yellow whips in their hands? superpower?

Loki, who was in the distance, narrowed his eyes and murmured, "The mage in the atrium?"

Huh? The Chitauri commander next to him couldnt help but look at him in confusion.

At this time.

Seeing them seizing the Mind Scepter, Captain America Steve Rogers glanced at Iron Man and said, "Stark, send me up."

Tony Stark nodded and grabbed Hawkeye next to him.

With a whoosh, they flew to the top of Stark Tower.

Thunder God Thor saw this and flew up with his hammer.

As for Hulk, he jumped on the nearby buildings several times, and finally jumped to the top of Stark Tower.

With a bang, Hulk landed.

Even Loki and Commander Chitauri arrived at the top of the building at this time.

Noticing their actions, Casillas and others looked over.

Put down the scepter in your hands!

Who are you?

American Captain Steve Rogers was the first to stand up and question, holding a vibranium shield.

At this time, Loki, who was not far away, also spoke at this time.

"Are they you guys?" Loki recognized these people. They were the same people he met when he came out from S.H.I.E.L.D. to **** the Cosmic Cube.

What made him wary at that time were some of the words spoken by these people.

Now they appear here again. It turns out that their purpose is the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter?

Loki, do you know each other? Thor, the God of Thunder, asked warily, Are they your people? Even now, you havent given up yet?

Loki's face turned dark when he heard this, but then he smiled and said as if watching a good show, "No, no, no, they are not my people. If I guessed correctly, they should be the mages of the Midgard."

As he spoke, he paused and looked at Casillas and the others under a pair of stunned eyes.

Right, the mages who are obviously mages but still call the Lord?

As he spoke, Loki couldn't help but think of the words said by the leader of the mage during their last encounter, which both made him confused and made him wary.

As expected by the Lord, everything is about to begin?

At this moment, the more he thought about this sentence, the stronger the strange feeling in his heart became.

At this time, Hawkeye Barton glanced at Loki and defended him, "Loki did not lie this time. They did only meet once, and I was also present that time."

Captain America, Iron Man and others heard this and looked at Barton in surprise.

They knew that what Barton was talking about should be when he was controlled by the spiritual scepter.

This group of people actually showed up so early?

What is their purpose?

Having been spying in the dark for so long, it must be just for this moment, right?

For the Rubik's Cube and the Wand?

Moreover, what did Loki just say, mage?

These people are mages, and that yellow whip just now was magic? Tony Stark asked with a surprised look on his face.

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