Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 306: The Wrong Step (6)

Chapter 306: The Wrong Step (6)

Gayoon was sitting beside Jina's bed, her eyes closed and her hands clasped in prayer. Minho had gone to the doctor's room to discuss Jina's treatment with Danny.

It had been two days and Jina still had not woken up. Danny claimed that the operation simply took a lot of toll on her but Gayoon was not convinced. She did not trust his words at all. 

Suddenly, the heart monitor began to beep. She quickly looked at it and to her shock, the lines were erratic.

"Doctor!" she called, pressing the bell by the bed. "Someone come here! QUICKLY!"

WIthin seconds, Danny rushed into the room followed by Minho. Without any delay, Danny checked Jina's vitals.

"I-Is she going to be okay?" Gayoon asked desperately. "What's happening?"

Minho was trying to calm her down by putting his arm around her and whispering consolations in her ears but she was too distraught. 

"She'll be alright, won't she?" she asked, almost begging Minho. 

"She'll be fine," Minho assured her. 

"Don't worry," Danny said, standing straight to face them. "She's waking up."


Both the parents glanced at Jina whose eyelids were fluttering. They ran to her side, Gayoon holding her hand. Danny stood behind them, watching the family with intense scrutiny. Jina's eyes were now half open, peering at her parents.

"Mom" she said weakly.

"Oh thank god!" Gayoon whispered in relief. Jina turned to her father who was barely containing his emotions. He gave her a small smile and held her other hand. She grasped it with her tiny fingers, happy to be out of that nightmare.

Danny cleared his throat to get their attention. Gayoon and Minho turned to him.

"She will be under a liquid diet for a few days," he said. "We'll run a few tests and if everything is fine, she'll be good to go home."

Minho struggled with his internally before managing to say, "Thank you."

Danny nodded and left the room, leaving the family alone. Jina was very weak and frail but she had to tell her parents what she had seen in her dream. It was bizarre that she could still recall it so vividly.

"Mom" she began but Gayoon shushed her.

"You need to rest," Gayoon coaxed her. "Don't think about anything else."


"Your mom is right, Jina," Minho said gently. "You need to rest and get stronger. We'll be here by your side. So don't worry."

Jina wanted to say a lot of things but she was getting sleepy again. Gayoon pulled the blanket over her as Jina went back to sleep once again. She shared a glance with Minho who nodded. He quietly shut the door so that no one would hear them.

"We have to arrest him quickly," Minho said. "But I still can't find the place where Hyeri hid the documents!"

"The only way is to catch him in the act," Gayoon said thoughtfully. "But that's too risky. We can't endanger a child's life"

They were in a dilemma. With Jina admitted in Danny's hospital, they could not dare to act against him. What if he tried to harm her? It was a miracle that he saved her but now, they would have to tread carefully. 

"It's getting late, Minho said as he glanced at the clock on the wall. "You should go home and get some sleep. I'll stay tonight."

"No!" Gayoon insisted. "I'll stay here. I can't leave her alone now. You should go home and rest."

"We both know that's not gonna happen," Minho sighed and plopped on the couch. Gayoon nodded and sat next to the bed, keeping vigilant in case Jina woke up again during the night. None of them slept a wink but were lost in their own thoughts as they watched over their daughter.


"I'll be off for the night, sir."

Danny looked up from his documents to see that one of the nurses had come to bid goodbye. 

"Okay, but make sure that you're here by 6 AM tomorrow," he instructed. "We have a surgery at 7 am along with a series of tests to be done on Hwang Minho's daughter."

"Alright sir," the nurse said. "But you should go home as well. You've been at the hospital for the past few days!"

"I can't leave Hwang Minho's daughter behind," he stated. "She's a VIP. Her father is one of our biggest investors. Until she's completely healed, I'm not leaving."

The nurse sighed. She knew about Danny's obsessions with his image and wealth so it was not surprising that he was putting in full dedication to save this little girl. 

Danny went back to his papers as the nurse left. Most of the staff had gone home. Only the patients and night shift staff were available at the hospital but Danny was alone on his office floor. The other doctors sat on lower floors while only his direct assistant nurses were allowed to sit on the same floor as their CEO. 

He was reading the reports on the surgery which was scheduled the next day. The child was around five years old and had hernia from a bad fall. It was a minor procedure but Danny was not interested in that. He was more interested in her blood group.

"Type B negative," he muttered. "A rare blood group. Organs from this donor would be worth millions"

He marked the file and put it aside. The child was homeless so he did not have any parents. It would be easy to get the kidneys and heart from him. He picked up another file and started to work on it. 

Minutes passed by. The tick tock of the wall clock echoed through the room. Danny was engrossed in his work while a lone yellow bulb above his head flickered ever so slightly. Inside the washroom, a single water droplet splashed on the floor. It was followed by another slow droplet. And then another. The crystal clear drops fell on the floor like tiny pearls.

For a brief second, a black shadow passed by the mirror over the sink. It passed within a blink, leaving the washroom empty once again.

The faucet of the tap revolved in a slow motion causing a creaking sound. The water fell at first slowly, then loudly splashing all over the floor. 

Danny frowned and closed the files. He got off the chair and headed for the washroom where the water was flowing from the tap.

"The hell?" he muttered, turning off the faucet. The floor was wet and muddied with his footsteps.

"Ugh!" he groaned. "I'll tell the janitor to clean this up."

He turned around to leave when suddenly, the tap on the sink twisted itself and let the water out.

"What in the-"

He turned the tap off tightly, making sure that not even a drop of water would fall. Was there a problem with the plumbing? 

Checking the tap properly to make sure it was off, he briefly glanced up. Staring back at him was his own reflection. There were dark circles under his eyes due to his nonstop vigilance at the hospital for the past few days. His son was stupid enough to poison Hwang Minho's daughter and it took a toll on him.

I'll have to deal with Siwan, he gritted inwardly.

A sudden movement behind him caught his attention. He turned around to find nothing there. 

"Maybe it was nothing," he said as he turned towards the mirror. But before he could even glance at his own reflection, a small, black figure leapt out from the mirror and thrusted him into a curtain of darkness.

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