My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 133: Forced Guilt (Part 1)

Chapter 133: Forced Guilt (Part 1)

[ Ladies and gentlemeeeen! Phantom Seekers is now live, bringing you all a very special episode! Because tonight is the day. That's right. The moment has come. The time to receive a new member into our ranks has arrived. Are you in? Who among these 35 contestants will stand out? Who will become our new healeeeer! And guess what? We have another surprise for our audience, because tonight we have a special guest who will co-host this event. Folks in the chat, give a warm welcome to the fabulous space siren that enchants the Novus with her beautiful voice... Miss Nebuline! ]

[ I don't think people in the chat are happy to see me here. If they were, they'd start throwing some donations my way, don't you think, Clara? ]

[ Oh, oh, they're coming! Look at that! Woah! Never underestimate the power of idols! Especially one that works closely with Miss Cosmica! Hey Nebuline, before we start, I have a question for you. Be real honest with me, okay? Do you think I have what it takes to be an idol? ]

[ Sure. As long as you're willing to make some sacrifices. For instance, would you quit Phantom Seekers? ]

[ L-Let's talk about this event's sponsor! ]

I still can't believe people actually showed up for this, Alan thought as he saw the group of 35 people waiting for the event to start.

A group of unknowns were there because of the announcement Clara had made on the guild's official webpage a week ago. People Alan had never met in his life had come to that small stadium to have a chance to enter his guild. It was a bizarre scene.

Because I still can't believe they want to join ME. There must be another reason, or maybe they're here just to troll... Nebuline's visit can't be the reason, for she came unannounced.

Alan never expected his guild to catch the Navinet's interest. At the beginning, after signing Miss Cosmica's exclusivity contract, Alan believed that the guild's streamings would be totally ignored. After all, who would want to watch the petty adventures of a--at that time--level 10 User? But after six months of showing his slow but steady progress, the guild found a modest audience.

"Trust me, boss. These numbers are quite good for a beginner. The majority of streamers receive less than 10 views and end up quitting. So if nobody was interested in our adventures, I'd have been the first person to panic."

That's what Clara told me months ago. So seeing the success of our guild firsthand here in front of my eyes still feels unreal.

"Look, Master," Bella, Amelia's loyal NPC, called his attention, pointing toward the stand area. "The stadium is starting to fill up."

Alan glanced in that direction, finding at least 100 people looking for a seat. The place could hold up to 2000, so the NPC was greatly exaggerating.

They're probably just curious locals. The entrance is free, after all. As soon as our benefactor, Miss Cosmica, acknowledged Clara's announcement, she rented this place for us to hold the competition. Quite generous of her. That may also be the reason why Nebuline is here.

Alan had an eagle view of the field that soon would test the contestants' abilities, while maintaining his distance from anyone's gaze. He then swallowed hard.

Healing was not a popular job among guilders. The majority wished to be a strong warrior or a powerful wizard. People who opted for the Healer class regularly did it because of peer pressure. But according to Amelia, that was a long time ago. Now, since every serious guild needs at least one, there has been a resurgence and a demand for mastering the class.

A good professional healer can be as popular as the guild's 'carry.' There are even cases where the First Officer of the most popular guilds are Healers. So watching all these people, these 35 healers, coming here voluntarily for a chance to enter our guild makes my stomach twirl and my heart ache.

What if my guild doesn't measure up to their standards?

"There you are. I've been looking for you all over the place," a low feminine voice said behind him, then crossed eyes with the NPC. "Thanks for finding him, Bella."

"You're welcome, Master Amelia," Bella replied, making a curtsy.

"Hey, Red," Alan said in a tiny voice, his gaze still fixed on the group below.

Amelia sighed heavily before grabbing his arm. "Hurry up. You're one of the judges too, aren't you? Let's get to the booth before the camera shows two empty seats."

As he got dragged, a nervous expression still adorned Alan's face. "Amelia?" he whispered. "Am I a good leader? You're the first one that joined me voluntarily, so..."

She halted, and a brief silence followed. When she finally turned around to look him in the eye, Alan was ready to be scolded, but she quickly snickered. He did not expect that.

"Come on," she urged, turning around, but a large figure was now standing in her way, causing her to crash against someone's chin. "Whoa! Watch it, you--!" Amelia suddenly closed her mouth, almost biting her tongue. She even took a step back, which Alan noticed. She would never do that. Normally, the stranger would have burned into ashes by now.

Everything became clear when the man in front of them beamed brightly. "Hey, it's my little firecracker! Long time no see. Since the Novus' first anniversary, right? Give your uncle a big hug!"

"N-Nichola--" she stammered before noticing that the man was frowning at her stacked cleavage.

"So not even you could resist the temptation, huh nièce?" He sucked his teeth and shook his head in clear disappointment, prompting Amelia to shriek.


Nicholas' gaze then fixed on Alan. "Ah, my apologies. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Nicholas Laflamme, Amelia's uncle, and one of this event's participants. You're Alan Warden, today's host."

Nicholas reached for a handshake, and Alan noticed that his forearm was huge. He's quite muscular for a healer.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Laflamme, and thanks for coming. Marissa has told me so much about you."

"Great things, I hope. And just call me Nicholas." He chuckled before crossing eyes with the fake woman beside Alan. "And who might this beauty be?"

"I'm Bella Blank, an NPC in service to Amelia Laflamme." She made a short curtsy. "Welcome to tonight's event, Mr. Laflamme. If there is anything you require, please do not hesitate to ask. It's an honor to have you here."

"Oh, I'll take your word for it," Nicholas said in a husky voice while holding and kissing Bella's hand, which he immediately let go once feeling Amelia's piercing glare. "Ehem! As I was saying, I hope that Marissa told you all about my awesome exploits. Did she tell you about the time I maintained an entire 50-strong guild alive all by myself during a highly dangerous raid, or that I've mastered all arts of healing? I can cleanse poison, paralysis, and the most common of mental corruption like confusion and--"

"We don't need your resume, participant," Amelia interrupted, placing herself between them. "You'll have plenty of time to show your abilities during tonight's contest. Unless you get eliminated in the first test, which would be extremely disappointing for a Monk of your... caliber," she pronounced the last bit with as much venom as she could muster and then took off, pulling Alan by his arm. Bella followed them closely while waving goodbye.

"I'll do my best," Nicholas said quietly as Alan looked back.

They traversed the staff corridors of the establishment in complete silence for a couple of minutes until Amelia broke it. "Bella, the event is about to begin. Go and take your place."

"Right away, ma'am." The NPC nodded and took off, leaving only the two in front of the door that would take them to the broadcast booth, but the redhead did not look eager to enter.

"Is there... something you'd like to talk about before the event starts?" Alan asked.

"Just because he's related to me means nothing," she started saying while giving him the back. "I promise you to be impartial and judge him by his own merits. Are we clear about that?"


"Let's do this then."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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