My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 724: Killing

Chapter 724: Killing

The battle in Suiyang City had reached a critical point, the land was strewn with devastation.

Sword Ghost, having momentarily pushed the monster back, spoke in a grave tone, “If we continue fighting like this, our spiritual energy will eventually be depleted.”

“When that time comes, no one will be able to stop it from leaving Suiyang City and wreaking havoc across the Southern Domain.”

Nan Tianlong also frowned: “I have never encountered such a monster before. Could it be that it really has powers of immortality?”

At first, everyone thought that this monster could not be killed, just like the Ghosts General of the Netherworld Realm, which had a similar soul-snatching ability. They believed that if they could kill it repeatedly, they could eventually erase it.

However, despite Nan Tianlong and the others’ combined efforts, they had killed the monster over ten times, yet saw no sign of its spiritual energy weakening.

Instead, the prolonged intense battle had left them seemingly running out of stamina.

Logically speaking, after reaching the Transcendence Realm, one’s spiritual energy should be limitless.

But the monster’s domain, though deciphered by the Heavenly Tower National Teacher, was still subtly diminishing their cultivation.

And this influence only grew more apparent as the battle dragged on.

Shen Li, watching the fight in the sky, frowned, “The situation is not good.”

With his and Sun Qi’s cultivation, they could clearly see that Commander and the others’ attacks were steadily weakening, while the monster’s power remained at its peak.

The apathetic City God said, “If this thing was so easy to deal with, it wouldn’t have thrown the Netherworld Realm and Immortal Realm into such turmoil.”

“After all, in the Immortal Realm, the number of such monsters had already reached a staggering level. Even with some of them sealed within the Kunlun Mountains left behind by the Heavenly Emperor, the Immortal Realm was still in the throes of their monstrous onslaught.”

If not for this, He would not have been ordered to come to the mortal world in the face of danger to look for an opportunity to obtain the Farshore Flower.

“Now, the only hope lies in whether this boy can bring back the Farshore Flower,” the City Lord muttered, glancing towards the still unconscious Qin Feng, cradled in Bai Wushuang’s arms.

The commotion of the battle in Suiyang City was too great, and Shen Li and Sun Qi needed to maintain the formation to protect the two soul-fires on Qin Feng’s shoulders, so the task of guarding his physical body fell to the strongest among them, Bai Wushuang.

And after Shen Li and Sun Qi’s previous explanation, the others present had understood that Qin Feng had not died, but had used the formation to send his divine soul to the Netherworld Realm in search of the Farshore Flower that could defeat the monster.

Ya’an glanced at the unconscious Qin Feng, pursed her lips and said, “Miss Wushuang, why don’t I hold him instead.”

Shen Li and Sun Qi exchanged a peculiar look upon hearing this.

Sensing their gaze, Yaan’s face flushed as she hastily explained, “Miss Wushuang has to protect us all. If she’s the one holding Qin Feng, what if a danger arises and she can’t have her hands free?”

“I… I just want to avoid such a situation, that’s all.”

How could this shy, blushing demeanor escape the notice of Shen Li and Sun Qi? They shared a knowing glance and averted their eyes.

But Zhan Qingfeng, unaware of Ya’an’s true identity, felt a chill in his heart.

‘They say young masters from wealthy families have rather unconventional tastes. Could it be that this Young Master An has… certain inclinations towards Brother Qin?’

‘No, Brother Qin is currently unconscious because of us, I must protect his virtue!’

With that thought, Zhan Qingfeng cleared his throat and said, “I think it’s best if Miss Wushuang continues holding him. As a Third-Rank Warrior, she can quickly move Brother Qin to safety if any unexpected danger arises.”

Ya’an glanced sideways at Zhan Qingfeng, firmly committing his appearance to memory…

At that moment, a verdant glow flickered on Qin Feng’s chest, accompanied by the pulsing of electrical arcs.

Seeing this, the group widened their eyes, remembering how a hand had previously emerged to retrieve the Spatial Ring.

“Is it possible that Brother Qin is about to wake up?” Zhan Qingfeng asked excitedly.

“No… that’s not it,” the City Lord stared intently at the verdant light, his eyes then widening in realization.

For within that glow, a deep-red, mysterious flower was being presented – its strange fragrance causing the souls of everyone present to tremble.

“This is… the Farshore Flower!” the City Lord cried out.

Shen Li and Sun Qi, upon seeing it, beamed with delight. “Our little junior has never let us down.”

Without hesitation, Sun Qi retrieved a small paper talisman from his robes, pinching it between his fingers and waving it slightly.

Flames erupted out of nowhere and consumed the paper talisman. As the white smoke rose, the paper figure expanded and turned into a human form – the Heavenly Tower National Teacher who should have been in the Heavenly Tower was now standing in front of them.

This was the paper sculptor’s art of transforming paper into life. Since the Heavenly Tower National Teacher could not leave the Imperial City, he had used this technique to project his spiritual awareness to this location.

As the City Lord looked at the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower, he felt a sense of bewilderment – the spiritual energy emanating from the other was something he could hardly fathom. This was a sensation he had rarely experienced, even among the gods and demons of the Immortal Realm.

“Teacher,” Shen Li and Sun Qi greeted him reverently.

“Mm,” the Heavenly Tower National Teacher replied, casting a satisfied look at the unconscious Qin Feng. Then he extended his right hand and took the Farshore Flower.

Turning around and glancing up at the rampaging monster in Suiyang City, his expression grew grave. Even though the Heavenly Tower National Teacher had lived for untold eons and knew many secrets, this was the first time he had seen the root cause behind the upheaval in both the Netherworld Realm and the Immortal Realm.

His spiritual energy swirling, he infused a current of Clear Qi into the Farshore Flower, causing the deep-red petals to emit a dazzling radiance.

The monstrous being, who was still fighting Nan Tianlong and the others, seemed to sense something and turned his gaze, with its countless faces and gigantic floating heads, towards the Farshore Flower.

The reflection of the Farshore Flower was mirrored in its countless pupils.

A piercing, ear-splitting roar suddenly erupted.

The massive creature twisted its bloated body and began to flee towards the horizon.

But how could the Heavenly Tower National Teacher allow such a monster to escape?

With a flick of his right hand, the Farshore Flower transformed into a crimson beam of light, streaking towards the fleeing monster and striking it forcefully.

The monster, which had been running, suddenly became motionless, as if frozen in time.

The petals of the Farshore Flower scattered and disintegrated in the wind.

And the colossal body and heads of the monster were crushed, shattering into pieces by some unseen force.

Finally, as the Farshore Flower dissipated, a red glow flashed, sweeping away the remnants of the monster to an unknown destination.

This sudden turn of events left Nan Tianlong and the others stunned in midair. Turning their gaze, they saw the white-robed, white-haired Heavenly Tower National Teacher standing there.

And the monster, which had seemed invincible, had now been vanquished by the power of the Farshore Flower.

The City Lord muttered, “So the Farshore Flower can truly vanquish such an existence. Perhaps the Immortal Realm has a chance at salvation.”

At this, the Heavenly Tower National Teacher replied calmly, “The Farshore Flower blooms for a thousand years and withers for a thousand years. Its numbers were already scarce to begin with. “

“And with the aberration that occurred in the Netherworld Realm, how can the remaining flowers of the Yellow Spring River save the Immortal Realm from its peril?”

Hearing this, the City Lord’s expression grew grim, realizing that the number of monsters in the Immortal Realm could not be addressed by just a few Farshore Flowers.

“Teacher, if the Farshore Flower has already been brought back, why has Qin Feng not awakened yet?” Ya’an asked anxiously.

“He still has some unfinished business, just wait patiently.” Heavenly Tower National Teacher said meaningfully, stroking his beard.

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