My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 740: The Ghost Lord Appears

Chapter 740: The Ghost Lord Appears

Xuan Yi naturally didn’t care too much and reminded him: “Don’t be distracted, fight the enemy with all your strength.”

Qin Feng’s expression turned solemn: “The junior understands.”

The giant eyeball gazed at the rolling thunderstorm surrounding them, a hint of wariness flashing in its depths.

The Annihilation thunderbolt was an ancient thing, carrying incomparable destructive power. Who could remain indifferent towards it?

Even though the current thunderbolt had not revealed its sharpest fangs, its might was still heart-stoppingly terrifying.

Not to mention, Qin Feng had deployed a formation to amplify the thunderbolt’s power by several levels!

“I indeed underestimated you.”


Before the eyeball finished speaking, the sea of lightning unleashed towering waves crashing towards it.

This was the Nine Heavens Lightning Sea Formation, an extremely powerful killing array that greatly taxed the user’s energy.

With the Annihilation thunderbolt as the array’s foundation, Qin Feng’s physical body and spirit endured excruciating torment every moment. Naturally, he had to aim for a swift victory!

Moreover, past experiences had made Qin Feng understand that villains die from talking too much, so he should take action instead of blabbering whenever possible.

The red lightning formed a ferocious beast, swallowing the giant eyeball completely.

Qin Feng didn’t hesitate, continuously guiding the thunderbolts to batter the enemy relentlessly.

The giant eyeball’s existence was extremely bizarre, possessing inconceivable abilities. To prevent any anomalies, he naturally had to seize this opportunity to finish it off!

However, as the lightning attack continued, Qin Feng vaguely felt that something was wrong – his annihilation lightning seemed to land on cotton without causing the slightest ripple.

At this moment, Xuan Yi noticed something and urgently said: “Stop!”

Qin Feng immediately complied, then looked towards the area covered by the lightning.

As the sea of lightning returned to normal, Qin Feng’s eyes widened in shock, his ferocious attacks had not inflicted the slightest damage on the opponent!

Around the giant eyeball, space swirled like a vortex, swallowing the terrifying Annihilation thunderbolt entirely!

“How is this possible…”

“The vortex around it is a spatial rift, which transfers all of your attacks to another space-time.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng was deeply shaken: “If what you say is true, Senior, doesn’t that mean this battle is hopeless?”

If all attacks just get transferred away, how can he fight? No matter what moves he uses, it would all be in vain!

The cold voice rang out in his mind again: “No need to waste effort. Your fate is already sealed, you will spend the rest of your life in this rift.“

“Until your body and spirit disintegrate, until you’re reduced to a pile of bones, all I need to do is quietly wait for your demise.”

Qin Feng’s brow furrowed: “Senior, when you faced that god or demon controlling space-time principles before, how did you all deal with it?”

Xuan Yi pondered for a moment, clearly recalling the past, before saying: “If I remember correctly, back then we relied on absolute strength to shatter Its space-time principle. After severely wounding It, It fled back to the Immortal Realm.”

“I see.” After a pause, Qin Feng transmitted his voice: “Senior, do you think I have a chance to break through the opponent’s space-time principle with my current strength?”

“What do you think?” Xuan Yi asked back.

Well, I don’t think it’s possible. Qin Feng gazed at the giant eyeball, his expression extremely grave.

His powerful attacks couldn’t damage the opponent, and he couldn’t break the principle imprisoning him – this situation was clearly unsolvable.

But from the eyeball’s words, Xuan Yi also gleaned some different information – “This giant eyeball avatar also lacks a way to kill you directly, so it can only seal you here through the space-time rift.”

Qin Feng agreed: “It seems this thing’s avatar has limited strength. Besides the space-time principle, it only has those bizarre red tadpole beings. However, the Annihilation thunderbolt is the bane of those red tadpoles, so it has no way to deal with me either. But being trapped here indefinitely is clearly not advantageous for me.”

Qin Feng’s face darkened. Even having reached the third rank, a human’s lifespan is ultimately limited.

Moreover, his two wives were about to give birth soon, he wanted to witness the births in person and hold the babies himself!

“Senior, if I borrowed your power, could I break through its space-time principle?”

Xuan Yi said solemnly: “When the Candle Dragon was killed earlier, it was because of the divine blessing and power of the White Deer. Now, without its help, not only would the power be greatly diminished, but your physical body and mind might not be able to withstand that power, leading to collapse.”

Meaning even at the risk of his life, he still might not be able to escape this place. Qin Feng’s brow furrowed.

“Wait, it can’t do anything to me for now, and I can’t break its space-time principle. But the Heavenly Tower Nation Master and Divine Guardian were watching as I got pulled into this space-time rift. With their abilities, it shouldn’t take long for them to rescue me!”

However, Xuan Yi’s next words doused Qin Feng’s spark of hope like a bucket of cold water:

“Unless these two are also well-versed in the principles of space-time, using brute force from the outside to break through would only cause this space-time rift to collapse. At that time, you would be dragged into the shattered void, and your physical body and spirit would be torn apart.”

“So there really is no solution?”

Qin Feng felt some regret. When he parted with Lord Yan Zhou, in addition to getting a token of Thirty-Six Stars, he should have asked the other party for some life-saving things.

Then he wouldn’t be in such a hopeless situation now.

Damn it, the formation can’t be maintained much longer. Qin Feng’s face paled slightly.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Sea Formation had consumed a lot of energy and had almost reached his limit.

Yet he didn’t dare drop it recklessly, as the giant eyeball still had its gaze fixed hungrily on him.

The moment he released the formation, he would inevitably expose an opening. He had no confidence in fending off the opponent’s lethal assault with just the Annihilation thunderbolt in that instant.

His figure slowly retreated as he tried to carefully increase the distance before gradually releasing the formation.

But how could this action escape the opponent’s notice?

The cold voice rang out again: “Your Qi is in disarray, it seems maintaining this formation has consumed too much of your energy.”

Its eye flashed crimson as the bizarre tadpoles reappeared, swarming densely around it clearly harboring lethal intent.

This old sinister bastard, it noticed after all. Qin Feng clenched his fists tightly.

He had already decided that if there really was no other way, he would have the senior lend him power.

He would risk his life for that one glimmer of hope!


At this moment, a ripple came from Qin Feng’s embrace.

Curious, he reached into his arms and took out the source of the fluctuation. He opened his palm and saw that it was a leaf with a texture like jade

This was the very leaf gifted to him by that little Ghost Lord!


With a light ringing, space rippled like disturbed lake waters. The jet-black leaf emitted a dark radiance as terrifying pressure descended.

Sensing the threat, the eyeball’s crimson tadpoles instantly converged around it.

Not long after, as the black light intensified, a petite figure gradually materialized – it was that little Ghost Lord!

“How did you…” Qin Feng’s mouth gaped open in shock.

An existence like her should be unable to breakthrough the barrier between realms to come to the mortal world!

The little girl clearly noticed Qin Feng’s confusion as she coldly said: “This is merely my illusory avatar projected into this realm by harnessing the spirit leaf but it still consumes considerable energy from me. “

“I came here just to ask, it has been several days since you left the Netherworld. When will you fulfill the tributes you promised me?”

She expended great effort to project this illusion, yet it was just for those desserts and sweets? This girl, could it be that like Bai Wushuang, she is an absolute glutton?!

Qin Feng was dazed for a moment before suddenly realizing that in his current predicament, her appearance perfectly resolved his dire situation!

The ruler of the Netherworld, the sovereign of an entire realm, dealing with that giant eyeball would be child’s play for her, wouldn’t it?

Qin Feng hurriedly said: “Senior, I originally intended to deliver the tribute to you. But this monster pulled me into this spatial rift and threatened my life!”

“Fortunately you arrived in time, Senior. Otherwise I may have met a grisly end, and then I could never deliver those delicious desserts and sweets to you in the future!”

Xuan Yi: “…”

The giant eyeball: “…”

“Oh?” The little girl sensed the surrounding space before looking towards the giant eyeball. Her pretty little face darkened: “No wonder this space is so chaotic, it’s the workings of space-time principles. You ghastly things have disturbed the Netherworld, and now you’re making a move in this realm too.”

Deep wariness flashed in the giant eyeball’s eye. The Ghost Lord of the Netherworld was once an existence on par with the Heavenly Emperors of the Immortal Realm and the Buddhas of the Western Territories in the past.

Even though the current reincarnated Ghost Lord was far weaker than before, it was still more than enough to deal with this single avatar.

Qin Feng also noticed the opponent’s trepidation and was overjoyed. It was like the sun shining through after a dark, winding path!

“Senior, this thing was just boasting to me earlier, saying after devouring this realm, it would go to the Netherworld next and turn that place upside down.”

“It completely disregarded you. Now is your chance to take action and destroy it directly!”

Although wary of the Ghost Lord, the giant eyeball quickly regained its composure. A flat voice rang out from nowhere: “You’re borrowing a medium to project an illusory avatar while enduring the suppression of this realm’s laws. This has already consumed most of your energy.”

“The strength this avatar can currently display is likely less than one ten-thousandth of your true power. “

“To destroy this avatar’s space-time principle with that meager strength is far from enough.”

“Hah, stop spouting nonsense!”

With the Ghost Lord as his backer, Qin Feng spoke extremely boldly.

Seeing this, Xuan Yi in the Divine Sea could only shake his head helplessly.

However, the little girl’s next words made Qin Feng’s heart turn deathly col.:

“It speaks the truth. The suppression from the laws of this realm is too great on me. This avatar cannot sustain itself for long, let alone exert my full power.”

As she spoke, Qin Feng could clearly feel the little girl’s body becoming more translucent compared to before!

“Is there really no way at all?”

The little girl shook her head, the black light from the spirit leaf gradually dimming as her avatar faded away continuously.

Qin Feng’s hope also withered along with the dissipating Ghost Lord!

But at the very last moment before the avatar dispersed completely, Qin Feng heard her transmit: “You possess a means to connect the Yin and Yang realms and open a rift between them.”

“While in the Netherworld, I can use that spatial rift to directly pull your opponent into it.

Remember, you two must be close enough for this to succeed.”

Hearing this, Qin Feng tightly gripped the spirit leaf, gazing at the giant eyeball with grave resolution.

The latter’s eye flashed with mockery: “What a pity, the Ghost Lord cannot save your life. And how much longer can you maintain this lightning array?”

“The moment it dissipates, I will gravely injure you, gradually devouring your physical body as you watch me take the Primordial Qi from within you.”

As it spoke, the crimson tadpoles surrounding it opened their mouths to reveal sharp, deadly fangs, a terrifying sight.

“Well? Do you need me to lend you my power to grasp that slim chance of survival?” Xuan Yi asked solemnly.

“No need, I have a way!”

Qin Feng exhaled lightly, then waved his hand, instantly shrinking Chi Qi’s figure to perch on his shoulder, baring its teeth menacingly at the giant eyeball.

At the same time, the entire sea of lightning seemed to boil over with arcs of lightning surging.

With my remaining energy, I can maintain the formation for at most ten breaths. I only have one chance. Qin Feng’s expression was grave as he clenched his fists tightly!

“Attempting a desperate gambit? Futile.” The giant eyeball’s disdainful voice rang in Qin Feng’s mind.

Space swirled into a vortex, enveloping it in an impregnable shield once more.


In that split second, Qin Feng struck!

The rolling thunderbolt coiled around him like a dragon, surging ferociously towards the giant eyeball.

With a wave of his right hand, the lightning dragon roared, swallowing those crimson tadpoles completely. Even more ferocious thunderbolts descended en masse upon the eyeball’s location!

It was like the heavens were crumbling down!

But against that space-time principle’s spatial vortex, these thunderbolts could not pose any threat to the giant eyeball!

“Just the final throes before death.” The cold, indifferent voice spoke, showing contempt in its gaint eyeball.

However, upon hearing this, Qin Feng smiled faintly: “Is that so?”

At this moment, the distance between them was less than a zhang!

Gripping the spirit leaf tightly, he had Bai Su open the connection between the Yin and Yang realms.

The emerald-green lightning crackled as space shuddered. An even more terrifying pressure than before descended!

“What is this?!” Shock filled the giant eyeball’s massive eye.

From the emerald spatial rift emerged thick Netherworld demonic qi, condensing into an inky black giant hand that firmly grasped the eyeball.

The spatial vortex shielding it shattered into pieces upon the first contact!

That black hand was like shackles, constantly dragging the eyeball into the Netherworld. No matter how hard the latter struggled, it was to no avail.

The gap in their strengths was like the difference between heaven and earth!

Seeing its powerlessness against this reversal, the giant eyeball became calm instead.

“Just a broken realm, merely prolonging its shambles by borrowing power. It has already awakened and will gradually devour this realm until its existence is extinguished.”

As the words fell, a loud boom rang out.

The black hand retreated back into the Netherworld as the eyeball’s aura vanished completely.

The surrounding scene began changing as the imagery Qin Feng witnessed in the Mirror Flower, Water Moon realm reappeared.

The giant eyeball appeared and the bloody slaughter began again.

But its dialogue with the Ghost Buddha was still inaudible.

At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly noticed that under Jinyun E’s wide black and red robe, a figure slipped away into the void, disappearing without a trace.

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