Nova Roma

Chapter 264 - Chain reaction

Little Bastet got bored of being with her grandfather for what was where her parents were, where she could see them sleeping naked, not caring much she got between her mother’s hand and her father’s chest where she found a good place to sleep.

In the morning Flavio woke up with the first rays of the sun also felt a soft sensation on his chin that kept tickling, when he looked down he could see that his daughter Bastet’s little ears were moving uncontrollably while her little face had a smile.

Beside him he could see Hellena also with a smile, Flavio woke Hellena with a kiss on her forehead and then woke her little Bastet.

They got up and took a bath in Family and then prepared to receive the ancestor Ra, Anubis was making some modifications to the local temple so that his grandfather could be summoned.

When they left their room they went to the temple where Grandfather Anubis was working but before that, they decided to have breakfast to have the energy for the theater of the day.

Despite being pouring rain, the soldiers and merchants continued their work, to avoid illness for the soldiers they used their black raincoats with which they avoided getting wet.

The raincoat was created by Flavio months ago using a leather base which was bathed in black painted latex, thanks to this the result was perfect to protect from the rain.

Flavio decided to use a black dye with a carbon base because the rubber obtained from the trees has a natural white or pink color, which would not be comfortable for the soldiers because those colors get dirty very easily.

In the dining room of the camp, Hellena fed the little Bastet while she had breakfast with chocolate milk and a piece of bread stuffed with cheese "Flavio now that we are united I would like to ask you if there is something I can do for liberating the women inside you.

Although I can’t see her, I can feel her loneliness of being locked in that place, I wish she could live with us apart I can feel she has enough feelings with you. "

Flavio who was eating some enchiladas with crocodile meat looked at Hellena with a smile "We will have to ask the grandparents or mother Tonantzin to know if there is a way to release her.

Although it may not be far from me because we are united, I suppose we will have to make the biggest bed. "

Death who listened to what Flavio said in the white room could only blush "Thank you Flavio ..."

When they finished eating they went to the small temple that would be adapted so that Ra could be without enough comfort.

The priestesses of the place helped the god Anubis in everything he needed to condition the temple even some looked at him with eyes of admiration and desire for the body so well defined.

Anubis while moving some things could feel like in his head that a small face was bald next to some little hands that were patting him, he raised his hands and took care of his granddaughter.

"We have arrived. Grandfather, you want us to help with something or just wait for the arrival of the ancestor."

Anubis turned his face while hugging his little granddaughter "There is no need daughter but you can send Flavio to receive the guests should not belong in coming.

In the early morning, a Nahual messenger arrived who wanted to wake them up but I saw them so tired that I asked him to give me the message.

It seems that their union ritual reached Mayahuel’s ears while she was taking care of my grandchildren after she heard everything they felt, she quickly went to ask Shini about the union ritual.

All the women of Flavio and Artemis listened to Mayahuel and then asked Shini conscientiously, Artemis wasted no time and tried with Apollo until this worked, motivated Miyuki to organize Cyra, Arisai, and Mayahuel to be able to leave immediately to try The joining method.

That’s why they are on their way, by the way, little Aule is being taken care of by Shini under the supervision of Artemis while Apollo stayed taking care of the children. "

Flavio sighed "Thanks for the information Grandpa I’m going to receive them."

When Flavio left the room Anubis looked at Hellena with compassion "It doesn’t bother you that I’m with other women."

Hellena smiled and shook her head "Because Grandpa should bother me, you know if I had asked him, it would only be him and me, but after seeing Felix, my thoughts changed completely.

Not to mention that it also influenced all the energy that overflows, my body could not stand it, only when Miyuki arrived things stabilized for a little while and now with Shini things are much simpler.

But now that I am united with him I have nothing to fear, if you can grandfather try it with grandmother, it will take your relationship to another level, apart from you you are not like Zeus who likes to have sex with anything he breathes. "

Anubis thought as Bastet’s little hand clenched his nose "I’ll ask Flavio about the method and I’ll try, I trust your word daughter."

Flavio did not have to wait for a long time why he saw one of Admés’ gliders arrive in the sky, quickly using his divine energy to guide whoever was piloting the glider.

Miyuki detached the lines that united them with the Nahual messengers and despite the rain, he could see the divine energy of Flavio with which he was guided to arrive.

In Japan, he learned to pilot different types of aircraft only as a hobby as a teenager, although he could only reach up to two-engine light aircraft.

But I had to admit that despite being a glider made of fairly rustic materials, it was strong enough and well built to plan.

Miyuki controlled the glider while slowing down and followed Flavio’s wake of divine energy to land safely.

The glider lowered and touched down safely, at that moment Flavio held him by the back frame to prevent him from skidding, slowly the speed went down until he stopped ...

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