NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 134: I Warned You!

Chapter 134: I Warned You!

"Alright," Jeffrey said, and the next moment he exchanged silent glances with a bunch of the players here. The next thing happened for ten players to vanish in thin air.

"Will they be alright alone?" Nara seemed worried, as many players were already tracking them.

"I don't intend to make them have all the fun, right?" he laughed, before muttering:

"Shade doppelganger festival!"

Thirteen dark clones appeared. "Go and bring all the monsters in the area you can," he then turned as he added with a smile, "and be sure to come from that direction."

Others turned to see the direction he aimed at with his head; it was the direction of the safe tree line!

"Evil, hehehe," one of the players laughed, as all understood his meaning. The next moment every clone moved, as they went to complete this mission with the best of their ability.

"Sigh, why can't I have such an OP skill?!" Nara muttered, envying him for having such handy skill. 'Will you explain how to get such skill to me?' and she sent him a message at once.

'Oh, this is a secret.'

'C'mon, I will tell a secret of mine as well.'

'Hahaha, are we playing truth or dare here right now!' he laughed out loud, making everyone glance at him in a strange way.

'If you want it this way, we can,' and she replied with a faint smile over her face.

'Perhaps later.'

'Can't you tell me now? Please?'

'Hahaha, as if adding please would do,' again he laughed and everyone had already gotten used to his strange behavior.

'What? You don't want me, right?' she sent back, testing his intentions.

'Well, you are a beauty, that's a fact.'

'This is my lucky day then, the merciless Bloom is praising me, hahaha,' this time it was her turn to laugh. The team moved their eyes between the two before they started to mind their own business.

And a message was sent to Jeffrey at once.

'Stay away from the lady, she is way above your league!' His words seemed rude, yet he was trying to advise Bloom.

'Don't worry,' Bloom just replied back to him, 'focus on the fight, monsters will come hot upon your place soon,' he added, changing the topic.

'She out of my league? Huh, she is exactly my match,' he didn't know if he should laugh or cry, but he was the other rival in the challenge to get this beauty.

As they kept moving forward, while Jeffrey and the other ten members kept killing players here and there, the world suddenly rumbled.

Bloom was the first to sense this, as he got used to the way his clones brought monsters to him. 'Retreat now,' and the next moment he sent this order to Jeffrey who didn't dare to delay.

"What brought you back so early?" as he appeared in the group, Nara suddenly asked in doubt. Before he could explain, the noise and rumble coming from the distance explained everything.

And he just sent her privately telling about Bloom's words.

The incoming monsters were enraged, running fast and coming hot, smashing anything in their path!

"Wow, they brought much more monsters this time," one of the players said as the size of the dust cloud at the back proved his words.

As for Bloom, he knew his clones were too capable to depend upon.

Even more than his group here!

"Wow, they are petrified in their places, hahaha!"

"Some are trying to return to the village, hahaha!"

"Too late, losers!"

Players were taken out of surprise, and when they tried to react; their actions were really clumsy and bad. This invoked the laughter among his team, and he stood there smiling and saying nothing.

It wasn't bad having fun moments from time to time with them.

They couldn't return to the village, as the ticket would take a few seconds to be activated. Just as some of them tried to move back to the village, the monsters had reached them and then they were all entered into a combat mood.

They couldn't retreat anymore, and all of their tickets were rendered useless!

"Look, some are running our way," just as the clones Bloom summoned were killed, and the monsters started to look for other targets to fight; some of these targets ran towards them.

"Retreat," Bloom gave the order fast while adding, "Jeffrey, they are all yours."

"My pleasure," then he went invisible along with ten more. The assassins started to hunt those few daring to catch up to them, and after a few minutes; none was now following them.

Still the big ruckus caused by the large number of monsters summoned here made those not aware of Bloom's presence to be alarmed.

Even some had the curiosity to come and take a look.

This move, the monster tide ability as some loved to call, was now one of Bloom's signatures.

The monsters killed off the players in a short time, then they started to expand, divide upon themselves, expanding the scale of this battle.

'That's great,' and Bloom liked this strategy, as like this no one would be able to come after him from miles away.

'I just need to wait for their red to be gone,' he thought, before glancing back at the monsters and waiting.

"Will we aim to kill them all?" One of the team members asked.

"No," and Bloom refused, "after you are all clean, you will go to the village and find us two levelers and one alarmer."

"They will go, but I will stay back," Nara suddenly said, and everyone exchanged glances between her and Bloom as if they were imagining them on a date.

'I warned you, you are risking your life here man,' Jeffrey sent, blaming him for something he didn't wish for!

'Can you go with them?' Bloom sent to Nara.

'What? Afraid of being alone with me this much?' and she joked back.

'Consider it this way.'

'Nah, I want to stay with you a little on our own,' she then turned to glare at him, 'I know you hold secrets off me, and I want to know them all!'

'I won't tell any!'

'Sure, then I will stick to you like a shadow. Let's see how you can keep your secrets from me like this.'

'Won't you want to eat?'

'I have my nutrition fluid tank full.'

'What about meeting friends? Hanging out with your close ones? Family and relatives and these stuff.'

'I don't have anyone close to me and isn't playing the game already.'

He glanced silently at her, and she glanced back; none of the two was willing to step back an inch here!

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