Online Game: Starting with an SSS-Level Plundering Talent

Chapter 85: Chapter 85: Toby’s Misfortune, Attribute Fusion Stone

Chapter 85: Chapter 85: Toby’s Misfortune, Attribute Fusion Stone

The Elemental Secret Area.

Massive waves of elemental energy surged all around.

John was puzzled. With such abundant elemental energy, his magic attacks should be stronger, so why was magic supposedly unusable here?

Perhaps Toby had another anti-magic charm or a similar item up his sleeve.

He glanced at Toby beside him but remained expressionless, quietly observing the surroundings.

In the distance, a city stood tall.

This was the city Toby intended to establish. By using the City Building Order and withstanding twelve hours of attacks, the city would be successfully founded.

"Godslayer, I'm counting on you," Toby said sincerely before activating the City Building Order.

[Announcement: Player Toby has initiated the establishment of Imperial City. If it withstands 12 hours of monster tide attacks, the city will be successfully established.]


The announcement echoed three times, causing a stir across the world of Gods.

This was the Mike White Family's second attempt to establish a city, as their first had ended in failure.

Players everywhere were curious to see if they would succeed this time.

John's private chat lit up with messages.

It's from Ritchie, Armstrong, and others.

All asking about Toby's city-building efforts.

But he didn't reply, his focus on the monsters appearing below the city walls.

These were elemental golems, unique to the Elemental Secret Area.

The monster tide had begun without any preparation time, as Toby had not requested any.

The players on the city walls started to panic as they watched the wave of elemental golems approach.

Each golem was at least level 60, with third-tier strength.

Far beyond their ability to handle.

Toby, however, showed no signs of worry. He turned to John and said, "Godslayer, it's up to you."

John frowned, suspecting that the elemental golems weren't truly attacking the city but were instead targeting him.

"Sure thing," John replied, coldly smiling as he swiftly attacked-not the golems below, but Toby himself.


John's longsword pierced through Toby's body, a terrifying damage number flashing above him.


Toby's eyes widened in shock, glaring at John. He didn't even have time to scream before he dissolved into a flash of white light, disappearing on the spot.

A one-hit kill!

A jade stone fell to the ground.

It was the Elemental Key.

John quickly snatched it up and stored it in his ring.

The surrounding members of the Mike White Family were stunned, staring at John in confusion, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Wasn't Godslayer supposed to help them? Why had he just killed Toby in an instant?

John didn't give them any time to react. He immediately attempted to cast Fire Meteor Shower, a wide-area attack.

But there was no elemental response.

[Elemental confinement detected. You are unable to cast skills.]

A notification appeared, and John realized it was the elemental golems below causing this interference.

If that's how it was, then he wouldn't rely on skills.

John swung his longsword and charged straight into the crowd of Mike White Family members, ready to cut them down.

John's physical attacks were even more devastating than his magical ones, and every strike

was a critical hit. No player could withstand even a single blow from him.

The only downside was the lack of an area-of-effect physical attack skill.

Screams filled the air as one player after another turned into flashes of white light, disappearing.

Finally, the players began to realize what was happening.

"Godslayer, sir, you're making a mistake! The elemental golems are the real enemies!" one of

the panicked players shouted, desperately trying to correct John.

"Damn it! We've been tricked! This guy wasn't here to help us at all!"

"Help! I don't want to lose any more levels!"


Screams and curses echoed around the battlefield.

At that moment, the elemental golems also joined the fray, launching countless spells.

The golems were unaffected by any restrictions and unleashed their skills, indiscriminately attacking the surrounding players.




Damage numbers began to appear above John's head as well.

The elemental golems couldn't break through his magical defenses, but their sheer numbers were overwhelming, and even the constant trickle of 1-point damage began to wear on him.

He instinctively tried to cast Iron Armor, but it failed once again.

Earth-based magic was also sealed.

That left only his rare dark, spatial, and lightning skills.

John wasn't in a hurry to deal with the elemental golems. Instead, he plunged into the mass of

players, swinging his longsword, painting the battlefield with blood.

No one could stand in his way.


A scorching dragon's flame suddenly rained down from above-it was Avis.

John was surprised that Avis's Dragonfire Breath wasn't affected by the elemental


Dragonfire Breath was fueled by the internal energy of beasts, making it immune to the

elemental seal.

With Avis by his side, John gained another powerful ally.

In the combined onslaught from John and the elemental golems, the over ten thousand

players were swiftly wiped out.

Now, only the endless elemental golems remained.

"Now, it's your turn," John sneered, unleashing a relentless barrage of dark magic Annihilation, Lightning Chain, and Spatial Rift Slash in quick succession.

These three spells, though small in range, coupled with his terrifying cooldown reduction, allowed him to cast continuously, making his kill efficiency rival that of any area-of-effect


The elemental golems had high magic resistance, but under John's overwhelming magical damage, they still fell in droves.

"Why am I not getting any experience?" John frowned. After killing hundreds of elemental golems, he hadn't seen any increase in experience points, nor had his Plunder talent activated. It seemed these golems, much like the trial golems, weren't considered living beings.

However, unlike trial golems, these elemental golems did drop items-crystal shards. John didn't bother inspecting them, focusing instead on the frenzied slaughter of the

remaining golems alongside Avis.


Meanwhile, in Green Moon.

Toby respawned at the resurrection point, his face blank with shock, before he erupted in a

furious roar, "Godslayer! How dare you betray me! I'll kill you so many times that you'll end up back in the newbie village!"

The nearby players glanced over at Toby, then quickly moved away, shaking their heads. To them, this guy was clearly insane-challenging Godslayer was nothing short of suicidal. The Dark Humans had issued a bounty on Godslayer, but even after all this time, no one had dared to make a move against him.

"How did you end up dead?" At that moment, Green Moon's city lord, Dine, approached with a squad of elite guards, frowning as he asked the question.

Dine had been lying in wait with his men, ready to ambush Godslayer when he respawned.

Instead, Toby had appeared.

Seeing Dine, Toby felt like he'd been thrown a lifeline. He hurried over, urgently explaining,

"My lord, that Godslayer tricked me. Will those elemental golems be able to kill him?"

Dine took a step back, frowning, and said calmly, "Don't worry, it won't be a problem." He then added, "I'll send a squad of elite guards into the Secret Area to assist the golems."

"Good," Toby replied, nodding quickly, eager for any help he could get.

Dine extended his hand. "Give me the Elemental Key."

Toby quickly opened his inventory, but after searching for a while, he couldn't find the key.

His face paled, and he swallowed nervously. "My lord, it seems I dropped the Elemental Key."

"What? You useless fool!" Dine roared, striking Toby with a powerful blow.

As expected, Toby was killed instantly. Fortunately, he respawned right next to the

resurrection point.

Emerging with a blank expression, Toby stared at Dine, anger creeping into his voice. "My lord, why did you attack me?"

Dine glared coldly at the freshly respawned Toby, barely containing his fury as he said, "Do

you realize how important the Elemental Key is? If you don't recover it, you'll be hunted by the Dark Humans endlessly."

Toby's heart sank with dread, realizing that the jade stone must have been incredibly


He had no doubt about Dine's threat.

The Dark Humans practically controlled the entire Skyline Continent. Unlike John, Toby didn't

have the strength to stand up to them. If they targeted him, he wouldn't make it out of the

newbie village.

All he could do now was pray that the elemental golems in the Elemental Secret Area were

strong enough to kill Godslayer.

And hope that Godslayer didn't end up dropping the stone if he died in the Secret Area.

Dine shot Toby a withering glare before stepping aside to watch the resurrection point.

Without the Elemental Key, he couldn't enter the Elemental Secret Area himself, so he had no choice but to wait there.

The resurrection point flickered with light as players continued to respawn, all of them elite members of the Mike White Family-but there was no sign of John.


Inside the Elemental Secret Area, John and Avis soared into the sky. John's mana had been

drained once again.

The intermediate-level magic had greatly increased his damage output, but it had also

dramatically increased his mana consumption.

With the cooldown reduction from his Wrath of the Gods talent, John's 140,000 mana points barely lasted 20 minutes.

This was even with the added mana regeneration effects from his equipment. Lying on Avis's back, John sipped a mana recovery potion, waiting for his mana to replenish.

Once his mana was fully restored, he ordered Avis to lower their altitude and initiated another

round of slaughter. Annihilation, Lightning Chain, and Spatial Rift Slash were cast in rapid succession, with each skill being unleashed every two seconds, without any delay.

The elemental golems below had started to evolve from third-tier to fourth-tier and even


The fifth-tier golems were now a real threat to both him and Avis.

Fortunately, their numbers weren't overwhelming.

"Master, killing these guys is getting boring," Avis grumbled, his enthusiasm waning. These

golems didn't grant any experience points, and all they dropped were seemingly useless crystal shards, making the effort feel pointless.

"Hang in there, we're almost done," John replied, feeling certain that there was some hidden secret within this Elemental Secret Area.

Only about three thousand fifth-tier golems remained below.

John and Avis worked together, quickly wiping out the remaining golems.

The ground was littered with crystal shards, but aside from these, there were no other


Avis landed, and John curiously picked up one of the shards to inspect it.

The next moment, his eyes widened, and his breath quickened. [Attribute Fusion Stone Shard: 100 Attribute Fusion Stone Shards can be combined into one

Attribute Fusion Stone, which allows the player's attributes in the world of Gods to be fused into the real world.] "It's an Attribute Fusion Stone!" John was in disbelief.

No wonder the Elemental Secret Area was tightly controlled by the Dark Humans, and why no one in the previous timeline ever discovered the existence of the Attribute Fusion Stone. Looking at the sea of crystal shards covering the ground, John couldn't help but swallow hard.

There were over 30,000 shards here, enough to create 300 Attribute Fusion Stones, which could be used to cultivate a formidable force in the real world. However, John had no intention of making this public knowledge. He decided to first use the

stones for himself and a few trusted allies, keeping the remaining Attribute Fusion Stones stored away to avoid attracting too much attention. Additionally, with the Elemental Key in his possession, John could return to the Elemental

Secret Area whenever he wanted, ensuring a continuous supply of Attribute Fusion Stones.

John collected all the Attribute Fusion Stone shards, ultimately synthesizing 363 Attribute Fusion Stones.

Satisfied, he pocketed them all, then turned his attention to the nearby city.

With the elemental golems cleared out, if he didn't destroy the city, it would be successfully

established after twelve hours, rendering all his efforts pointless.

He entered the city, found the city's altar, and destroyed it without hesitation.

The announcement echoed once more.

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