Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 488 ...Enough For Me



Bai Guiren was still dumbfounded by the car that had no driver in its driver's seat. But what shocked him more was that Zhao Fu was helping Jiang Meilin enter the car and then her words that followed.

"I think you know by now why we are not taking a bus."

So he misjudged that man? He could not believe it.

'How could that man own such an expensive model like this car? Or did he–'

Before Bai Guiren's thoughts could run wild, Zhao Fu spoke as his towering figure blocked whatever light that was around them.

"Do not judge a book by its cover. It is a common saying. But I will skip the fact that you are too stupid to know," Zhao Fu's insult pierced through Bai Guiren's ego.

He wanted to refute, but he had no words to as the way Zhao Fu wasooking down at him with those eyes scared the hell out of him.

This made Zhao Fu happy. He leaned down a bit so that his would be at the same eye level as Bai Guiren.

"Now listen very careful, Bai Guiren. The last time you had her for God knows what reason. But this time she is mine. If I should see you just in the same place with her, you should not imagine what I will do to you. I more dangerous than I look so be careful with the things you don't say to her of her daughter."

With that said, he straightened his back and places both hands inside the pockets of the black coat he wore. He smirked when he saw the obvious scared expression of Bai Guiren on his face.

He scoffed a chuckle and turned to his car. Zhao Fu had only taken a few steps away before he stopped. But this time he did not look at the trembling man.

"Ah, before I forget... I am so much better than you. In terms of riches, power and let's not forget to add looks and built. Plus I treat Mei the way she deserves to be treated and that is like a queen," he said.

Zhao Fu continued walking and his words did not just stop there. "Further more, I can do a great job at being a father than you and also at picking a second wife which I will never because... Mei is more than enough for me."

The later part of his words, he made sure that Jiang Meilin heard him because he opened the door before saying it. And while doing so, he looked her straight in the eyes.

He wanted her to see his sincerity and the love he still held for her since all those years. He wanted her to know that no matter how long it was, the flame of love that had been set in his heart still burned and this time it was brighter.

He had not said so much words before but for her sake, he was willing to say words that could replace an ocean. That was how far he can go, what he would do and hour much he loved... No, loves her.

With his points being made clear to bot Bai Guiren and Jiang Meilin, Zhao Fu got into the car and slammed his door shut. He did not need to start the engine as it has been on.

And into the night, the black car drove leaving Bai Guiren still standing there with an ashen face.

What just happen he could not comprehend or have any words to explain it. But he did get one thing. And that is the fact that he had lost any chance with Jiang Meilin.

Whether itwas for them to get back together. Or for him to break whatever relationship she has. Or it is to make her his mistress out of pity (so he thought).

Everything was gone since the very day he made her to sign this divorce papers despite her pleading. That is to say that nothing connected them again.

Not even their daughter because Bai Renxiang has served their bond as a father and daughter.

Next, will be his company.

While Bai Guiren was still sinking into his head all that had transpired, inside the car Jiang Meilin and Zhao Fu were in was silent. No one uttered a words as both were lost interest thoughts.

Or rather they were both thinking about the same thing. The last sentence Zhao Fu said.

Jiang Meilin was flustered while Zhao Fu was... having mixed emotions. He was happy he got to tell how about he feels or still feels. But in the end he was angry.

Angry that his confession of love had to be made at such unpleasant timing. He cold not help but sigh out as if he was exhaling his anger out of his system.

'Will she think that I said those things just to wave Bai Guiren off her? What if she sees what I said was something prompted by that stupid scumbag of a man? Or better yet, would she use this opportunity to tell me that our feelings are mutual? Wait... Does she even have feelings for me at all?'

So many what if's and other questions spiralled in Zhao Fu's head. If one were to be in his shoes at the moment, they would instantly develop a headache from so much thoughts.

But Zhao Fu knew he could not and should not get a headache. If he does, who would drive Jiang Meilin home? Also, she would worry about him and that he doesn't want.

She has already spent so many years worry and stressing over pool. He did not want to be a burden that will be added to that. Instead, he wants to be the one worrying about her.

"Zhao Fu that is not the way to any of my home or the hotel," Jiang Meilin's voice broke him out of his training of thoughts.

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