Power of Creation

Book 2: Chapter 1

Book 2: Chapter 1

With the evil infecting the mansion defeated, it is about time to settle in. However, I decide to give the mansion one more look over before I invite my harem of girls inside. I head down to the basement and cast a light spell to illuminate things.

Well, thats to be expected.

The place doesnt look much like a basement. However, it fits well with my vision of a torture chamber. There are certainly racks and chains and devices foul and evil. However, the one thing that is lacking is the spirits. I make sure to give myself spirit eyes that can see any ghost's presence, and alas no spirits are making themselves known.

Perhaps defeating the ghost immediately sent them on to the afterlife, freeing them from their torment? Well, the ghosts could have at least said thank you. I was probably going to coerce them into showing more appreciation, but alas that doesnt seem to be an option. So, Ill just have to enjoy my own harem tonight. That certainly wont be an issue. Anyway, thats the end of that story. Nothing happened in that basement. Nothing! Okay?

I go back outside and call the girls in. They all make cries of relief at finally being able to enter the house. Except for the baka maids, who have worried looks even after I reassure them. Everyone else is happy to finally reach home. Well, none of them had seen the ghost, and I'm not going to frighten them with tales.

Jasmine! I bark, Can you cook?

Jasmine jumps at my question. For her age, it is probably quite late at night. Probably around 10 pm going by Earths time. She has been snoozing the entire walk over, and even now is only half awake.

Ye-yes! she almost salutes at that point, then makes a fist. I will do my best for Savior.

The kitchen is stocked now. I regrettably have to cheat a little with magic, but its a little late to be worrying about such things. Go make everyone something light to fill them before bed!

Yes, Savior!

Maids! I bark.

Yes, Boss! The four maids jump to attention.

Start cleaning the house! You have until the morning to get rid of all the dust!

Eh? We have to work all night?

If you dont do your best, punishment! I snap my finger, and for a brief second the four girls feel the same feelings they had when I broke them earlier.

The girls cry out clinging to each other with pleasure on their faces, but as soon as the images dissipate they all make crying noises as they race from the room to start cleaning with all their might.

Mm, my former husband was never half as commanding as hero-san, Aura gives me a pleased look. You would make a truly worthy ruler, hero-san.

Hero is great at everything! Ariel gives a smile.

Master is a worthy mate. Millie nods.

Im not done yet, harem! I give a shout.

To my surprise, Aura, Ariel, Millie, Grimhilde, Elysa, and most surprisingly Chris all jump to attention. Apparently, theyve all already come to accept the situation.

Lets go on a walk, girls. Why dont you pick out your rooms and Ill decorate them the way you want!

The girls start talking excitedly among themselves at the thought of being able to have their own rooms.

I thought Id be sharing my room with hero. Ariels voice leaks through sadly.

That may be so, I speak out. Ive already selected my room. The bed is massive. Enough to accommodate all of us, but not every girl may want to spend every night with me, and Ill want a place to put my clothing and stuff.

E-even I can have a room? Bell asks cautiously.

Of course, as soon as you gave yourself to me, I took responsibility for you. Even the maids will get their own room eventually, but I want them to start with the habit of working hard or they may get lazy.

Elysa seems to blush at this, which is the first time Ive seen her react positively. Usually, she has just been following the queen and princess and pretending to be their escort while ignoring everyone else. When her eyes meet mine, she has a complicated and confused look. 

Wh-what about Jasmine? Chris asks.

I stop thinking about how Ill break Elysa and turn to Chris, Ah, I figured you guys would want to share a room, especially considering youll need your little sister to help you with uh, your new feminine identity?

"Ah! I can teach Chris all about being a woman!" Ariel says excitedly. 

Yes, I must admit it, I'm really a- hey what are you doing? Dont touch there!

As they are talking politely, Ariels eyes lit up and she stuck a hand down Chriss pants to feel around. Of course, if Chris shad a penis, this might have bugged me a bit, but now it is a little arousing. Given Chriss innocence, I want to tease her a bit more before I finally break her in, so I allow Ariel to do some of the work for me. I couldn't have her running away again. 

The girls all pick their rooms on the same wing of the mansion which Ive noticed happens to be fairly close to my master bedroom. Aura and Ariel have similar tastes, wanting a room with a regal feel. Nice wooden furniture, and illustrious four post canopy beds. Aura picks white as her primary color, but also has me create a pink section in the corner for the baby crib.

Ariel has a thing for mirrors and wants one above the bed and a three-mirror in a dressing room. She mostly goes for a light pink color as the major theme. Elysa wants something a little more modest. A good soldier, she just wants a stand for her armor and a utilitarian bed. While blushing, she also requests for a portrait of Queen Aura, to remind herself of her mission and duty. Most of her color is silver and blue.

Millies color is red, and she seems to want a lot of display cases around the room. When I inquire what treasures she is trying to put on display, she merely puts her finger up to her mouth, winks, and says it is her secret. She is a dragon, so I am surprised she doesnt want some kind of cave or something. With magic, I probably could have done it, but at the end of the day, she wants a comfortable bed just like the rest of the girls.

Grimhildes room is to be expected. A large fireplace, ominous looking furniture, and sharp edges that give everything a demoness feel. Black and red are naturally the colors she went with.

Chris picks one big bed to share with her little sister but ultimately is the most modest of all of them. Having very little in life, she is very hesitant to add anything into the room. It is mostly browns and tans. A commoners room, although sized for someone who couldnt possibly be common.

Thats good, were done then.

None of the girls stay in their rooms, instead, they follow me around with expectant gazes as if they are waiting for something.

What, what is it? I ask.

Ah, my love, that is, who will be with you tonight? Grimhilde is the first to speak up as she licks her lips and swallows, clearly starting to have some withdrawals.

The other girls all intake a breath now that the question has been asked. Seven girls stare at me excitedly, wondering which one Ill play with tonight. So begins the next chapter in my life in another world. 

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