Power of Creation

Book 2: Chapter 25

Book 2: Chapter 25

You saved my life. Kida is giving me a heartfelt look. You saved everyones lives. Im not sure I should call you rookie any longer.

After my bath (2nd), I had emerged and dressed only to find Kida on her way to get something to eat in the dining room. She had finally woken up, and the ladies had graciously explained to her what had happened while she was passed out in one of my spare bedrooms.

Well, she got a story like what the rest of the villagers were told. I challenged the Goblin Queen, beat her in combat, and the army was ordered to retreat while I held the Queen as collateral.

Well, thats not exactly the whole story. I muse, taking Kida to my basement.

Her mouth falls open at the sight. My basement has been enlarged by a couple of kilometers and consists of a massive network of rooms, corridors, mess halls, and so forth.

I didnt realize the owner of this mansion had built such a fortress under here. She says wonderingly.

Well, they hadnt, but I needed some place to put my new army. With the goblin army having abandoned their homes to invade, monsters would have moved in. Marching back and reclaiming their homes would have resulted in significant loss of life. I am, for all intents and purposes, their ruler now, so I decided to make a place for them.

I provide them every comfort, including an artificial outdoor area for them to train in and get sun. I exaggerated to Shivra when I told her that my sex dolls were destroyed. Rather, I ended up repurposing them. They are the maids, cooks, and entertainment for my army.

It isnt all that bad. The goblins are higher order monster when compared to most, so they are about on the same level as Shivra. They are crass, slovenly, and rude, but I took a bunch of the most promising ones, promoted them, downloaded some military etiquette into their minds, and they are now putting the rest of the army into a structured order. Orderly outfits, orderly beds, they are expected to adhere to a certain level of discipline. No more broken sex dolls.

I told them if they broke another sex doll that Id take all the sex dolls away, and they were quite determined to follow the rules after that. With regards to the women and children left behind, there are none. The time from child to adult is only 2 weeks, so all the children already grew up on the way here. As for women, that was a more interesting story.

For goblins, women only have a 1 in a thousand chance of being born. Therefore Shivras mom discarded her rather hypocritically. Some Goblins saw Goblin women as a bad omen or inferior species. She was saved because certain goblins believed that goblin-goblin babies known as purebreds like Shivra are physically more powerful. I dont know if this is true, but it seems that way if Shivra is any indication.

Will this be alright? Kida asks nervously watching a group of goblins march by.

They are incentivized to stay nice. With my girls not capable of having babies, they wont grow out of control either, so I think its safe.

Um rookie Kida suddenly speaks nervously. What is your intention, after all with this army and such?

I wonder


Ah, I get it. So youre worried Im going to start my own country and take over the world or something?

Riun is a border city. We technically have no official country of our own, even though Nidia supports us. This city and ones like it sit as trading posts for collaboration between the demons, humans, and demi-humans. Thats why were so diverse. However, if a war broke out, we are the first victims. This goblin fiasco shows that. Most people who live in this no-mans land believe that name is inefficient, because this is closer to an everyones land. We believe in a country where all species can get along.

Youve accepted beastmen, demons, and even goblins into your home. Youre strong stronger than I ever imagined. Youd have the power to do things the way you wanted. A country where every person is equal. I never thought Id ever see the day.

Are you suggesting I conquer all the nearby cities and start my own country?

Kida shrugs at that. Im suggesting you think about it.

I nod but decide to change the subject for the moment. What about you? What now?

Ah, well, Ill be heading back to the Adventurers guild to put in my official reports on what happened. I may leave out some things. She said as she looks around the goblin underground base. After that I well can I make a selfish request?

What is that? I ask.

Do you have a spare room here?

Huh? Do you want to move here? Dont you have a place?

She smiles wryly, Ah, well, when I went to pee after waking up, some white stuff came out

Ah I didnt clean up well enough that time, well I'm not going to suck her clean like the pervert Bell did, so

I dont mind. She holds out her hand as I wear a worried frown. Youve taken and given equally. And I wont be a burden! I can even pay rent! I just want to be closer to you. I know you keep many women in your life. I just dont want to be left behind.

I laugh. Well, yeah, I guess youll still work as a guild master, right? You dont need to pay rent or anything. I can get you a room no problem.

Thank you, rookie! She suddenly throws her arms around me.

Her giant boobs end up smothering my face, and she squeezes tightly enough I might have lost some vitality if it wasnt so enormously high to begin with. Then, she pulls away and starts to blush. Quick tempered but quite modest as usual.

I suppose the other girls will need hobbies or jobs too. I dont want them to grow too lazy or fat. Everything has been such a whirlwind that nothing has been planned out. What about Bell?

Ah, well, to be honest, Ive forgiven Bell, but she was never a good fit for the Adventuring guild. Kida admitted. Im sure youll find something that fits her eventually though.

I give a nod. Very well. You better get going. Dont want to end up getting into trouble.

Kida gives a nod and fist pump. Yes! And then Ill be coming back. Perhaps tonight, we can enjoy ourselves while Im awake?

I dont answer, but I give her a wink as I follow her to the mansion entrance. However, when she opens the front door to leave, I see an elf woman standing there wearing a snobbish frown.

Huh? Who are you guys? What are you doing here, and why are you in MY mansion!

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