Power of Creation

Book 2: Chapter 45

Book 2: Chapter 45

Tsk this is boring.

Florian pulls out a Gatling gun and immediately starts blasting bullets at Meg, who jumps to avoid them. Florian doesnt pull any punches, however, it looks like this sort of play is nothing to Meg. Shes laughing and dancing around like he isnt trying to kill her. However, its only at that level. I didnt know what I expected. At the very least Megs clothing should be torn off by now and Florian should be activating hero mode.

I wave a hand and send all the girls back to the mansion. I also cast some extra protective spells over it to protect them.

You left me behind, my love, Grimhilde responds with a tight smile.

Well, I was going to go take care of your sister while they are busy playing.

The pair of us watch as their forms dance around. With Florian augmented, hes actually keeping up with a surprised Meg, and the fight is getting intense as magical spells and bombs are dropped, creating explosions all over the place. In a bit, its going to get a bit dangerous if Grimhilde remains.

Already! Grimhilde says and then puts on a wry look. Is that how abrupt your decision to conquer me was?

No I lie, I gave it a great deal of thought.

Liar. She sniffs. But if you werent so overbearingly powerful, I wouldnt have given myself to you in the first place. My sister is much more dangerous.

Yadda yadda, I wave my hands, Shall we go?

When that the pair of us reappear, instead of sending myself directly into the castle, we are now standing in front of a Demonlords castle. I immediately raise an eyebrow.

Thats strange, this place looks nice?

The castle looks like a proper castle.  There were two flustered guards standing in front of a giant gate. The ground was covered in green grass, and there is forested terrain as far as the eye could see. The scene wouldnt go amiss in a human part of the world.

Dont be mean, my love. My territory was the smallest and poorest. We lived in a mountainous area surrounded by active volcanoes and mineral deposits. That doesnt denote the entire demon world. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

State your business! The two guards finally regain their composure and demand from the pair of us.

I nudge Grimhilde. Well?

Grimhilde shoots me a wry smile before responding, I am seeking the presence of the Demonlord, my sister. I am Demonlord Grimhilde. Please let her know I have visited.

The two guards look at each other, but one of them finally shrugs. Very well, I will let the lord know, but she is very busy right now.

One of the two men left, while the other watches the pair of us.

Please, watch out for my sister, my love. Shes smart and cunning, but also always wants more. Her greed is legendary.

Ill take it under advisement. I respond.

You are allowed in. The guard finally returns and waves the pair of us in.

I walk into a castle guided by the guard. Lavish would be an understatement when looking at this castle. Greed, was it? Malent seems determined to advertise as much of her wealth as possible. The walls are lined with expensive tapestries, and I cant walk two steps without walking by another statue or vase on display. It all looks kind of expensive.

The pair of us are taken to a massive doorway leading into what appears to be the throne room. The doors swung open grandly as trumpets blare. There is a long red carpet that stretches up to a massive throne. Lining that carpet is a long honor guard of demons. At this point, the pair of us can only walk forward. I head along the carpeted walkway, and as I approach I to start to notice the woman on the throne.

A loli! The trumpeting music stops just as I say this, the word loli echoing loudly through the room.

The little girl sitting on the throne looks only slightly older than Jasmine. She has a pair of red pigtails. Like Grimhilde, she has a horn and tail. However, the end of her tail doesnt hold a spade, but a diamond. Her proportions are all much smaller than Grimhildes. Small chest. Small body. Small face. Small horns.

Let me do the talking, my love, Grimhilde whispers to me, trying to ignore my slight even as some nearby guards give me a tight look. Hello, Malent. Its been a long time my sister. How have you-

Ah! I see youve brought me a slave! How generous of my little sister!

Little! I say before I can stop myself.

Im the youngest Demonlord, remember? Grimhilde whispers to me before continuing in a loud voice. Well, you see, hes actually my-

Your boyfriend or something? Well, give him to me anyway. Malent speaks blatantly.

Grimhilde hisses quietly in a voice only I can here. Shes always like this. Taking other peoples things.

Ah ho do you perhaps love him? Malents eyes shine as she licks her lips excitedly and doesnt wait for an answer. In that case, Guards, bring him to me! Let me show her boyfriend the charms of a real woman!

But shes a loli heh, guards? Before I can even react, a bunch of guards have grabbed onto the pair of us and are now dragging me right up to Malent's feet.

I was afraid this would happen. Grimhilde whispers over to me. Shes jumped to her own conclusions. She wants to take you for herself to embarrass me, that greedy wench. Beware, my love, she isnt nearly as sharing as I have been.

Well, its not like I wont have fun breaking her. I respond frankly.

Grimhilde gives a tight smile. Can you, at least, go easy on my big sister?

No worse than Ive done to you.

I was afraid of that.

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