Power of Creation

Book 2: Chapter 47

Book 2: Chapter 47

Guards! Arrest him! She shouts, but Ive already waved my hand.

I teleport myself, Grimhilde, and Malent into Malents bedroom, locking the doors in the process. Her room had a large imposing bed, but other than that, it has a shockingly large number of stuffed animals. Like stuffed animals everywhere.

Ah! How did you do that? Why are we in my room?

I swipe my arms across the bed, knocking off all the stuffed animals, then toss Malent onto the bed with ease.

Ah, Spidey! Malent shouts as I kick a stuffed animal of a spider away.

I go and grab the spider and drop it on her chest. You can hold that while we go if it makes you feel better.

She chucks the spider at my head. You idiot! Thats not the point! What are you planning to do with a Demonlord! Ill kill you!

Hey, do I really need to be here for this? Grimhilde asks wryly, intruding on our conversation.

You dont want to join?

Grimhilde lets out a laugh. Im not Ariel, my love, incest is a little

Ah, well, once I have all your sisters, I was just planning a big orgy.

My love has such ambitious plans. Grimhilde responds dryly, It looks like itll be an inevitability. But at least, for the moment, Ill just watch.

Like that, I quickly convince Grimhilde to watch as I bang her sister by making the alternative even worse.

Oh, ho, so I see little Grimhilde has lost her virginity to this deviant. Malent gives Grimhilde a mocking grin.

Arent you just a virgin too? I respond.

Im not! She shouts, banging down her fists. Im not, Im not, Im not. I said it three times, Im not. Ive had sex lots and lots!

Ah, could it be that they didnt fit?

Guh! Malent makes a noise as if she had been struck in the chest.

So, it was something like that after all.

What do you mean? Grimhilde asks curiously.

Well, Malent has such a small body. So, she gets a guy and he cant get it in. Shell go something like it hurts, it hurts, and hell be afraid of hurting the Demonlord so he tries half-assed and in the end no penetration happens. He might rub it on the outside until he cum on her stomach and then say they had sex. But she never orgasmed herself because her overbearing personality frightens the guys so no one earnestly fucks her.

I was making a lot of assumptions, but by the looks Malent was giving me as I spoke, it seems like it was pretty close on the mark.

It counts, it still counts, he came, it counts! Malent whines as she rolls on the bed in a tantrum.

Will you relax already, dont worry, Ill definitely penetrate you today! I give her a thumbs up.

I already said I was done! Why arent you listening to me! Im done! Im done! Stop coming closer, get that thing away from me!

Its best if big sister just accepted it.

I dont want to hear that from you!

I back Malent against the headboard of the bed. Shes panicking, but I dont really give her much room. I cant really tell if shes strong or weak, but after shamelessly raising my status after encountering Shivra, I am handling her much like the child she appears to be. I have her legs spread no matter how much she kicks, and my member pressed against her pussy. I push forward.

AH.. ow, ow, ow it hurts, it hurts, I say! Monster! Pervert! Loli-pervert!

Huh, it wont go in. I frown.

Of course it wont, I said it, didnt I. Why dont you listen? You loli-pervert! Loli-pervert!

Why is loli-pervert the name you decided on I mutter. How old are you anyway?

Im twelve! my dick slips causing her to scream as it slides up her clit. Owie! Stop!

Grimhilde I turn to the other woman in the room. You told me she was your older sister

Grimhilde raises up her hands. She is! Stop lying!

Im not lying! Im 12. Im 12! I said it twice. Loli-pervert is committing a crime!


Shes lying! First off, there is no age limit in the demon world! Secondly, youre currently in the process of raping her, exactly why are you worried about committing another crime? Finally, shes much older than me! Shes been ruling this nation since before I was born!

Im not, Im not! Please dont break me, Mister Loli-pervert!

Didnt I tell you Malent is difficult? Shes greedy but thinks nothing of lying to get what she wants!

Grimhilde you better be right.

I am! I swear it!

I give out a sigh. Fine it is time. Time to bring out my Loli breaking kit!

I wave my hand and a bag appears at the foot of the bed.

Pun, are you watching this? Be prepared to take on all legal responsibility, as I wont be held back by what Im about to do!

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