Power of Creation

Book 3: Chapter 28

Book 3: Chapter 28

Seriously!? I declare as a large grouping of women greet me in the morning. Why are you all here?

The union has a demand to officially announce! Mal responds proudly, putting out a thumb and pointing it at herself.

A union?

Yup! The Harem Union Organization! The HUO is a place where we can guarantee more sex, more attention from you, and more gifts by working together for a peaceful and harmonious at-home lifestyle!

More sex? Isnt it my decision who I want to fuck? I say back.

Not after the girls vote for proposition 69, then when you fuck one of us, you have to fuck all of us!

My harem is seriously unionizing?

Grimhilde and Aura grab Mal who is fronting excitedly and drags her back behind the group despite her protests. Grimhilde returns and tries to give a flirtatious smile like you didnt just hear something potentially troublesome.

Thats still in voting. Nothing my love needs to worry about. Shes been spreading those poisonous ideas to some of the more impressionable girls like Tiana, Jasmine, and Kida.

Arent they just the harem members I dont fuck a lot? Its not that I dont want to enjoy my extended harem but I cant always get to everyone! I only have one penis!

Grimhilde smiles wryly while scratching her cheek. Thats why they say that a union is important so that it can organize and every girl receives equal dick for an equal clit.

That barely makes sense!

Hey! Im not for the union, so dont look darkly at me!

Itd be a demon lord to come up with unions

Perhaps I'm letting the girls run around too freely. If they are having time to unionize, they might have time for other things. Soon theyll start a feminist movement. Wait, didnt she say they were voting! Women voting? Oh, Gods, soon they are going to be burning their bras and thinking they have the rights of real people!

Anyway, the girls noticed the necklace you gave Tiana and theyve all become jealous. Grimhilde continued. According to Chris, you even got one for Sansa!

What! Are you talking about the collars? Wait, whos Sansa?

Ah, right, Sansa is the name Chris gave the squirrel girl that you brought home with you. I have to say; my love has some odd tastes

Of course, itd be Sansa. I slap my hand over my face and sigh. So, you girls seriously all want collars?

We all thought it might be a good idea. People in town are starting to know the girls in your harem are off limits, but after you made everyone hot, some guys dont know whos in the harem and who isnt. If all the girls had some kind of identification, then wed all feel like we belong to you just a little bit more, dont you think?

I-is that so? I look at a bunch of eager eyes who nod excitedly as they all look at me adoringly.

Yes, my love! Youve even managed to tame me, the wild and voluptuous demon queen. It should only be natural that you claim your prize with a label.

Werent you rather easy to tame though?

My love saying things like that hurts my pride a little.

Your sister put up a much bigger fight

Isn't she the one trying to form a union though?

Don't use logic with me! I shake my head disapprovingly. Although, the collar idea isnt a bad one. I could install it with magic so I could locate you guys whenever I want.

Surveillance?  My love thats hardly

And of course, a light shocking ability for quick punishments

Suddenly, the collar idea is sounding like a poor one

Alright! Its decided! I say a little louder so all of the girls can hear. Ill get you each a custom-made collar from me to you!


Did you hear that, baby, mommy is going to get some jewelry. Elysa says while rubbing her stomach and blushing.

And none of this would have been possible without unions! Mal declares.

Is-is that so? Kida asks stiffly. Can you truly guarantee that rookie and I can have sex while Im actually awake?

Absolutely! Once the union is in place, we can force him to sign a legal document guaranteeing that you must be awake and also that it takes place in your vagina. I see you over there eyeing us, Shivra. Butt sore? Join the union today and guarantee some sweet pussy sex!

Shivra snorts and turns her head away. Who said Id want to have sex with the warrior anyway even though I am still unbroken

You can finally stop all those mean rumors like them calling you Shitra who can only take it in the ass!

Shivra turns back with a flash. Who calls me that! Who? Ill stab them with my sword until theyre dead!

I wonder? Mal responds vaguely while ducking the raging Shivra.

As I hear some troubling words, I realize I will have to deal with this union problem eventually. However, first I need to make some collars!

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