Practicing Basic Sorcery for Billions of Times Made Me Invincible

Chapter 81 - The White Tiger Tower, the First Lesson to Ella

Chapter 81: The White Tiger Tower, the First Lesson to Ella

Chapter 81: The White Tiger Tower, the First Lesson to Ella

Everyone raised their heads to look at Ella. They watched as Roderick held Ella’s little hand, walking step by step towards the high platform.

Their eyes were filled with incomparable envy.

At this moment, they all knew that this little trash who couldn’t train was probably going to become significantly successful in the future.

Was being unable to train really something that couldn’t be resolved by Lin Lei, the number one Master of the Ultimate Sword in the uttermost East?

That might not necessarily be the case!

Lin Lei was no ordinary person, and the newly acquired Ella was definitely no ordinary disciple.

Ella’s current status was incomparably exalted!

After all, she was the disciple of the Ultimate Sword Master!

Even the eldest sons of those noble magus clans, compared to the current Ella, were like fireflies and the bright moon!

At this moment, Roderick finally led Ella onto the stage. Finally, at this moment, Ella also came to her senses.

She was incomparably nervous. She didn’t know where to place her hands, and her little hands were tightly gripping the hem of her dress.


“I, I, I…”

Ella didn’t know what to say at all. Her little face was flushed red. She had always been a cowardly person, and now that she was standing in front of everyone. Moreover, she was facing an important figure like Lin Lei.


With a plop, Ella knelt down on one knee in Lin Lei’s direction.

Seeing Ella’s appearance, Lin Lei couldn’t help but smiled calmly. With his right hand in the air, an extremely gentle surge of mage power held Ella’s body up.

“In an hour, you can come and find me in the isolation room.”

After giving his instructions, Lin Lei disappeared from the high platform.

In the Plaza of Nine Towers, countless disciples cast envious glances at her.

As the most powerful existence in the empire, no one dared to stop Lin Lei from leaving. Not even Roderick.

At this moment, Roderick suddenly realized that Ella’s clothes were tattered, and dirty as well. He couldn’t help but shake his head helplessly.

“Take Ella to the bath and give her a set of the best clothes.”

“Oh yes, and also the clothes of our Li Fire Sect. Give Ella a set as well.”

Roderick instructed.

“Yes, Sir.”

In front of them, two female disciples of the Li Fire Sect walked out, taking Ella with them as they left.

In the isolation room.

Lin Lei was standing in the room, and waiting for Ella.

The reason he had accepted Ella as his disciple wasn’t because Ella’s pitiful situation.

It was because when Lin Lei looked around at the disciples in the plaza, he discovered that the reason Ella wasn’t able to train was because she had two complete magic circuits in her body!

These two magic circuits both wanted to absorb the mage power in Ella’s body. In the end, neither of the two magic circuits was able to absorb it.

If he was able to completely regulate the meridians in Ella’s body, then Ella would be able to use both the magic circuits to train at the same time.

Her speed would then be at least twice as fast as anyone else!

But of course, only Lin Lei, the current ninth rank sage, would be able to discover that Ella actually had two magic circuits in her body.

This was because the location of the magic circuits was simply too hidden. Even if Ella went to the other magus clans and asked the sages to help her investigate, they wouldn’t be able to discover it.

In that case, Ella would have two magic circuits in her body, but she would never be able to train until she died of old age.

But besides this, Lin Lei had many other reasons for accepting Ella as his disciple.

For example, Ella’s incomparably tough mental fortitude.

Even though Ella had been ridiculed by the surrounding disciples, she still didn’t flee from the Li Fire Sect. Instead, she became even more determined as was waiting in the Plaza of the Nine Towers.

Just this tough mental fortitude, no one would be able to achieve it.

As Lin Lei was thinking to himself, the sound of small steps were heard from behind him.

Lin Lei turned his head. He saw, to his surprise, the incomparably beautiful Ella, who had just finished bathing and changing her clothes.

Ella was already quite good-looking. Now that she had changed into a beige, long lolita dress, she looked just like a princess of the Empire.

However, perhaps it was due to malnutrition, although Ella had a face that could topple an entire nation, her figure was extremely petite.

Clearly, at this age, many girls had already fully developed, but Ella’s body was still very young, and her small breasts were only slightly bulging.


Ella pursed her lips, and a hint of red appeared on her fair face.

It seemed that Ella was still very nervous.

But being called ‘Master’ by Ella, Lin Lei was still in a daze.

For a moment, he felt as though he had returned to the time when he had just transmigrated to this world. The Lord of the White Tiger Pagoda was still alive, and Alice was still that lively little girl.

He had actually become someone else’s master one day.

For a moment, a complicated look flashed through Lin Lei’s face.

“Your name is Ella, right?”

Lin Lei asked calmly.

Ella nodded, then said in a soft voice.

“Ella Emilos.”

Lin Lei looked at the cramped environment within the isolation room. He couldn’t help but frown slightly.

“It’s not convenient here. Come with me.”

Lin Lei’s right hand gently tapped against the air.

In the next moment, Ella felt the surrounding scenery change, and she directly arrived in a tall tower.

It seemed that no one had come to this tower for a very long time. The ground was covered with dust and cobwebs.

Not too far away, a white tiger imprint was carved into the wall.

“Ella, let me ask you.”

“Do you want to learn the spells of the Li Fire Sect, or do you want to learn my spells?”

Lin Lei stared at the distant scenery of the tower, then asked Ella.


“I want to learn from Master.”

Ella hurriedly said.

“You can. However, the divine abilities I have are far more complicated. Compared to the spells of the Li Fire Sect. If you want to learn my spells, then you have to work a hundred times harder than learning the spells of the Li Fire Sect.”

“Can you do it?”

Lin Lei asked.

“I can.”

Previously she didn’t have much confidence, but now in Ella’s eyes, there was a hint of determination that had never appeared in her past ten over years of life.

“Very good. Then, you should take a good look at this basic magic training scroll of the Li Fire sect.”

“When you can sense the magic power in the heaven and earth and be able to use it for you, you will have entered the rudiments.”

“Everything in the White Tiger Tower, except for the tower master’s room, can be used as you wish.”

“When you are able to use the natural mage power, come find me again.”

After speaking, Lin Lei gave Ella a bronze staff, then disappeared.

Lin Lei had no intention of telling Ella that the imperial ruins were about to open.

Staring at the scroll and staff in her hands, Ella couldn’t help but put them in her bosom as a very precious treasure.

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