Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 405: What are they doing?

Chapter 405: What are they doing?

"Senja?" Xiao Jun asked with frowned on his face, slowly he followed Senja's pointing finger.

In the distance, he saw the person who Senja meant.

Her small figure was the same like two years ago, when the last time he saw her. Even though he didn't remember her face, but he bet her face was the same like the Senja's beside him.

Actually, he should have guessed it, since the other Senja had left with Modama's son two years ago, she must be in Misty Cloud Clan's territory.

However he wouldn't have thought that she would be here.

It's bad

"We need to go Senja." Xiao Jun said firmly. His face was devoid from any emotion.

Senja shook her head, getting rid of her own uneasiness upon seeing the other Senja hundreds steps away from her. "No, we should let the children off" And she added. "That is the reason you came here right?"

"We have hundreds of them already with us, all I need from them is to know what had happened to them that cause that strange behavior." Xiao Jun explained, but he couldn't take his eyes off of the other Senja's figure and Gong Xu.

Gong Xu was Modama son and Xiao Tianyao would be aggravated if he knew he was here. His brother would finish him off right there and then in the name of revenge. Seeing him, would trigger Xiao Tianyao's horrified memory and Xiao Jun didn't want that, Xiao Tianyao couldn't kill Gong Xu for revenge because it wasn't right.

"They are hypnotized." Senja hissed. Even she could tell that those people that chased them were under hypnosis.

"No." Xiao Jun said sharply. "They are not under hypnosis."

Senja turned her head, retracted her gaze from the other Senja and finally looking up at him with scowl. "Yes, they are. I know it."

"Senja," Xiao Jun looked at her. "No matter how strong the mind controller is, Modama won't be able to perform such massive hypnosis, we are talking more than hundreds soul."

Somewhere inside her head, Senja agreed with him. Albeit her ability made a great progress recently, but she wouldn't be able to hypnotize more than ten people, let alone more than hundreds, if she could she would have reverted it.

But, her stubborn mind was trying to form an argument. "Modama is an expert, he has live long enough to make a breakthrough, he could do that." She insisted.

"Let's say he could do it, but how long do you thing the suggestion will last?" Xiao Jun tried to make a reason with her.

Senja fell silent.

"Moreover" Xiao Jun continued when he saw Senja was deep in thought. "I had wounded Modama's left eyes, he isn't able to perform his ability without make a direct contact. He weakened."

"If it wasn't hypnosis, then what do you think it is?"

"I am not sure yet now, that is why we need them." Xiao Jun contemplated.

In the end Senja and Xiao Jun were standing silently, watching them talking with each other from afar.

When Xiao Jun was about to turn around and brought them out of there, Gong Xu made a move toward the cage near him and did something that neither Xiao Jun nor Senja expected.

He released the children inside the cages.

However, not only that, anot emotionless teenagers who were near Gong Xu did not seem to be trying to get in his way, while the other Senja was trying to gather them together.

"Is that a rescue mission?" Senja pointed her finger again toward their direction with blank expression.

At this time, Gong Xu had moved to the second cage.

Xiao Jun didn't answer her, but kept his puzzled gazed on them. He didn't know why Gong Xu and the other Senja did that.

A sudden movement made Xiao Jun's head snapped at his side as he saw the flash of purple hair flew in front of his eyes.

"Where are you going?" He saw Senja emerged from their hiding place, behind the trees.

"I think I need to meet her." Senja said while starting to jog toward them.

"Come back Senja!!!" Xiao Jun roared with dread marred his face.

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