Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 411: We need to go!

Chapter 411: We need to go!

"You are with them?" Xiao Tianyao's question came out as an accusation. He was squinted his eyes dangerously at Senja.

"No!" Senja shrieked in horror. "No, you misunderstand me" She whimpered by the sharp glared that Xiao Tianyao gave her.

"Your action earlier couldn't be a misunderstanding Senja" Xiao Tianyao gritted his teeth.

"He said, he wasn't the person who killed Luna" She argued with him, but didn't dare to look at him right in the eyes.

Senja's words were like a remark for him as he fuming mad. "And you believe him!? Just because he said he didn't kill her and you believe him right away!?"

Xiao Tianyao wasn't someone who would yell in indignation when the situation turned bad, especially not at Senja. He was a person who preferred to talk calmly with venom in his tongue.

Thus, when he yelled at her, Senja took two steps back in fear. She didn't like this side of Xiao Tianyao.

Senja didn't believe Gong Xu a hundred percent, but with the ability that she had, she knew that the other Senja didn't tell a lie, furthermore Gong Xu.

But, Xiao Tianyao was beyond livid to even listening to the explanation.

First, Xiao Jun was in his way and now his woman also turned her back on him. What exactly happened while both of them were away?

"I do not believe him right away, Tianyao" Senja said faintly while shaking her head. "But, why don't we ask him. I will know if he is dishonest." She tried to compromise.

"I am not open for negotiation." Xiao Tianyao brushed her off.

Afterward, he moved toward Senja direction. She thought Xiao Tianyao would kick her or something related, but he walked past her and faced Gong Xu as he pointed his sword to his face.

"Draw your sword!" He commanded.

Gong Xu looked over at Senja who was standing behind his back. "Go" He said softly. But, Senja shook her head vigorously. Instead, she grabbed Gong Xu's sleeve tighter.

"I will be fine" Gong Xu tried to reassure her, but the girl knew very well what Xiao Tianyao was capable of.

"He will kill you." She cried. She didn't want to lose him, she couldn't tolerate it. "He is going to kill you." She reiterated between her tears.

Xiao Tianyao's patient was becoming thin. Absentmindedly he walked toward Gong Xu with his sword was dragged on the ground.

Alerted, Gong Xu shoved Senja's hand which was still clutching his sleeve and ran forward to confront him. Both of them met midway and unavoidable battle occurred.

"Stay with Senja." Xiao Jun talked to her while he ran toward the fierce fight that was happening.

Senja suck in cold breath when she watched Xiao Jun put himself in the middle of flying sword dangerously. But, somehow he managed to put himself in.

After ensure that Xiao Jun could handle them, she darted her gazed through the battle and saw herself, someone who was very similar to her, was shivering in the edge of the cliff.

She could get panic attack in this rate and if she fell backward, only God knew what would happen.

Senja circling the three people who still engaged in battle, careful to not cut their space of battle otherwise she would get her neck cut inadvertently.

Senja didn't take a long time to approach the other Senja who was crying relentlessly.

"We need to get out from here." Senja told her.

Nothing they could do there except watching the nerve wrecking fight in front of them. Senja was pretty sure that Xiao Jun could handle it.

"We need to go, nothing we can do." Senja was trying to pull her hand, but she pulled it back.

"No! I will not leave him!" She shouted now.

"Xiao Jun could handle it." Senja retorted, but she couldn't make her move an inch from her spot.

She was near the edge of the cliff and she even didn't realize it.

"Come here!" Senja shouted when she absentmindedly moved back to avoid her. "No! Come here!"

The other Senja kept trying to escape from her clutch, until she felt the ground under her shaking.

Horror in both Senja's eyes was crystal clear, as the realization hit them.

Senja could see the same fear in her eyes reflected in her eyes as well when the ground under the other Senja started to collapse.

Senja let out a shrilled scream as she saw her body slowly tumbled down, her arms were flailing helplessly.

Out of instinct Senja stepped forward with aim to grab her hand, however the thing that happened next was the opposite of her intention. Her heart lurched when she realize that she was going to fall down.

She brought Senja down to the pitch dark cliff with her.

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