Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 413: Where am i?

Chapter 413: Where am i?

"I will find them." Gong Xu stated as he stood up and walked away from the cliff.

Xiao Tianyao gave a deadly stared at Gong Xu. But, he agreed with him nonetheless. He needed to find Senja, he would find her even if he has to cooperate with Gong Xu. He would find her.

Xiao Jun wiped the remaining blood from his mouth, stood up and followed Xiao Tianyao and Gong Xu.

After Gong Xu settled the matter with the children who were still waiting in the clearing with ten teenagers as their guards, he sent them away to Ye Xiu.

While Xiao Tianyao, Xiao Jun and him started to climb down the cliff to find them.

They have to find them.

Alive or not.


"Senja wake up!"

Someone shook her shoulder to wake her up.

"What time now?"

His voice was so familiar. A voice she had not heard for long time.

"Come on! Wake up little sister!"

Senja groaned as she stretched her body.

"You are so lazy!"

The voice mocked at her.

After a few times her name was being called, she opened her eyes slowly as the sunlight assaulted her sight. She groaned again.

"We will be late!"

Senja opened her eyes and yawned as her eyes had adjusted to the blazing light.

"Sian?" Senja called out her brother name in confusion, she abruptly sat straight and examined her surroundings. "Where am I ?"

"Where are you?" Sian raised his brows at her stupid question. "Where do you think you are?"

Senja knew where she was now even with only a glimpse, she knew this room and every item inside it. It was her room. But, the real question was that.

"Why I am here?" Panic laced in her voice as she shook her head vigorously.

"Where do you want to be?" Sian scowled and scrunched his nose when he looked at Senja's reaction. "Are you still asleep now?" Probably his little sister only slightly disoriented from her dream.

"No, no, no! That's not what I mean!" Senja made a gestured with her arms wildly. "What I meant is why I am here? I was I was" her voice trailed off to the last memory she could remember.

It was dark, totally, completely dark and Senja fell into it.

"I was on the cliff" Senja drawled. She remembered that she was trying to help Senja, but instead she fell together with her. But "Why I am here?"

Sian tapped his finger on his arms impatiently. "What is this? Nightmare?"

**Why I am here? Did I return?** Senja's eyes wide with shock.

"Sian?" She abruptly stood up and clung onto his brother's neck. "Sian" Her voice barely above a whispered, she was distraught.

"What is happening?" Sian put his arms around her body and stroked Senja's back gently. "Now, I am worry"

"Sian why I am here?" Senja started to cry. A tear escape her eyes.

"Senja, I don't understand what you mean" Sian furrowed his eyebrows, couldn't grasp the situation. "Where are you supposed to be?" He kissed the tip of her head.

"Sian" She sobbed. "Am I dead?"

"What are you talking about?" Sian swatted her back. "Of course you are not."

But, she remembered that she had fallen from the cliff. Impossible if nothing happened to her.

**Am I dead and returned to my era?** Senja frowned to herself. That's the only reason that she could muster right at the moment.

Sian broke their hug and sat her down on the edge of her bed as he tousled her hair. "Take a bath quickly, we need to go now."

Absentmindedly, Senja asked while staring at Sian. "Where we will go?"

"Grandma was submitted to the hospital last night."

"Grandma? Grandma Riana?" Senja trailed off.

"Yes." Sian nodded and was about to walk out of the room when he talked again. "You need to hurry!." He emphasized every syllable in his sentence as though there was another meaning behind it.

After Sian closed the door behind him, Senja laid her back to the bed as she stared at the ceiling.

"Is that a dream?" She whispered to herself and raised her left hand.

There, on her palm had two small red leaves.


And she felt her tears trickled down.

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