Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 420: Stop complaining!

Chapter 420: Stop complaining!

"I don't need to bring Qianru with me, I just need to leave you in the village the first time I saw Xiao Tianyao bring you along. So you don't make trouble like this." Xiao Jun seemed a little bit irritated. Bad mood in the morning, Senja guessed.

Senja pouted and made a face toward him. "Annoying" Senja muttered under her breath while Xiao Tianyao smiled fondly at her, he tousled her hair lovingly.

Xiao Jun stood up and walked toward Gong Xu, as he woke him up. With only a touch, Gong Xu's eyes opened immediately and examined his surroundings.

He looked Senja who was still in his embraced and shook her shoulder to wake her up as well.

After Xiao Jun had woken up another couple, he walked toward Xiao Tianyao who was helping Senja to stand up, yet apparently she injured her legs quite bad.

"Can she walk?" Xiao Jun asked his brother as he saw Senja clung to his neck, trying to take a step, but failed miserably.

Gong Xu had told them last night that Senja's condition wasn't in danger and would be recover after a week, it was amazing to know that no one from both Senja having serious injuries. Falling from that height, would have resulted immediate death.

However, Senja's leg needed a treatment immediately and couldn't be overused or else she needed longer time to recuperate.

"I will carry her." Xiao Tianyao said resolutely.

Senja cringed with his statement. Suddenly felt self- conscious. They didn't know how long they would walk before they could get out from the alley under the cliff. It would exhaust Xiao Tianyao greatly.

Moreover, recently Senja had been eating too much, thus of course, she would gain more weight.

She knew Xiao Tianyao was strong, but he wouldn't be possibly strong enough to carry her whole day right?

"What are you waiting for?" Xiao Tianyao snapped Senja from her own thought.

Without Senja knew it, he had been crouching down in front of her, waiting for her to hop onto his back.

"Tianyao, are you sure?" Senja's voice laced with worry. Last night the three of them had taken turn to guard while the other was sleeping.

But, Senja knew Xiao Tianyao had not slept the whole night. He was quite a skeptical person, he wouldn't sleep easily around the people who he didn't trust.

And Gong Xu was one of them, unfortunately.

"I am sure." Xiao Tianyao ensured her.

"But, I am heavy." She tried to blurt out the worst, trying to change Xiao Tianyao's mind.

However, if Xiao Tianyao was indeed changing his mind, Senja didn't know how she could catch up with the other since she couldn't even took a single step.

"You are not." Xiao Tianyao reassured her.

"But, maybe it will take a whole day."

"It's fine." Xiao Tianyao still answered her patiently, but the vein that started bulging on his head showed otherwise.

"Tianyao it will exhaust you."

Xiao Tianyao felt, talking to Senja at this moment was more exhausted rather than their travel ahead.

"You are not heavy and you will not exhaust me." He said sternly. "Now, hop on."

Xiao Tianyao was still a prince after all, so for him to kneel down and practically begged Senja to get on his shoulder was quite vexed him.

Senja still hesitated, "But" Her complained was being cut off when her body lurched forward and landed on Xiao Tianyao's back.

Someone pushed her.

Glaring, she looked her attacker as Xiao Tianyao started to stand up, she saw Xiao Jun smirked smugly on her left side.

"You complain too much."

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