Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 449: You are abuser!

Chapter 449: You are abuser!

Xiao Tianyao got the information about the last night delivery and somehow, he had a gut feeling that it would be related to Senja.

This woman truly one hell of mischievous! She really knew what she was doing.

But, Xiao Tianyao wouldn't let her get away like that. He regretted what he had done to her, but he couldn't accept it when she just turned around and left him like that.

Hell no! She needed more than that to shake him away.

He was furious, worry and remorse. He needed her and he needed her badly.

Xiao Tianyao had told him about Yun whereabouts, so he could pin point the direction that she took.

He had dispatched dozens of Crescent Moon Member to every direction possible and he would find her for sure.

He was riding his horse without stopping, he was alone while Yang Yu took another direction.

He had searched at the nearest village, but she wasn't there. Apparently, she didn't stop to overstay. So most likely she would take a carriage as her ride since she hate to ride a horse for long journey.

Moreover, she wouldn't be able to continue her trip if she didn't sleep, she must be sleep inside a carriage. She was actually a sleeper. She fell asleep easily. It was as easy as blowing out a candle.

In this rate, they would be crossed path before night fell.

Xiao Tianyao hoped the path that he chose would bring him to her.

**How dare she run away from me!?** Xiao Tianyao grumbled to himself, annoyed by her action.

But, first before he lashed out at her, he needed to apologize for treated her like that. She didn't deserve it and he was insane to actually did something like that to her.

With time, he would figure out how to deal with his regret.

Yes, he did kill Luna and nothing would change that, but if he did nothing now and kept his remorse took the best of him, he would lose Senja as well.

His horse was running faster.


Senja and Yu Long stopped near the river and let those horses to drinking the water river while both of them freshened up and stretched their body here and there.

"Don't we need to eat something?" Senja questioned him. She had been eating the fruits inside the carriage. She felt very very very healthy now. It almost like her skin was glowing. Sarcasm. "I want to eat a real food."

"You can eat those fruit inside." Yu Long answered. Senja had paid him equivalent with the whole fruits inside the carriage. So she could eat them all.

"I need rice and chicken to survive. Those fruit can't satisfy me." Senja retorted while readjusting her turban again.

"Fine, we will stop at the next village." Yu Long relented.

Senja gave a smile and sat beside him. "Have you ever heard about someone named Gong Xu?"

"The physician Gong?"

"Hmm, yes I think it's him"

"He has a problem with his hearing?"

"Yes, it's him. You know him?" Senja nodded when he mentioned the same person.

"Of course everyone knew about him. Q city is the biggest city in the Kingdom of Azura, but all wealthy people are in the L city. It is hard to find a physician in Q city before he came."

And the rest of their break time Senja and Yu Long were talking about the matter at the Q city and the smell of war between the Kingdom of Azura and Prince Xiao Jun. Apparently, almost all the people at the Q city chose to side with Xiao Jun. His influence of Azura's people was remarkable.


Senja and Yu Long stopped at the village nearby when it was getting dark, as the dusk was falling rapidly.

It was too late for lunch and too soon for dinner, but Senja didn't care about that, her stomach was growling like a broken radio and fruits couldn't sate her.

Senja made her way toward the restaurant nearby, once Yu Long stopped their carriage in front of it. She chose the menu and waited for the food to come.

It didn't take a long time before her order came and Yu Long joined her.

He sat the opposite seat of Senja and started to enjoy their earlier dinner, as they were talking with each other about many things, but mostly Yu Long would talk about his two years old son and his beautiful wife.

From the way he talked about his wife, Senja could guess, he was typical of a family man.

They were sitting near a window as the night breeze blew past her and made her shivered. She didn't have time to bring more clothes with her. Night time would be getting colder.

And Senja was grateful that she could get a ride on a carriage instead of riding a horse for a long journey.

Humming and eating, Senja almost forgot about her own pain, she was in good spirit now. Even though, sometime between the time when she didn't talk with Yu Long her mind would fly toward Xiao Tianyao again and again, along with the pain that he had inflicted.

Senja didn't hate him. No. She just needed time for herself.

But, almost like her daydream jumped forward from her head. There, she saw the man from her nightmare was standing beside her. His tall body was hovering above her with the same calm expression that she loved the most.

But, she didn't want to see him now. He even wasn't supposed to be here.

Senja panicked as the chopstick fell from her grips.

"Senja, I found you." He said with smile of relieved appear on his lips.

Shook her head vigorously, Senja gulped hard and whispered. "What are you doing here?"

Xiao Tianyao cocked his head as his perfect eyebrows furrowed in fake confusion. "Pick my wife up."


She wanted to curse out loud, but then, a better idea flashed in her head.

Senja smirked and this one sent chill run down to Xiao Tianyao's spine.

**She was up to something fishy now** He thought for himself, becoming alert.

Especially, when suddenly Senja dropped on her knees and shouted out loud.

"Long live Prince Xiao Tianyao! May your highness live for a thousand time!" Senja kept chanting until all the people inside the restaurant noticed the Prince.

It was like every person fell on their knees almost simultaneously and was saying the same words.

Xiao Tianyao wouldn't have thought that Senja would pull this trick on him. He looked around to the sea of people who were paying their respect on him with a deep frowned.

Looking Senja last attempt to escape made Xiao Tianyao's head was aching. He would never get used with her tricked.

Xiao Tianyao let all of them knelt for a little longer, when he saw Senja had jumped from her seat and sped up outside of the restaurant.

He waved them to stand up while chasing after his woman.

Meanwhile Yu Long had a silly expression etched on his face, he was very sure the man before was the second prince Xiao Tianyao, but what was he doing here? And why Senja just ran away like that?

"Who is exactly that girl?" Yu Long rubbed the back of his head with confusion.


Senja was running and running away. She forced her legs to speed up and moved faster, she knew her little trick wouldn't last for long, however no matter what she did, she would never out run Xiao Tianyao.

It was only a few meter away before Xiao Tianyao managed to grab her elbow and pulled her into his chest.

Senja kicked and wriggled, but Xiao Tianyao held her firmly.

"Long live" She attempted to use the same trick, but she should have known about this better than anyone else that she couldn't use the same trick twice in a row.

Xiao Tianyao swiftly covered her mouth and hauled her body away from the main street before there was someone who noticed them.

Somehow, he knew that Senja would be here. She wouldn't last long without food and since she didn't stop at the previous village, there was a big possibility if she was at this village.

That was why, When Xiao Tianyao saw there was a carriage in front of the restaurant, he knew right away that he was right.

"Don't scream, okay?" Xiao Tianyao said, it was more like a pleading instead of warning.

Rolling her eyes, Senja nodded. He was sound like a mafia actually, when he said those sentences.

Slowly, Xiao Tianyao released his hand from Senja's mouth, but kept his hands on her shoulder, only she knew what was inside her mind.

His woman turned around to face him, anger in her eyes. Yet, Xiao Tianyao was more than happy to receive it.

"You are abuser!!" Senja growled in angry and frustrated.

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