Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 455: Farewell

Chapter 455: Farewell

Only then, the creased between Senja's eyebrows disappear and her expression turned calm. She bolted sat up and turned to look at Xiao Tianyao before she raised her hand and gripped Xiao Tianyao's neck tightly.

Xiao Tianyao's eyes widened in surprised. He didn't think that after he was get away from Modama, Senja was still under his spell. He had knock her off, wasn't that enough to regain her awareness back? Or at least that was what Xiao Tianyao thought.

Her expression was the same like before, expressionless and devoid from any emotion while her eyes were foggy.

The sound of the door creaked opened made Xiao Tianyao tilted his head slightly.

"Here, your me What is going on!?" He shouted and threw away the bowl of medicine and rushed after Xiao Tianyao.

"Don't hurt her Jun!" Xiao Tianyao warned his brother. While his hand busy to hold back Senja's hand from tightening her grip on his neck.

Xiao Jun hissed annoyingly and pulled Senja back.

However, she wriggle and struggle in Xiao Jun's hand until she kicked his shinbone, as Xiao Jun groaned in pain, swiftly Senja find her way out from Xiao Jun's clutched.

Senja moved swiftly, to the table, grabbed a bottle and smashed it at the table. She used the sharp side to threaten them as she stared at Xiao Tianyao as her target.

"Why did you let her go?" Xiao Tianyao helped his brother to steady himself.

Seemingly, Senja had kicked his shinbone very hard and this caused Xiao Jun became limp.

"You said don't hurt her!" Xiao Jun retorted irritably. "What happened with her? Is she being possessed with something?" Xiao Jun stroked his shinbone with grimace etched on his face.

"Hypnotized." Xiao Tianyao said curtly, his eyes still on Senja. "We meet Modama before."

"So, he did this? But, Senja is mind controller as well, I thought it will not affect her."

Senja started to attack Xiao Tianyao while he was trying to dodge it and answer Xiao Jun question.

"No, Senja met him the night before yesterday and he did something to her, after we meet him again tonight, he triggered something inside Senja." Xiao Tianyao explained while trying to take the shattered bottle from Senja's hand.

Xiao Jun didn't have any intention to help when he leaned his back against the wall. "So, he indeed hypnotized her." He contemplated.

In the other hand, Xiao Tianyao managed to knock off the bottle from Senja's hand, but she kicked his wounded back swiftly that earning a deep groaned from Xiao Tianyao.

"Do you need help brother?" Xiao Jun asked while walking closer at him and Senja, he looked in pain as blood started to gush out from his back. "I can make her unconscious again." Xiao Jun offered his assistance.

"Stay away from her!" Xiao Tianyao glared at his brother.

"Alright." Xiao Jun rolled his eyes and was about to walk away from the battlefield when Senja charge after him.

Senja pick up the hairpin from the cabinet and was about to stab Xiao Jun, but he had caught her hand and twisted it behind her back.

However, the thing that surprised him was when Xiao Tianyao rushed over and kicked his shoulder.

"I said don't hurt her!" He roared at Xiao Jun.

Xiao Jun glared at his brother and watched when Senja grabbed Xiao Tianyao's shoulder and brought her knee on his face.

Yet, before his face being kneed by Senja, he blocked it with his hand, showing his back to her, looking at the opportunity, Senja elbowed him instead.

Once again, Xiao Tianyao groaned in pain.

"Served you right! Kick him again!" Xiao Jun cheered for Senja while rubbing his aching shoulder that Xiao Tianyao was kicked earlier.

Xiao Tianyao was crouching down on the floor, feeling exhausted after the blood lost and now his wound reopened again.

Xiao Jun was enjoying the scene, because he knew, despite being injured Senja wouldn't outdone Xiao Tianyao. Moreover, he was there to watch. If something happened he would help.

Therefore, it was a bit fun to see his brother being beaten up left and right by a woman, it was Xiao Tianyao stubbornness as well to not asking for his help and the moment he helped him, his brother kicked him wholeheartedly.

But, the things that out of their calculation was; Senja caught a glimpse of the sword that Xiao Tianyao put on the side of the cabinet, she grabbed it fast and drew it from its scabbard.

Caught off guard by Senja movement, Xiao Jun rushed over them, however he was a bit far and Xiao Tianyao didn't see it coming, he was lowering his head at this moment.

"Tianyao!!!" Xiao Jun roared in horror when he watched Senja raised the sword and stabbed it downward to Xiao Tianyao.

Xiao Tianyao was a little bit lightheaded after Senja attacked his back, but Xiao Jun's voice snapped him back, his voice was laced with fear and urgency.

The moment he raised his head, he watched Senja stabbed the sword downward to his direction.

He froze, it was too late to dodge it, bracing himself for the pain.

However, it never happened, the next second he heard the sword crushed the floor beside him.

Senja was panting with sweat on her forehead and sword on her hand that stabbed the floor. She glared at Xiao Tianyao or, that what she thought she was doing. Since she was too exhausted to even lift her finger, she slumped her body.

"Why don't you move?" Senja was asking between her raging breathe.

Xiao Jun stood next to Senja and Xiao Tianyao while pulling out the sword and secured it away. "You are fine now?" He asked her with concerned.

Senja too tired, so replied with nodded. Suddenly, she was pulled into the warm arms of Xiao Tianyao, he squeezed Senja tightly.

"D you are alright now? Do you break the hypnotized by your own?" Xiao Jun kept asking her question.

And Senja nodded again as a reply before the darkness engulfed her once again, but this time she welcomed it.

It was her exhaustion. She watched it when she stabbed Xiao Tianyao on his back. She was screaming, but she could do nothing. She felt like she was watching a show in her mind, even though she felt her movement on her body, but he didn't have energy to control it.

It was terrifying until Xiao Tianyao stopped her attack by knock her off.

And then the moment she woke up, she felt it again on the back of her mind. The urge to kill. That thing was like a living creature, it was crawling to the front of her consciousness.

But, before it took her mind over, she managed to warn Xiao Tianyao to run. He didn't listen though.

The thing that freaked Senja out was when she started to get Xiao Tianyao's sword and no one stopped her, Xiao Jun saw it when it was too late, but Xiao Tianyao wasn't aware about his predicament at all.

And at that time, it triggered something inside Senja that urged her to take control of her body and mind back. It was hard, but she managed to do it.

When everything was over she started to feel her body drained. She was exhausted beyond word, but glad enough that Xiao Tianyao was fine.


"So, she was managed to break the hypnotized" Xiao Jun trailed off. "Why don't she try to do the same to the teenagers who we have gathered from the Mountain Sui Sword Sect, maybe she could do something about them." He gave suggestion at his brother.

"I will talk with her." Xiao Tianyao said.

However, the next day Senja was still not awake yet and Xiao Tianyao needed to depart to Q city for the upcoming battle. Most of their soldier had arrived there, even Utara had been there as well.

Doctor Lin came for help as well, but Xiao Tianyao asked her to look after Senja first and she could come after Senja condition had stable.

She agreed with that.

Inside the Senja's room before he departed, Xiao Tianyao was sitting on the edge of her bed.

Senja's face was still pale and her breathing was shallow. It worried him, but he knew he could do nothing with this and with Doctor Lin was here, it lessened a bit.

Xiao Tianyao leaned in and kissed her lips softly. "I hope you well." He said his farewell before he walked out of the room, because his time was up.


After Xiao Tianyao, Xiao Jun and the three Leader had gone to the Q city with their armies, it took Senja a week later to wake up.

The first thing that she felt was the throbbing pain in her head like she was just struck by a truck. She woke up with groaned while holding her head desperately.


There was a voice calling out her name, she had heard her voice somewhere, but couldn't figure it out where she had met with this person.

"Senja, wake up open your eyes."

Her voice coaxed her, slowly she opened them when the golden light from the sun set from the open door invaded her eyes she squinted a bit, but couldn't help but admired the color.

"Doctor Lin " Senja croaked, her throat was very dry.

It had been long time since the last time she met her. She was the first woman that she met in this world.

"Yes it's me" Her smiled blooming like she used to. "How are you?"

"Headache" Senja answer truthfully that made Doctor Lin chuckled.

She gave Senja a glass of water that Senja received it with grateful.

"How long?" Senja asked after she had emptied the glass.

"It's the eighth day."

Senja raised her eyebrows in astonishment. "No wonder I am starving"

"You always hungry" Doctor Lin took back the glass and stood up. "I will ask someone to prepare a meal for you."

Senja nodded, but then she remembered something. "Has Xiao Tianyao gone to the Q city?"

"Yes," Doctor Lin answer curtly before stepped out from the room.

It had been eight day, of course he would have gone by now. She didn't have a chance to say goodbye

**No. It wasn't a goodbye.** Senja shook her head to dismiss that thought that caused everything around her was spinning.

But, she was worried about the wound on his back, he went to the battlefield with wounded back and backlash from his attack. Senja knew he had backlash. It scared her when his sword came swung toward her direction as her body moved by its own.

She hoped Xiao Tianyao would be fine. He has to be fine.

Because of the matter with Luna, Senja didn't ask much about their preparation or their strategy, or about the three leaders who she had never seen.

Frankly speaking, Senja had never seen them, were they trustworthy people? She could help to see their true intention. However, since Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun trusted them, Senja could put aside her worries.

It didn't take a long time before Doctor Lin came back with a female servant who was bring her food, behind them she watched Qianru and Xiao Mugi tag along as well.

"How do you feel now?" Qianru sat at the chair near her bed while Xiao Mugi climbed the bed and sat on the edge.

His big eyes stared at Senja and she felt like Xiao Tianyao was staring right at her.

"I am great." Senja replied while receiving a bowl of porridge from Doctor Lin and the female servant excused herself.

"So, why did you sleep so long?" Xiao Mugi asked with his adorable curious eyes.

Senja started to think if Xiao Tianyao had a portrait of himself when he was young? She bet it would be a copy of Xiao Mugi.

Somehow she started missing him She didn't have a chance to say goodbye.

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