Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 476: I know i am right

Chapter 476: I know i am right

The four men inside the big hall looked at Senja with curiosity, their eyes held the same question by her reaction.

"May I know why?" That person asked, drawled with his words as if he was mocking Senja's objection.

"What is wrong Senja?" Xiao Jun prodded, furrowing his eyebrows.

All of their eyes landed on Senja while she bit her lips and her eyes focused on the elder.

"Something is wrong with him." Senja said, barely a whispered.

That man scoffed disdainfully as his eyes widened in disbelief. "Something is wrong with me?" He mocked her and that made Xiao Tianyao, Xiao Jun and Uncle Su slightly creased their brows and looked at the elder in front of them quietly. "You objected the order because you feel something is wrong with me?" He reiterated with distaste in his every words.

In the other hand, Senja gave him unwavering stared, even though she didn't truly understand why she felt that way, but her guts told her that this elder was up to something not good, and she knew she was right.

"Can you give me a proper accusation? We are in the middle of war and we are not playing with hunch." He snarled.

Xiao Tianyao glared at him, despite of his help all this time, he still didn't like someone raised their voice at Senja. If it wasn't because his respect and the situation still unclear, he would have lashed out at him.

"I am not playing with hunch." Senja took a step forward, wriggled out of Xiao Tianyao's embrace. "I know you are up something no good and I know it." She wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks as she stared dagger at the elder. Her mood took a sharp turned in an instant.

Senja still didn't know why she felt bad about the elder, but she would find out why she felt that way.

The elder clicked his tongue annoyingly. "With all due respect to new Emperor." He smoothed his words. "Who is this girl? She is not supposed to be here." He darted his eyes at Xiao Jun, waiting for his respond.

"She is my wife." Instead, it was Xiao Tianyao who answered him curtly.

The elder didn't know about this, in fact it was only a handful people that knew about this. Even Uncle Su couldn't help, but dropped his jaw in shock. The word of 'impossible' was like plastered on his face.

However, he shrugged it away and spoke again defiantly. "I will inform our troops to open the gate." He said as he bowed slightly to Xiao Jun and Xiao Tianyao, turned around and was about to walk away from the palace hall when Senja spoke again.

"Xiao Jun!" Senja shouted at Xiao Jun this time. "Don't let him to open the gate!" She said frantically.

This outburst made the Elder halted his step and turned around to look at Senja one more time with smug face.

"Senja, you need to give me a reason for that." Xiao Jun said calmly. It wasn't normal for Senja to look so distraught like this, thus he thought about reconsidering his decision.

"Give me some time and I will show you." Senja said with all seriousness.

"What is nonsense you are spouting!?" The elder snapped at Senja, furious.

Xiao Tianyao furrowed his eyebrows by this disrespect and talked unhurriedly without breaking eyes contact with the elder. "Why don't we wait until tomorrow?" He suggested.

He snapped his head at Xiao Tianyao's comment and glared angrily, but then Uncle Su comment didn't make situation better for him.

"Hmm, I am agreed. Why don't we wait until tomorrow? There is no harm to waiting." Uncle Su drawled.

Anger was bubbling up inside the elder as he glared at Uncle Su interjection. "No one ask your opinion!" He reprimanded sharply. "My Emperor! Please give your decision!"

The atmosphere turned very thick with tension, both Senja and the elder refused to back down.

Xiao Jun looked over at the furious elder, he was one of the people who had been helping him along this war and he couldn't thank him enough for his aid. However, when he looked at Senja who stilled with her decision, he knew that this girl felt and knew something that he didn't know.

"Let's open the gate tomorrow." Xiao Jun said firmly.

Moreover, there was an issue about a traitor among them that caused him lost of two cities, if it wasn't for the Moon Dew Clan came in the right time, he would have been lost this war and wouldn't be able to dethrone Xiao Zi now.

Xiao Jun wanted to take all the precaution that needed.

However, his decision didn't please the elder as he bellowed dissatisfiedly. "Jun! You chose to listen to this girl instead of me!? I have been beside you during the invasion and all!"

Xiao Jun sighed heavily, the elder was right, he shouldn't forsake his loyalty, but he couldn't take a risk about something that Senja knew.

"Give me the reason Senja." Xiao Jun said firmly and stared at Senja now.

"Don't you dare to give me your nonsense hunch as your pathetic excuses to get yourself involve in this!" The elder yelled.

Senja glanced at Xiao Jun and felt his distressed and doubt, mostly he didn't impugn Senja's statement, but there was a benefit of doubt that made him have a second thought.

"No. I will not." Senja take another step forward to him. "Why don't you be the one who tell us?" She took another step closer.

The Elder could feel the girl's eyes bored into his and this made him slightly uncomfortable, especially when Senja took one step after another and stop right in front of him.

"What do you want!?" Despite his voice sounded angry, Senja could sense something else in his tone.

Hesitation and fear.

Senja didn't answer his question, instead she reached out her hand as though she wanted to touch him.

Subconsciously the elder avoided her touch and backed away.

"Why?" She asked him innocently. "I will make you tell them what you are hiding."

Once again Senja reached out her hand and with anger the elder slapped her hand away from him, afraid to be near her.

"Jun! Do you want me to be hypnotized by this mind controller!?" He blurted out, seething his teeth in enmity.

A wave of confusion swept through Senja's senses from the three people behind her, the exact reaction that Senja had predicted.

With that statement and their response, a triumphant smirked made its way on Senja's lips. "That's indeed a question" She pronounced slowly. "Did anyone tell him that I was the mind controller?"

At first the elder's expression was one in confusion, but then when he realized what Senja meant, his eyes hardened. The words just slipped from his tongue without he realized it.

But then, when he looked at the girl's eyes, he knew immediately that she had an involvement in his slip out.

Right at that time, Xiao Tianyao pulled Senja back behind him and Xiao Jun drew his sword, with rigid voice, he inquired the elder. "How do you know she is a mind controller?"

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