Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 480: Agony

Chapter 480: Agony

Wang Yu cradled his injured right arms while backing away. He was a right hand man, so it was difficult for him to fight with left hand, moreover he still not got used with his eyes.

In the other hand, Senja kept approaching him with sword in her firm grip. She could sense panic evaporated from Wang Yu's pores and reflected on his eyes.

He was such good for nothing human.

Without saying anything Senja swung her sword steadily and as the blade made a contact with Wang Yu left arm he let out a shrilled scream that filled with agony.

"Quiet!" Senja snapped, feeling irritated by the sound of his voice.

Immediately Wang Yu's scream ceased down into a muffle whimpered. Fear flashed in his eyes now, he had experienced it first hand when he was under Senja's hypnosis and it wasn't a pleasant moment.

He tried to scramble away from her, but his back hit the wall behind him and he didn't have any way to leave except to fight Senja.

However, it wasn't an easy task either and seemed impossible in his current state.

"You are disgusting." Senja scorned, her expression etched with contempt now. "Your breath pollutes the air."

With that remarked, the fear in Wang Yu's eyes replaced with agony as he felt his throat clogged in, refused to suck the air and gradually his lung cave in. The burning sensation was spreading through his whole body in no time.

Broiling his mind with lack of oxygen, he fell on his knees, forgetting his injured arms as he clutched his chest and his head painfully. His mouth opened wide as though he wanted to take the air, but nothing could help it.

He tried to scream and told Senja to stop this pain, but nothing came out from his mouth, it was only a gurgle sound from the back of his throat that could be heard.

Wang Yu crawled toward Senja's feet, begging her to kill him right away, this agony was too much for him. He was dying, he died in slow death.

However, Senja looked at him indifferently. She was watching how Wang Yu's live slowly faded away, how his heart beat ceased down and how his eyes flickered into nothingness.

When his life only hanging by a thread and he was only a step away from the end of his life. Suddenly he regained his ability to breath.

Once he could feel the clog in his throat was lifted, greedily he sucked the air to fill his lung.

Coughing hard, Wang Yu bent over and supported his body with his elbow and knees. However, before he could enjoy his ability to breathe again, a sudden pain pierced his throat.

When he looked at down, he saw a glimpse of a glistening blade under his chin, before its disappeared and left excruciating pain that he had never felt before.

His body fell to the side as he lying down on the floor on his back, Wang Yu saw Senja stabbed him on the shoulder, on his arms, on his legs again and again.

She was intentionally avoiding the vital spot, torturing him with slow death. In the end, Wang Yu laid in his own pool blood.

Senja was standing above him with emotionless expression, as if she had nothing to do with the gore and blood scene before her eyes.

With a gurgled voice from his throat, Wang Yu coughed blood while staring at Senja's calm eyes.

She remained unmoved while looking at the dying Wang Yu with less interest until he lost his last breath under Senja's callous stared.

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