Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 228 Temple: Walls Of Prophecies

Elder Baldie was right about a lot of things.

For example, Victor was truly years ahead of Chiron.

He had been born into royalty, and probably already had most of the tribes supporting him.

At least Chiron knew that the Double Lion Headed tribe was behind him. That tribe alone had been behind the two generations of kings now. Their strength and influence was certainly something Chiron should worry about.

Secondly, even if Chiron was to decide to join the Double lion Headed tribe, it would yield him no results. The tribe had already decided who it wanted as king. Chiron joining them would be him submitting to victor.

However, Chiron had one advantage over his uncle, and it was an advantage that this elder and the rest of the Giant Untamed Snake tribe were willing to exploit. That was the fact that by right, Chiron was Heir to the throne.

Regardless of his disability, an heir was an heir.

Even with all these reasons and many put in place, Chiron was not willing to ally himself just yet. However, even he had to admit that the Giant Untamed Snake tribe had already planted a seed in his heart.

To be precis, it was their ability to maneuver in and outside the castle that had truly impressed him.

Chiron cracked a faint smile. "Okay, I'll give it a thought."

He was in need of allies but that did not mean that he was willing to pick the bottom of the barrel. It was just not logical.

Surprisingly, Elder Baldie was not at all angry at the reply Chiron gave him.

He bowed lowly, "of course, My chief!"

Chiron noticed the Elder's form of address, however, he pretended not to. An address was all it was. After all, Chiron had heard stories in his former life.

He knew that a king could be a king without being a king.

Having a crown on one's head did not mean that the person was the one in charge.

This was not the first time that such a thing was happening in history and it would definitely not be the last.

Baldie waved his hand and the messenger suddenly appeared in a corner. This was a different path than she had gone through before.

Once more, Chiron followed the Messenger. They did not leave the same way they came but followed a different path entirely.

As they left, Elder Baldie had a faint smile on his face, "did you feel it? There was no way you didn't feel it. I am not a cultivator and even I felt the deep strong Bloodline coming from his body."

"Yesssssss...." a low creepy hissing voice went out. "his bloodline is the strongest since the conqueror. In fact, it is even purer."

"Yes it is. and yet, it is without even the most basic of Totems. With that bloodline purity, an ordinary totem would be mighty in his hands. Not to talk of..." Elder Baldie let his words linger.

He turned around and walked away into the darkness. As he did, he took away the only source of light in the room.

However, on the wall, the diagram of the serpent king seemed to move slightly. Like it was adjusting its neck. Its Ruby eyes glowed in a faint red, and then they blinked.


The Messenger took Chiron through yet another path.

Chiron noticed this, "where are we going!?"

"To the Temple! The Elder Shaman wants to see you." she answered without turning to him.

Chiron raised a brow at this. That was the first thing she said the first time and he was taken to Elder Baldie.

The Messenger place a hand on the wall, and once more, the totem of a snake appeared. The outline of a door was formed and Chiron followed her through it.

This time around, Chiron knew where they were.

In front of him was the well-known and renowned Shaman temple.

This was a very huge structure. It had huge pillars in front of it that were decorated with Totems of different animals.

In front of the temple was a statue of a Valant-looking man. He had on the soldier Tunic and had the atmosphere of a hero about him.

On either side of his shoulders were a bear's head and a Snake's head.

"Mug Morning!" Chiron thought to himself.

he had seen this exact statue when he was coming to this place on the Tesseract and he remembered the Tale that Commander hardstone had told about it.

In front of the temple at a corner, were trays of offerings. some of it was food, and fruits. while the others were gifts of all kinds.

There were Cored Beast hide and other body parts.

They were also beast cores of different ranks.

These gifts were a lot, and some girls in special robes carried this gifts into the temple.

The messenger saw the look Chiron gave to the items.

"There are offerings from the people. They send their prayers to the great Bear mother."

Chiron followed her, nodding in understanding.

The doors to the temple were left open. There were ten meters wide and thirteen meters high.

After climbing a short flight of stairs, they got to them.

Chiron's eyes, nose and even skin took in every thing on first entry.

The doors were wooden but were inlaid with Crystals that glowed slightly.

Almost as thought they had the twinkling of stars in them.

On either door was the carved out pattern of a Gaint Bear with what looked like a crown of thorns on its head.

The first thing Chiron saw on first sight, was people on either sides.

many of them were on their knees as they burnt Incense to small statures of the Giant Bear with a crown of thorns.

Behind the small statures, were bronze walls as high as sixty meters.

The bronze wall on each side was divided square by square, and from time to time, writings would mysteriously appear and then disappear.

"What are those!?" Chiron asked.

"Prophecies! They are from the Eyes of the Great Bear mother."

Through the eyes of the initial Mc, Chiron seen is own share of the mysterious.

He knew that in this world, the existence of gods was a reality. However, most of them were high and mighty.

Rarely would one see a god that communed with it's people so closely.

Most would only communicate with their priests and that was if they were being generous.

Some would only talk to their chief priests and that was only if they wanted something from the people.

Chiron knew quite some secrets of this world, and that included some of the gods.

The inner of the temple was made bright with spiritual lamps high up on stands that were shaped to look like different beasts.

All of this displayed the artistic and cultural perception of these people.

Vandora had a culture that believed in the supremacy of certain great beasts.

Deeper into the ever busy temple, the walls on either sides had changed from bronze to silver.

this time around, they were fewer people praying here.

They also wore different clothing. Theirs were neater, colourful and in general, looked more expensive.

"This is were the nobles of the six great tribes make their prayers."

Chiron noticed that the nobles had their own stand, each different from the other.

Those of a particular tribe prayed together, different from those of another tribe. Each was separated by a small stature of a beast representing that tribe.

Also, the gifts they brought, was far more luxurious than those of the commoners.

Just as Chiron was passing along, he noticed the place were members of the Giant Untamed Snake tribe were meant to pray.

He noticed that the silver wall here that was divided into square boxes would be silver and then some of it would suddenly turn to bronze.

It would become silver again and then change once more to bronze.

out of curiosity, Chiron walked towards it.

The moment it did, the silver wall suddenly looked like it was leaking. Chiron looked closely.

It was leaking blood.

Also, he could suddenly hear horrible screams from the wall.

it was like hundreds of thousands of people screaming at the damnation of their fates.

Chiron gently walked towards it. It was like the screams were calling out to him.

"PRINCE CHIRON!" The voice of the messenger suddenly pulled him back to reality.

Chiron sharply turned his head to her. Snapping back to reality.

"This way please!"

Chiron nodded and followed her.

However, he gave one last turn to the silver wall. However, it was back to normal.

This made him frown. After all, Chiron was sure of what he saw.

He followed her and finally they reached their destination.

In front, Chiron could see a familiar face. She was laughing and giggling to an old woman with white on her head, and Totems all over her skin.

The moment the old woman lifted up her head to him...

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