Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 231 The Tempting Offer...

Regardless, there was no running from this.

Knight Sheyi walked towards the woman.

She was dark caramel and dark-skinned.

Her Eyes were bright yellow and her hair was Green. She was beautiful and the contrast in her features made her an attractive sight for the eyes to enjoy.

However, Knight Sheyi did not enjoy this sight.

He walked up to her, "What are you doing here Cain? according to the rules, you can't enter my work zone without permission. And i don't remember giving you permission."

"Hahaha!" Cain gave a shy giggle. "Oh dear Sheyi. You mistake my intentions coming here. I am not here to enjoy our petty rivalry. The Gold Knights have sent me." She suddenly brought out a golden scroll.

The moment Knight Sheyi saw the scroll, he frowned tightly.

"The Holy Order of the Golden Knights is about to be read, go on your Knees!" She commanded.

Knight Sheyi frowned but he still did as requested of him.

As long as the scroll was in her hands, she was a representative of the golden knights.

A bronze knight was not supposed to stand in the presence of a Gold knight. This rule also applied to their orders.

"For Your failure in hunting an Evil Child, and also breaking of the Oath as signed by the Round table, you have been stripped of Your Rank as a Bronze knight and has been called back to the Crystal Land for Trial!"

Those words fell like a bomb in Knight Sheyi's ears.

However, he already expected this result. He gave a light smile at this.

The moment she was done reading the order, the golden scroll dissolved into golden light and encompassed his armor. It disintegrated it and then golden runes appeared all over his body.

they shone continually in a low gold light.

Cain frowned her green brows. She did not like the look on Sheyi's face.

"You have been stripped of your rank and about to face dire consequences at the Crystal land. What the Hell is so funny. Your life as you know it has practically ended."

"Oh! Really!?" Sheyi gave a sarcastic smirk, "If I might ask. Who did the Holy knights replace me with for this assignment. Surely you know that the Evil child is still out there."

Cain smiled, "who else do you think?" she smirked back, "I and my brother Abel would be taking over this case. So don't worry and enjoy your upcoming punishment for all of us."

"Hahahahahah!!!" Sheyi laughed out loud.

"What's so funny!?" she asked.

He laughed some more and ten he wiped the slight tears of joy from the corner of his eyes. "Its just that with our many years against one another, I never thought that would be giving you good advise."


"Fair warning Cain, this one is not like the rest of them. He is very detailed with his plans, and his strike like a snake is always sharp and true. Make sure you don't join me on punishment."

Cain sneered at his words, "yeah right! Join you? we are not that stupid. As it stands, Abel is already working on it! Await our good news while you dig through the crystal mines of the DEEP! I shall make sure to send you a postcard. And don't worry, your shit was just too much this time around. Not even the Magistri can help you out of this."

She waved her hands, and a giant ship suddenly appeared in the sky. It shone is a low bright light that made it seem like the descent of a holy craft. Then again, it was regarded as one most of the time.

As it slowly landed, the members of the holy church went down on their knees, many of them in prayer. It was so large that it covered the sun.

Even after it had landed, they did not stop

"This will take you back to the Crystal Land. Don't worry, I have already loaded your doll onboard. Your Trial will be commencing immediately after you get there."

Sheyi nodded at this. The ship landed and the entrance to it opened up. Without hesitation, he walked towards it. However, after only a few steps, he stopped.

"Cain!" he called to her.


"I want a few people to return with me! Take it as being my last request from you."

"Hmmm!" she thought about it a bit, "seeing as its your last request before you drown in the mines of the DEEP, Let me hear it."

"I want those two and that one to come with me."

Sheyi had pointed to Danfo and Kevin, and then at the former clan Chief that was standing in a daze at the ship.

Cain nodded at the request.

Sheyi turned to them, "Common boys! Let's go to the big city."


Chiron was still in a conversation with the Elder Shaman.

Chiron had listened to the story so far, and he now understood how his mother met in his father in broader detail.

However such things were of no concern to him.

If the power of the Double Lion Headed tribe was of more use to him, then he would use it.

And if the power of the Giant Untamed Snake tribe was of more use to him, then he would also take their side.

All this push and pull with the tribes and their petty squabbles was of no benefit to him.

He could not even so much as care about this people and their so called fear of Reddened rivers and Darkened heaven.

However, that did not mean that he couldn't explore it.

"Elder Shaman! it seems you already have an idea of my kind of person. Why don't you do things the right way? huh!"

The Elder Shaman frowned her brows. Of course she knew what Chiron was asking about.

However, she was hoping to remotely prey on his sense of belonging with the people of this kingdom.

But she was wrong. Chiron did not even have a sense of belonging with the people of the Chikitsa clan.

At the end of the day, he had slaughtered all of them like he was newly launching a butcher House.

There was no way he was going to be familiar with this people.

However, the Shaman had a duty and she would make sure it was done no matter what.

She waved her hand and a servant girl with chains around her neck stepped forward.

"Raise a hand!" The Elder Shaman Instructed.

The servant did as instructed of her.

The Elder Shaman waved her hand again and the totem of an eagle's claw came to life slashing the Servant girl's hand from the shoulder.


"AHHH!!!" She screamed as her entire arm fell to the ground.

Blood poured from the injury like a mini fountain.

Chiron was taken back by this. But the Elder Shaman did not even look at the Servant.

She dug her hand into her robes and brought out a small bottle. It was transparent and Chiron could see little liquid inside. "In here are three drops!"

Chiron raised a brow at this. But he did not need to ask before the Elder Shaman decided to explain.

"These are the Blessed tears of the Bear mother. In a hundred years, only one is ever made. And they can only be activated by the words of a blessed Elder Shaman."

She opened the small bottle, and then she whispered into it.

As she did, Chiron noticed the gas of Rune from her mouth that flowed into it.

Immediately, the Liquid inside shone like glitter had just been added.

She grabbed the jaw of the servant girl and placed one drop in her mouth.

Immediately, something unexpected happened.

A new arm grew out from the shoulder.

It was just an good if not better than the old one that was still on the ground.

Chiron's eyes shone at this.

"It takes about a hundred years to harvest only a drop of these and are only used in dire times as a miracle drug to save the king's life. There were formerly three drops. But as you can see, there are only two drops remaining. One to heal your limbs and another one to heal your sister's Dantain. This is my proposal."

Chiron saw this and a smile stained his lips.

This was a very attractive deal.

As it stood, The Elder Shaman was offering him his hand back, and all he had to do was agree to taking the Lion Totem.

Chiron smiled at this, "now, you have my attention."

"Good! The Lion Totem is a special one. It is only given when the twin moon were at their weakest. As it stands, they are not. You shall receive the Lion Totem in a months time."

Chiron nodded at this.

However, neither him nor the elder Shaman noticed the Messenger that had brought Chiron here, observing their conversation form the shadows.

The messenger frowned her brows and then dematerialized into the shadows.

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