Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 242 Affirming Rumours That The Commander Heard!

Chiron paused and then he turned to the Commanders. He had a slowly rising forbidden feeling.

After all, he could see the disgruntled look on all their faces.

Also, there was also the fact that he was looked upon like an outside. Since he did not grow up within the clan.

Even though he had the position of Prince and had won their respect with the action he displayed showing that he was a cultured and discipline man, he was still far from wining their hearts.

Chiron looked at the commanders in the room. They were a few faces that were new. Apparently more members of the army had joined in.

Even though the new faces had not seen what he did, that did not mean that they did not hear of it.

Without a doubt, he had lost this fight even before it began.

Then again, just for the play of it, he wanted to see the faces of those that had decided to take his side.

"Okay!" Chiron nodded.

Victor's smile suddenly had a different shade of maliciousness to it. He waved his hands as he turned to the Commanders, "gentlemen, as you know, My Father has given myself and my nephew the authority to lead this war, and to bring back victory!" he clenched his fist tightly with a passionate look in his eyes, "however, we cannot do this without your support. We cannot let our enemies know the true might of the Vandora kingdom without the experience and valor that you great men have to offer!"

Chiron could not help but raise a brow at this.

he really could not believe the words that Victor had chosen.

After all, it was not like the commanders had a choice in the matter. This was war! The only relevant thing here was sticking to the orders given.

However, what Victor was doing was giving the ability of free will to the commanders. This itself was not right but then again, Chiron could tell that this was a brazen move for wat was to come next.

And just like Chiron thought he would, he said it.

"So tell me, great Iron men of Vandora, who will you let lead you to war. My nephew, a lost but now found prince of Vandora that can not even hold his own weapon to stand by your side against the enemy but rather point it at you, or I, Prince Victor, that understands YOUR pain of having a family lose their bread winner and provider because of the whims of a Child!"

Hearing this call to arms nearly made Chiron giggle, but he held it back. In fact, if he still had arms, he would have applauded a lot for Victor.

Victor had manage to Highlight all Chiron's flaws at a go while also increasing his own value in their eyes.

In fact, Victor had just called Chiron an impulsive Child trash that did not understand the battlefield and could not achieve any thing especially because of his lack of empathy for his comrades.

Even though what Chiron had done was clearly a show of superiority and discipline, with only a few words, he had changed it to something else entirely.

This was a very impressive tactic. This way, the commanders that were not here before this meeting and had heard the story would easily make the same conclusion on the subject matter.

What's more, Victor was presenting himself as a generous leader. He was presenting himself as a person that had the love and compassion for his subordinates.

Even though this was war, and such a nature was not to the best interest of the progress of the war, it still stood as a progress to individual Human nature.

After all, who in the world did not want their boss to go easy on them from time to time.

Those that pick my nephew should stand on my left and those that are willing to ride the waves of victory and brotherhood in arms should move to my right.

The screeching of the chairs against ground was heard as the commanders stood to their feet.

One by one, they all moved towards Victor's side.

Chiron was not surprised by this. However, something ese surprised him.

Out of all the commanders sited at the table, one person was surprinsingly left sitting.

He suddenly stood to his feet, and while everyone watched, he moved to Chiron's side.

This was truly not something that Chiron was expecting.

In fact, as much fun as it would have been to have an entire army that could work and kill at one's bidding, Chiron did not believe that he needed them.

In his own opinion, all he needed, was himself.

As long as he remained with this standing flag in his mind, he was sure that they was nothing that he could not do.please visit

After all, he knew these lands and many secrets about many places.

The order from the king had been the expectance of results before the end of the mouth. Chiron believed that it was well within his capabilities to achieve such results.

However, his interest had suddenly been peeked by this commander that chose him. It was captain Timi.

Chiron turned to Victor, "good! This is good enough. I shall handle the problem with the Chanland Kingdom. Since you have a larger army, I shall leave the issue of the Hunter Tribes to you. And then the first to be done can have the priveledge to deal with the Beastman kingdom."

Without waiting for a reply or an affirmation from Victor, Chiron turned and left the tent. As he did, he gave out an order to the Commander that had decided to stay by his side, "Follow me!"

He nodded in agreement and followed behind Chiron.

As they walked away, Victor frowned, balling his fist tightly. He was expecting a total embarrasing situation.

However, it had some how not gone as he had intended.

Chiron without looking Back led the Commander to his tent.

"leave us Chiron commanded once he was inside!"

Immediately, Carla and Emma left.

"Hmmm!" Captain Timi looked around and then at Carla and Emma that had just exited. "So you brought a child and your mistress to war, your highness?" Captain Timi asked.

Chiron cracked a laugh, "Trust me, they are not what they seem!"

Captain Timi nodded his head as he stepped closer towards Chiron.

However, when he came close enough, He suddenly moved with incredible speed. A knife appeared in his hands and he moved straight for Chiron's head.

However, Just when the blade was about to touch Chiron's neck, he paused. and then he frowned.

"My big brother and my father had said a lot about you, and I thought you'll truly live up to their hype. But you are just a..."

Capatain Timi Paused when he noticed that Chiron was smiling at him.

he looked in the direction that chiron's eyes was signaling to and to his surprise, he saw that the blade in his hand had a crack in it.

The crack spread, and like broken biscuit, parts of the blade fell to the ground.

what's more, he could feel could sharp pointed things on his body.

He could around him, and to his surprise, Devil's touch was right at his neck, Carla was by the side with a blade to his waist and lastly, Emma had her sharp, unnaturally long fingers at his chest. Aimed directly for his heart.

Chiron smiled at him, "We have not formally introduced ourselves. If I'm Not Mistaking, you must be Captain Timi. Younger brother to Commander Hardstone of the third Air fleet, and Second son to Chief Ban of the Giant Gorrilla Tribe!"

Chiron waved his hands and his servants left the room.

"So captain, did I meet your father's and brother's comments, or did I fail your test?"

Captain Timi laughed lowly, "how did you know I was going to test you?"

Chiron walked over to his mat and sat in a lotus position, "I know a lot of things about you. Like how you left home at a young age because you refused to serve in the Royal guard as required by Tradition and your father. I also know that you went around the kingdom exploring until you entered terrible debts and the army ended up as your only escape."

Captain Timi looked at Chiron in surprised. This was nothing like he was expecting.

It was true that he had heard a lot about Chiron, but now that he met him, he felt as if his elder brother might have not told him enough.

Unknown to him, Chiron had extensive knowledge on all the war commanders. This included rumours and the like.

When it came to gathering information, Chiron was not one to let any possible lead slide.

"Before I formally introduce myself, There is one thing you will never do again," Chiron's smile suddenly became a frown, " You will never.."

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