Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 246 Is This The Beginning Of Friendship Or Is The Villain At It Again...

This Castle was made out of bones. They were so many bones that it made for a very large cathedral that seemed to reach the unhealthy heavens of dark clouds and green miasma.

Within the castle on the deformed throne of human beings and other beings receiving eternal punishment, a woman with long white hair twirled a strand of her hair on her seat like a teenage girl being teased by a boy she liked.

A young girl with Black flowing hair stood by her side.

"Mother!" The younger looking girl at her side called to her. She had eyes just like the woman she was talking with. "I remember you saying that you were not going to tamper with him anymore."

The woman giggled a bit. Her smile was charming and the way her lips parted to allow her shyish laughter take hold of her surroundings would have no doubt charmed any man that was strong to his natural desires.

She turned to the young girl, "well that was until you deceided to mess with my plans. Do you remember?"

Even though the woman used a tender and affectionate voice as she talked, the girl still shivered slightly.

"Your punishment for disobedience will still come," the woman stroked the girl's long black hair, "however," she turned back to the pot of blood, "That Seer woman from the Holy church is causing problems and messing with the natural flow of things. It is only right that I hold strong ground against her. But Even her know her limits when it comes with tampering with Fate! The Goddess of Fate would be very angry if things were done in such manner."

She looked closely at the meeting of Chiron and Dylan through the pot of Blood. Her beautiful white brows formed a crescent, "But something else his happening. If I did not know any better, I would say that our young candidate for the position of Demon King has gotten the attention of yet another player in the field. And the opponent this time around is a formidable one."

She turned to the young girl ones more, "As a god child, I cannot interferre directly and that Seer certainly cant too. but you my dear can. i might have to keep you on Nannying duties. Are you up for it?"

The young girl frowned at this.

The woman saw her reaction and gave her a charming smile, "Who knows, if you do well, i might reduce your sentence by fifty years."

Hearing this, the girl nodded immediately, "Yes mother, I can do it!"

"Good! I thought so too."

"What exactly I'm I to do?" The girl asked.

"Well, its simple really! The same thing you have always been good at. After all, it will turn things in our favor and its the one place we thrive productively. I want you my dear to cause CHAOS!!!...."


Meanwhile, Chiron and Dylan had landed from atop the back of the dragon.

Dylan jumped around excitedly. He couldn't help himself. He had been given the opportunity to not just touch a lengendary beast but to also ride it. This was the greatest day of his life.

"Damn it! that was incredible! Oh my god, wait till I tell Deamon. That damn brat. I told him to come but he said I should not disturb him." Dylan made a terrible imitation of his friend deamon rejecting his offer.

chiron looked at the Goofy fellow and could not help but crack a laugh.

"I can see you enjoyed that. Would you like to see something better?" Chiron asked him.

Dylan nodded, "yes please."

"Good! Cause this next one is rare."

Chiron willed and a red core appeared before his eyes.

It was the same red core that he had gotten from Elder Ban.

The Red core floated in the air, "Take it!" he instructed Dylan.

Dylan held the red core. It was the size of a bowling ball. Apparently it had been harvested from a cored beast that was great in size.

"Is this...?" Dylan turned to Chiron.

"yes! It is. That is a red core." Chiron responded.

Dylan's eyes widened in surprise. In his entire life, he had never ever had the opportunity to see a red core. At best, he had seen a Green core, but he had not even been given the privilege to touch it.

But the core before his eyes was a red core.

dylan looked back at Chiron expecting instructions.

Chiron smiled, "feed him!" he pointed to the dragon.

Dylan nodded. He walked towards the Dragon and stretched the Red core towards the dragon.

As expected the dragon opened up its mouth.

However, as its long tongue came out to fetch the Red core, Dylan shut his eyes tightly in fear.

The Dragon took the core in its mouth and then it swallowed it whole.

There was a low humming sound and the the dragon's body glowed slightly in a red hue.

Before their eyes, the Dragon stretched and got bigger. Its claws got bigger and stronger.

It's scales seemed to have gotten shinier and Even the horns on its head got slightly longer.

Dylan watched the Dragon transform before his eyes. As the dragon digested the core, it's body became bigger and more formidable.

"What just happened!?" Dylan asked.

"Well, it got stronger," Chiron explained, "You see, many cultivators do not know this but even amongst cored beasts of equal ranks, they are differences in strength based on their natural cultivation. We humans just classify all of them of the same color as being under the same rank. Right now, this Dragon has climbed another red core rank."

Chiron walked forward and rubbed his head against the dragon's body gently. If he had hands, he would have used them.

Dylan watched Chiron quietly.

Chiron saw this and invited him.

"Don't worry, he is not going to hurt you!" Chiron encouraged.

Dylan stepped forward and then he pated the Dragon's body.

"You know, they are stories of how these magnificent beasts used to roam the sky day and night." Chiron continued talking, "legends have it that they were actually very peaceful creatures that were misunderstood."

Dylan heard those words and his eyes widened gently, "those words..." he paused, "I have heard them before."

Chiron heard him, "Oh really!? where!?"

"My father! See I was not born in the orphanage. I had a father and a mother too. But our home was raided by Orcs. I was only five when it happened."

Chiron nodded his head, "sorry!"

"It's no problem! it's all in the past now. My father used to tell I and my younger brother stories about dragons when we were little. He always said that they were peaceful creatures that were misunderstood."

Chiron nodded at this, "Your father, he must have been a very wise man. You know that is the same thing my father used to say to me when I was little. He said that it is possible for both man and beast to exist in peace and harmony."

Chiron placed his head on the dragon, "this is the future I want. I want to build one were this world regardless of man and beast could be at peace. No more wars and everyone can carry a smile on their faces."

As Chiron talked, Dylan was slowly being moved to tears.

These words were exactly his father's words. His father was just a farmer but he had very big dreams.

Those dreams were as a result of the conflicts he had seen in the world. And as a farmer, all he wanted was for peace to reign.

Regardless of Dylan's wildness, he had taken his father's words to heart.

It had been many years since his old man's death. But he still remembered those words.

Dylan was always one to take the teachings of his elders to heart.

The words of his father had never left his chest. He carried and valued them a lot.

Seeing Chiron say the words he did, created a kind of emotional connection.

Regardless of all the rumours, he did not see Chiron as a wicked and heartless prince.

Rather, he saw him as a person who was misunderstood by the rest of the world.

After all, his father had told him that only a peaceful man could have such peaceful thoughts.

Even when he died by the hands of the orcs, this was something he still stood by and believed in.

Unknown to him, Chiron had only recited the same words Dylan's future wife and queen had said at his funeral. She had said that it had always been his greatest dream and wish since he was a child, and that through out his life, he had only wanted this.

The former Mc of Chiron's book was not able to have met Dylan as a king, but he had by some chance of fate been there during his burial and that was where he had heard this.

Chiron had to spend points to remember these lines. However, it was worth it.

Chiron smiled in his mind. Without a doubt, he knew that he had created a fondness in Dylan's heart.

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