Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 248 The Problems Of Treasure Town

"Prince Chiron! Did you bring us here to die?" The elderly man asked with a deep frown on his face.

Captain Timi immediately stood up, "Glover!!! Tis is not the time and certainly not the place."

This elderly man was called Glover and he was a lieutenant under Timi.

"Captain Timi, what are you saying? You know that I am not the only one that has been thinking it. I am just the person with enough balls to say it. We are mostly Recruit trainers and we came out to the battle field with recruits that don't even have up to a months training to fight off an enitire Kingdom that had the balls to Challenge the Vandora kingdom with a armless Prince. Surely, We came here to die. Besides, we did not even receive the blessings from the bear mother before we left. It is the obvious and only conclusion!" As he talked, spittle flew out of his mouth in all directions.

Chiron sighed lowly. He took a proper look at this man. he was quite aged, and looked to be somewhere within his late fifties.

According to standards, he was not even supposed to go to war, but then a again, winter had arrived and everyone needed to feed.

The Military provided for the families of its soldiers. Leaving during such a critical time would only spell doom for his family. Also, he would be branded as a coward.

For a man that had been in the army for this long, Such words were not at all appealing to hear.

The tent was silent. Chiron looked at the faces of the other Lieutenants. It was just as he thought. All the other lieutenants were thinking the same thing as the old man.

At least this was the look they all carried on their faces.

As much as it was the duty of a soldier to give his life for his country, no one really wanted to die.

Even if death was to make an appearance, then it should at least be because they had no choice. However, this situation was totally different. They were practically handing over themselves like lambs to the slaughter.

"I understand your worries," Chiron stood from his seat and strolled around the table. This was a habit of his he had when he was trying to establish his presence even more on the minds of his audience.

"The issue of not receiving blessings from the elder Shaman. I have my reasons. However, I can assure you two things. Firstly, no one would be giving their lives away. At least not until we are in the enemies castle. Secondly, you all are about to become very very rich and powerful men!" Chiron stopped right behind the Glover, "that includes you glover."

Chiron was taller now, but he still had that maturing teenage boy look on his face. Watching him going around this older men and women like he was their savior felt a bit odd to Captain Timi. However, he knew more than any of them what Chiron was truly capable of doing.

Power was always a ruling factor. Although Chiron's capabilities in war were not yet known, his capabilities as a person were very evident.

Chiron walked over to the map, "however, before we start. i will advice that from henceforth, no one doubt my orders. If for any reason, I were to find you lacking or slacking," Chiron raised his head up and made eye contact with all of them, and then his eyes settled on Glover, "let's just say that I stand firmly on my already existing reputation."

Everyone had heard what he said.

Naturally, they all knew what he meant. Glover swallowed a bit and then he sat back down reluctantly.

"That being said," the look on Chiron's face suddenly changed into a smile, "we are firstly going to be starting here!" Chiron pointed to a particular spot on the map.

everyone looked at the spot that had been pointed and a frown stained their faces.

The reason for this was that the spot Chiron had pointed to was close to the border but it was not exactly there. It was a town. This was a well-known town.

Although it used to be a village before, it became a town because of recent developments due to one reason.

It was the same reason that the town was well known. This town sat on top of a Spiritual stone mine.

This was a very good resource for the country.

After all, it was used to fuel the Tesseracts.

Rumors also had it that this was the major substance used to pay the Zodiac houses as tribute.

For this reason, this town was very important. It was called Treasure town.

Also, this town stood on part of the land that the Chanland Kingdom had gifted to the Vandora kingdom.

"i have a question, Prince Chiron." Captain Timi turned to Chiron.

"go on!"

"What are we going to be doing there?"

Chiron smiled, "what else!? We are going to dig."




Everybody in the tent was lost for words.

Chiron turned and walked out of the tent, "that will be all guys. We leave for Treasure Town in two hours!"

Just like that, Chiron came and then he left. leaving everyone in surprise and awe for what had just happened.


Meanwhile, deep within the forest bordering the town, a group of Orcs made their steady advance out of the forests. Far off in front of them, was a small town with lights.

This group of Orcs were big and had very taunted muscles. They rode steadily on giant grey wolves.

Each and every one of them looked barbaric, wild and savage.

However, just before they made their advance to the town, the orc with the biggest Black Wolf in front raised his hand and the orcs stopped their advance.

Surprisingly, a human on a grey wolf walked towards the Leader of this horde that sat on his Giant Black wolf. This human wore nice robes and dressed expensively. He even had rings and expensive necklaces on.

"Just as I had told you, Boffon! my people have helped you to eliminate the garrison situated at the Town by poisoning their water supply. I apologize that it took this long. After helping the other orc tribe with Saton village at the other side of the border, we had to adjust our methods a bit."

The Orc leader nodded.

"Please do not forget what we agreed upon. My king promises to take his troops and leave your forest if you empty the town of life. This job should be very simple for your kind. Don't mess it up!" The human advised.

he turned with his wolf and ran back into the forest.

A few runs into the forest, and the grey wolf stopped before an army. This army was dressed far differently from the soldiers of the Vandora kingdom.

Also, they had different flags and badges on their chests.

A path was made for the wolf to pass through by the soldiers and it advanced forward and through some wooden gates. As the wolf advanced forward, The man on the wolf looked all around him. There were destroyed huts and in some places, there were cages with orc children and women in them.

From where he was, he could even see as the guards pulled out some of the orc women and mounted them in a corner. Laughing loudly as they used them as they pleased.

The man on the wolf looked away from such a sight. it was truly not his business and he had no plans of making it his at the moment. Such were the ways of soldiers. Battles always brought out the worst in men.

Allowing them vent from time was a privilege no one could deny them.

The gray wolf stopped before a big yellow tent. In this forest of green, it was quite obvious as a mark that this was the tent of the commander of this army.

A slim man with distinctive tattoos on his face walked out of the tent. He had a smile on his face, and unlike the soldiers, he was not in uniform but wore robes like he was in the comfort of his home.

"Advisor Gon! You are finally back."

Advisor Gon laughed, "Of course General Chain. I had to make sure that the Orc scums get the things right and in line with the king's vision for our Chanland kingdom."

"Yes! yes!! i understand. You have been working too hard these days, going back and forth through the Orc tribes. You must be very tired. Come in! Come in!! I have prepared some food and something special for you."

"Oh, Really!?" Advisor Gon walked into the tent, following along General Chain.

What he saw made his eyes shine.

At one corner was a table with trays of food. In the center of the huge tent was a bed. On it were some Orc women. They were naked and packed up together. Fear and tears in their eyes.

Advisor Gon smiled as he licked his lips.

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