Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 986 What Question To Ask, Cornered Rats

The twin swords in Ranazera's hands disappeared as she made her way over to Izroth.

As Izroth returned his Sword of the Storm to its sheath, Ranazera approached him and said, "Pzenium warriors appearing this deep into Malentansium territory is highly unusual. The atmosphere in this part of the Nightfall Glades is also off. There's a reason you wanted to come to this place in such a hurry, isn't there?"

Ever since Izroth removed the band that suppressed her strength, they had traveled nonstop to reach this area of the Nightfall Glades. Then, almost immediately upon arriving, they ran into not just Pzenium warriors but Sandstorm Walkers.

"We'll talk while we move," Izroth said calmly.

Then, with hastened steps, Izroth began to make his way toward the direction where he sensed previous traces of battle with his Energy Vision Sense.

"This guy doesn't know the meaning of rest." Ranazera thought to herself as she quickly followed after Izroth.

"The Sandstorm Walkers only move when there's gold in the picture. I also overheard them mention that they were following the orders of a great warrior. If a great warrior of the Sandstorm Walkers is really involved, this matter isn't small." Ranazera commented as she caught up next to Izroth.

As a princess of Tempest, Ranazera was far more conscious of the inner working of the Pzenium warriors than most others. That's why she knew that the cost of getting a great warrior to make a move was enough to cover a small noble family's annual budget. It was not something that just anyone could afford to do.

"Oh? Are great warriors that strong in your eyes?" Izroth inquired.

"It's true that their power is not to be underestimated. However, with your strength, a great warrior should not be too much of a problem for you to handle." Ranazera sighed.

A great warrior was indeed strong; however, their strength was probably around the same level as Centurion Aloysius or Aurelius at best.

In Ranazera's opinion, Izroth, who had defeated both parties and walked away unscathed, was not someone that needed to be worried about a great warrior. But that did not mean that there were no concerns.

"The main issue at hand is that a great warrior isn't someone who moves recklessly on their own. The Sandstorm Walkers may not technically be under anyone in the Pzenium kingdom, but that does not mean their warriors act without direction. Most likely, someone who holds a lot of power and influence in the Pzenium kingdom is pulling the strings. And, if it's at the scale I believe it to be, then I suspect that person is at least at the level of Great Duke." Ranazera explained.

She then frowned with furrowed brows and said, "But, what I can't wrap my head around is what a Great Duke of Pzenium has to gain by expending so many resources in Malentansium?"

'She has a sharp eye. I haven't revealed anything, yet she's already seen this deep into the matters unfolding. Well, since we've already come this far, there's no harm in revealing a few things. Besides, it may also help her see things a little clearer for what's to come.'

"If we take the timing of the Great Rebirth into account, everything starts to make a little more sense," Izroth stated.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Malentansium isn't exactly known for forming relationships with outsiders. Be it their alliance with Tempest or utilizing the Pzenium warriors; both are uncharacteristic of how the skounae typically operate. Therefore, we have to assume that there is a reason behind their sudden change of behavior."

An inquisitive look briefly appeared on Ranazera's face before she went into a state of deep thought.

Indeed, the timing of everything was a little too convenient to be written off as a simple coincidence.

"Are you suggesting that this is just another way the Dukes of Malentansium are using to fight for their spot in the Great Rebirth?" Ranazera asked curiously.

"That's one reason. But, you're overlooking something rather important." Izroth replied casually.

"Something important?" Ranazera muttered as she visibly frowned.

"You asked earlier, what does a Great Duke of Pzenium has to gain by expending so many resources in Malentansium? It's not the wrong question to ask; however, it's also not the most significant. The true question you should be asking is--what is the connection between the involved parties? Depending on the answer to that question, the very power structure of the Mortal Realm as we know it may come crumbling down."

"This..." Ranazera's eyes widened in shock as she became lost for words. However, this shock was soon replaced by a troubled expression as she tried to process everything and search for the answer in her own way.

'I hope that I'm wrong this time, but... The signs are not looking good. If things continue to progress at this rate, it won't be long before the future that the All-Seeing Goddess Helilatiaa showed me becomes a reality.'


Meanwhile, somewhere in the south part of the Nightfall Glades...

At the moment, the main group of the 2nd Unit, which consisted of 700 soldiers, was encircled by the Pzenium forces that numbered roughly 7,000.

But, it seemed that more troops from the Pzenium forces side were pouring in every second from all directions. This made the situation for the 700 soldiers look rather miserable, to say the least.

Menkar, the Sandstorm Walker Great Warrior, stepped forward from the encirclement of Pzenium warriors as he deeply inhaled.

"CORNERED RATS! RATS...! Rats... rats..." Menkar's voice exploded forth and echoed as it swept over the group of surrounded soldiers.

From the volume alone, one would think he was using a talisman to project his words; however, it was a result of Menkar's natural thunderous voice.


"So loud... Why did I have to get stuck with this troublesome task? Is the Commander just telling me to die here? I'll really die, ya know? Like, seriously, I can already feel my death approaching. Should I just give up? I want to give up..."

The sound of one nervously biting their nails could be heard and was soon followed by a long sigh.

Those words just now came from a certain individual located at the front of the 700 troops who were surrounded.

It was a gloomy man with a slouched-over posture. He had messy white hair and a pair of lifeless black eyes with bags under them, as if he were suffering from a severe lack of sleep.

He wore a set of dark silver and black armor with a sheath at his side that seemed to house a thin sword approximately 75 centimeters in length.

The sword released an ominous aura and matched the gloomy atmosphere around its owner.

If a stranger had heard their words and witnessed their weird behavior just now, they would have never guessed that this man was actually one of the Captains of the 2nd Unit.

NPC Name: War Brigade 2nd Division Captain of the 2nd Unit Ward(???)

NPC Level: ???

Not far away from Captain Ward were Niflheim, Menerva, and the other members of the 9th Division.

Originally, Commander Aurie did not include the 9th Division in the main group. After all, the main group was entrusted with undertaking a dangerous task where one wrong move could end their life.

Aurie did not feel right sending those who were not officially under her command on such a high-risk mission. However, after some convincing and reassurance by Niflheim, the Commander ultimately included them in the main group.

Of course, it was not as though Niflheim was a fan of the potential risk. But, since this was a plan personally suggested by Izroth, he felt that it would be wrong to sit back and safely do nothing while everyone around them was giving it their all.

That being said, Niflheim had conflicted feelings about the person left in charge of the main group.

Niflheim furrowed his brows as he observed Ward, who appeared anxious and pessimistic.

"What's this guy's deal? He constantly mutters strange things and acts skittish, but... We've lost less than five percent of the main group under his command. Even I would have some trouble keeping the numbers that low considering what we're up against. Not to mention..." Niflheim thought to himself as he swept his gaze across the members of the 2nd Unit.

Despite Ward's alarming behavior, Niflheim noticed that none of the members of the 2nd Unit seemed demoralized or concerned.

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