Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 383: 357: Family United (Thanks to Kateliu's Hesbi + Update)

Chapter 383: Chapter 357: Family United (Thanks to Kateliu’s Hesbi + Update)

Mother Yu’s brother Qi Yue was a mischievous child back then. Seeing her bullying her sister, he and Big Brother Yu, who were also mischievous, played pranks together.

When they were discovered, Aunt would make a scene and run to Grandfather and Grandmother. Father Yu sided with his wife, warning Aunt that if she continued to behave outrageously, she’d be kicked out. So Aunt toned it down a bit, but still never stopped causing trouble.

Mother Yu tolerated her sister-in-law for her husband’s sake. Father Yu felt guilty for having such a weird sister, so he was extra kind to Mother Yu, cherishing her for more than half of their lives.

Things didn’t get better until Aunt married and left, Mother Yu could finally breathe a sigh of relief. But Aunt still couldn’t sit still in the first years of her marriage, always running back to the Yu Family to stir up trouble. It was not until her husband gradually climbed up the ranks that she finally settled down.

Knowing that their own mother had been bullied before, the Yu children didn’t show it on their faces, but they never felt particularly close to this Aunt. The fact that Youngest Brother Yu can bring Xiao Qian to her house to threaten arson is not a matter of disregarding family ties; there are historical reasons for this.

Seeing that Mother Yu remained silent, Xiao Qian winked at Yu Mingxi. “They say a little Aunt is half a mother-in-law. Encountering such a bullying one is really a nightmare. Luckily, I’m fortunate. My future mother-in-law is nice to me, and my future oldest sister-in-law is also a kind-hearted person. We’re all one family; we can’t let outsiders bully us.”

Yu Mingxi nodded vigorously.

“Right, right, right. Look at my sister-in-law’s level of consciousness, full of unity and solidarity, condemning the enemy together, and standing united against outsiders. It’s worth praising.”

Just moments ago, he teased her for telling fortunes at stalls, but now she has been promoted to sister-in-law.

Mother Yu watched the two children playing their double act with a serious expression, and laughed inside. She kept a poker face as she put the fruit plate on the table, and Yu Mingxi carefully observed her mother’s reaction.

Mother Yu touched her head with her hand. “Don’t bully Xiao Qian in the future, understood?”

“With her cunning appearance, who’s bullying who?” Yu Mingxi had witnessed Xiao Qian’s power.

“Alright, drink up quickly. Your father will be back soon. If he sees you all drinking his wine, he’ll be angry again.”

“Um… Mom, you didn’t hear anything just now, did you?” Yu Mingxi was afraid that her mother would tattle, as she’d dealt with Aunt, the family’s darling.

If this gets to Grandfather and Grandmother, her status as the second-generation darling would fall behind the the first generation’s darling.

“What did I hear? I’ve had a headache these past two days and my hearing has been intermittently impaired. Are you guys satisfied? You bunch of brats, hurry up and drink, then clean up the table yourself!”

As soon as Mother Yu walked away, Yu Minglang and Yu Mingxi began clapping, cheering like children.

She shook her head with a smile, reminded of the two as children.

When they were little, the twins always acted together. Although Yu Minglang always claimed to dislike his doted-upon sister, he wouldn’t allow anyone to bully her either. Yu Mingxi was the same. They were in sync only when they were up to no good, sneaking around and getting into trouble. She’d caught them several times, leading Dayuan’s children to tease cats and fight dogs. It seemed like the habit of celebrating after doing something bad had been there since then.

In the blink of an eye, so many years had passed, and Youngest Brother Yu had found his other half. How time flies.

Mother Yu glanced at the table. Yu Minglang hugged Xiao Qian as they bantered with Yu Mingxi. Although Yu Mingxi was unrelenting in her teasing, the way she looked at Xiao Qian was not how she’d look at a stranger. Mother Yu felt reassured.

Perhaps Xiao Qian was indeed luckier than her. At least she didn’t have to go through what Yu Mother did when she was young, dealing with the headache of a troublesome sister-in-law and being worn out both mentally and physically.

Having an unreasonable younger sister-in-law really made life difficult. However, Mother Yu also had some self-awareness. Her own daughter might not have made any major mistakes, but she wasn’t easy to get along with either. That Xiao Qian could win over Yu Mingxi proved that she had some real skills.

All that’s left is to hope that Second Brother and Third Brother can also start their own families and find suitable partners soon. Then the family would be complete. Thinking of this, Mother Yu decided to call Second Brother and ask if he could bring the child back for a reunion dinner that night.

Second Brother Yu stood outside a toy store, deep in thought as he looked at the dazzling array of toys inside.

What should he buy to take to his son?

Da Yi once said that children’s toys should be changed regularly, as playing with them also helps develop their brains.

During the time Da Yi took care of Panpan, he often got to play with different toys, most of which were made with Dong Yi, who saved money and interacted with the child while making the toys. Sometimes if he came home early, he could join in too.

Da Yi was very skillful. She could make a small car out of a cardboard box for the kid, draw its outline with a brush, paste a few small wheels, and guide the child to paint it by hand. The child loved it and would spend hours playing with it as if he’s driving.

Panpan was at the hospital up front. Eldest Sister-in-law was helping to take care of him while his IV drip was being administered. Once it was done, she’d take him home. The child’s constant crying was more than Second Brother could handle.

As Boss Qian had predicted, a child that age wouldn’t like a rubber duck.

So Second Brother went out to see what he could buy to make his son stop crying.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped at a certain spot.

“How much is this?” Dong Yi pointed at a mini soccer ball and asked.

She was standing not far from Yu Mingyi, as this whole row of shops sold toys. Some had their merchandise displayed outside in big cardboard boxes so they could sell them for cheaper.

Because of the cardboard boxes blocking the sight, Dong Yi didn’t see Yu Mingyi. However, just by her voice, Yu Mingyi recognized her.

At the engagement banquet earlier, he wanted to go over and say a few words to her, but didn’t know what to say. The last time they parted, he had hurt her feelings. Although he felt sorry for her, he couldn’t think of a better way to handle the situation.

Dong Yi focused on selecting toys, seriously haggling with the boss. A 5-yuan soccer ball was eventually bargained down to 3 yuan.

The boss gritted his teeth. “Girl, you’re really good at haggling. Your husband is so lucky to have a wife who knows how to live frugally.”

Dong Yi’s face darkened, but she remained silent.

“Thrifty sister, take a look again. Our toy store is having a clearance sale, everything is cheap. Buy something for your child. Look, this is so good.”

The boss picked up a toy gun. Dong Yi shook her head.

“A child over 2 years old isn’t really suitable for this. Do you have any wooden-puzzle like toys? Preferably an airplane puzzle.”

She remembered that Panpan had always wanted a toy like this.

“Wait a moment, let me check… Ah, sister, we only have trains, not airplanes, is that okay?”

‘Never mind, I’ll try other places. He only likes airplanes..”

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