Reincarnated as the Strongest Dragon

Chapter 48: I Would Rather Fight Monsters

Chapter 48: I Would Rather Fight Monsters

“Luna, Luna,” Liz whispered.

“Mhmm,” I murmured.

“I need to get going.”


“Can you do something about this?” She asked, stroking my tail.

“Mhmm,” I continued, tightening the grip around her.

“No,” she giggled. “I meant let me go. It’s almost time to meet up with Mira.”

“Hmph,” I grunted, releasing my grip around her before turning around, annoyed that my body pillow had become sentient and wanted to leave the bed.

Liz got out of bed and got dressed. She then leaned over me and whispered into my ear. “I will be back later, probably in the afternoon. Mira can’t train as long as I did.”

“Hmm?” I mumbled, drowsily extending my left arm and pulled out two vials from my [Inventory] and held them up.

“What’s this?” Liz asked, eyeing the vials.


Liz took the potions and looked at them. “Mana regeneration potions? And strong ones? Are you sure?”


“You’re so sweet,” she said, kissing me on the cheek. “Don’t forget what you had to do today, okay?”


“I’ll be going then.”

As she said that, my tail wrapped around her waist and pulled her down, almost like it had a life on its own.

“No,” she giggled, struggling playfully to get away. “None of that now.”

I let her go, grumbling something that resembled words before falling back asleep.

An unknown time later, a knock at the door stirred me from my sleep.

“One moment,” I called out, drowsily crawling out of bed and making my way toward the door.

Who could that be this early? Hmm, Is it even early?

Just as I was about to open the door, I stopped and realised what I was about to do.

Right, maybe it’s not the best idea to greet my guests naked… and with my tail out.

I quickly shifted and got dressed before opening the door, revealing three women standing outside. The one in front was a young woman with blonde hair, dressed in elegant clothes. Behind her stood another woman, slightly older, attired as a maid, and beside her, a figure clad in the uniform of a soldier.

Who might this be? Two of them look somewhat familiar.

Just as I was about to ask, the young woman jumped forward and grabbed my hands, coming a bit too close for comfort.

“It’s so good to finally meet you again,” she said cheerfully, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Surprised by her sudden advance, I took a step back and focused on what she had said.

“Uhm, yes, It’s good to see you too?” I replied, still unsure of who she was.

“My lady, it's unbecoming of a noble to behave in such a manner,” the maid scolded, gently pulling her back by the neckline of her clothes. “Please accept my apologies for her conduct. Lady Tessilia has been eagerly anticipating your reunion, Lady Luna.”

Oh, right. This is the noble girl. And the one behind her is one of the guards who was with her back then.

“It’s quite alright. I much prefer to forgo formalities,” I said, smiling at the maid. “But what brings you here? I had intended to pay you a visit later today.”

The maid just sighed. “My Lady insisted on meeting you as soon as possible, and the guild was nice enough to disclose your location. I’m truly sorry.”

That sounds like an invasion of my privacy. I bet it was Hanna who blabbed.

“I see,” I said, turning my gaze back to the young woman no longer invading my personal space. “I must say, I didn’t think you would come here personally.”

“How could I not come and greet my saviour?” Lady Tessilia replied, trying to take another step forward before getting tugged back by the maid.

“Please behave yourself,” the maid sighed. “Lady Tessilia would like you to accompany her to the mansion. Would that be alright with you, Lady Luna?”

“It would be my pleasure,” I replied. “And just Luna is fine.”

The maid seemed to be hesitating to comply with my request. Lady Tessilia, taking the opportunity to escape her clutches, jumped forward and grabbed my hand.

“Great! You can call me Tess, as well,” she said eagerly, tugging on my hand. “We have a carriage waiting outside.”

The pained expression the maid showed me as I was dragged out of the room told me that this behaviour was a common occurrence.

She is a bit much, but I honestly prefer it over your typical noble.

I managed to halt Tess’ enthusiastic approach long enough for me to lock the door before we made our way downstairs and left the inn.

After Tess ushered me into a rather extravagant carriage, we began our ride toward the mansion. Tess sat next to me, again, a bit too close, while the other two sat in the seats opposite us. The maid looked at Tess with a frown but didn’t say anything.

“Lady Luna,” the woman dressed as a guard said.

“Just Luna,” I said, interrupting her.

She cleared her throat. “Luna, I would like to thank you again for not only saving the life of Lady Tessilia, but also me and my fellow guards. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if you hadn’t been there.”

“You already thanked me several times,” I replied. “I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.”

“I can never repay you enough!” Tess said, leaning toward me. “The way you defeated those bandits was flawless! I have never seen anyone fight like that.”

“Ah, I guess I should apologise for that. I didn’t expect that a young lady would be watching from the carriage. It was probably a rather gruesome sight.”

“Of course not!” she exclaimed. “I was awestruck watching your battle.”

“Lady Tessilia has told the story of the valiant heroine who saved her life in great detail to everyone that would listen, sometimes even when they wouldn’t,” the maid said, failing to conceal a slight smirk on her lips.

“Don’t tell her that!” Tess said, her cheeks turning slightly red from embarrassment.

“I’m flattered,” I chuckled. “But I’m no heroine, just an adventurer.”

“In My Lady’s eyes, you are far more than that,” the maid replied.

“Stop it!” Tess groaned. “And I have told you countless times to just call me Tess.”

“That just won't do, My Lady. We are not alone now.”

“You don’t mind, do you, Luna?” Tess asked, looking at me.

“Of course not. Feel free to act casual if you prefer,” I replied, looking at the maid. “Uhm, you never told me your name?”

“Oh, I apologise. My name is Sofia. I’m My La-”

“Tess,” Tess interrupted her with a pout.

Sofia sighed. “I’m Tess’ personal maid.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said before turning my gaze toward the other woman.

“My name is Valerie. I’m working as My La-”

Tess grunted in a way I didn’t expect a noble lady to do.

“As Tess’ escort,” Valerie corrected herself.

“You have some good people around you,” I said, smiling at Tess.

“I know, right!” Tess replied happily, her previous frown nowhere to be seen. “Sofia and Valerie have been my attendants for as long as I can remember.”

The carriage soon stopped, followed by a knock on the door. “We have arrived, My Lady.”

“Understood,” Valerie said in a professional tone, opening the door and exiting the carriage. Sofia followed and turned around, extending her hand to help Tess get off as well.

I was given the same treatment, which I accepted, knowing that Sofia had to go back into work mode since several other people were watching.

Outside, we were greeted by a butler, if you were to judge by his clothes and two maids.

“Welcome back, Lady Tessilia,” the man said, turning his gaze to me. “May I assume that this is Lady Luna that I have heard so much about?”

“My name is indeed Luna,” I replied, glancing at Tess. “I’m curious to know what you have been told about me.”

“Oh, only good things, I assure you,” he said, a small smile forming on his lips. “My name is Johan. I’m the head butler for the Riese family. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Likewise,” I replied, hiding the fact that I was already exhausted by all this formality.

“Johan, I will take Luna to the garden,” Tess said.

“Most certainly,” he replied, motioning something to the two maids. They both bowed and left. Johan turned back toward us. “Allow me to escort you,” he said.

“We will be fine on our own,” Tess replied promptly.

“Understood,” Johan replied with a bow.

Tess led me into the mansion and through a door on the other side, revealing a lush garden with a gazebo. A table with four chairs was placed in the middle of the structure.

“Please, take a seat,” Sofia said, motioning me to sit down on the chair she had pulled back.

I did as requested and sat down, causing Tess to sit down, not opposite me as one would expect, but to the right of me, even pulling her chair closer to mine.

She is lucky that she is such a nice girl. But still, I want to go home.

Sofia, perhaps noticing my discomfort, grabbed Tess’ chair and pulled it further away. “What did I tell you about acting according to your station?” She said, her voice noticeably more stern than before.

Tess, seeing Sofia’s expression, reluctantly moved her chair to its previous place and turned to me. “I’m sorry,” she said.

“It’s quite alright,” I replied, looking at Sofia to silently thank her for her help.

“The other maids will bring out some tea in a moment,” Sofia said. “Please relax here while you wait.”

“That sounds lovely,” I replied, realising I skipped breakfast and possibly lunch.

“Luna,” Tess said, turning her chair toward me. “Tell me about yourself.”

“About myself?” I pondered. “What do you want to know?”

“Where are you from?”

“I’m from, uhm, northeast of here. It’s quite far away,” I replied.

The heart of the Dragon Empire is to the northeast, so it’s not a lie.

“Is white hair and red eyes common where you are from?” Tess asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.

“No, It’s quite uncommon back home, as well.”

“It’s pretty,” she said, glancing at my hair. “My blonde hair is so boring in comparison.”

“Thank you,” I smiled. “But there’s nothing wrong with having blonde hair. It’s just more common. Standing out isn’t always a good thing.”

“I guess,” she sighed. “How old are you?”

“I’m… eighteen?”

“Why did that sound like a question?”

“I didn’t remember if I had my birthday yet or not,” I chuckled.

More like I had to think about what I had told people before.

“So you’re two years older than me,” she mumbled. “I thought we would be the same age.”

“Luna is an adventurer,” Sofia said from behind Tess. “You can’t register until you’re seventeen.”

“Is that so?” Tess pondered. “When did you become an adventurer?”

“Technically, the same day I met you.”

“What? Really? But you’re so strong!”

“I guess I am,” I smirked. “You can become strong without being an adventurer, though.”

“How did you become so strong?” Tess asked, her ever-shining curiosity showing no sign of stopping.

“The same as everyone else,” I said, noticing that Valerie also paid attention to what I said. “Training and more training.”

“Were you out training when you saved me, as well?”

This is starting to feel like an interrogation.

“I guess so?” I said, tapping my chin. “I was on my way back to town after exploring a dungeon.”

“I would like to visit a dungeon someday,” Tess carelessly replied.

“Absolutely not!” Sofia scowled. “Dungeons are dangerous. It’s no place for the daughter of a Marquess.”

“I was only joking,” she said, trying to defend herself. “I just wish I had some more freedom sometimes.”

“I know you do,” Sofia sighed. “The obligations of a noble can be heavy.”

I noticed the door to the mansion open, and two maids came bringing tea and refreshments, on perfect cue to disperse the awkward atmosphere that had arisen.

Tea, sandwiches, cookies, and other confectionery were placed on the table, way more than any normal human could consume. The maids poured us tea and excused themselves.

“This is my favorite tea,” Tess said. “I hope you will like it.”

“It’s quite delectable,” I replied, taking another sip.

“I’m happy to hear that!” she said, her previous gloom disappeared. “Where did you go after we met? You were gone for so long?”

Oh? Hanna didn’t blab about that?

“I had some business to take care of in the capital.”

“What kind of business?” Tess asked curiously.

This is getting tedious. I will excuse myself after I’m done with my tea.

“I had to go to the capital to increase my rank.”

“You can’t do that here?”

“Only up to a certain point,” I explained. “After that, you have to go to the capital.”

“But you just registered?” She wondered. “What rank are you now?”

Thinking for a moment, I just sighed and answered. “I’m SSS rank now.”

Valerie’s jaw almost dropped while Sofia just stared at me with wide eyes. Tess, on the other hand, seemed to be oblivious to adventurer ranks. “How high is that?” she asked.

“SSS rank is the highest rank that someone can achieve,” Valerie answered. “No one has ever had that rank before!”

“Oh?” Tess’ eyes sparkled. “So you are the strongest person in the kingdom?” She asked, staring at me with an intense gaze.

“Hard to say,” I lied. “Not all strong people become adventurers.”

“I think it’s safe to say that you are the strongest, even counting the people in the army,” Valerie said.

“I can’t believe I met such an amazing person,” Tess exclaimed, trying to lean toward me before Sofia’s iron grip on her shoulder stopped her.

Hey, Luna? How about you just shut up next time?

Tess kept bombarding me with questions about my adventuring life with increased vigor, only stopping when Sofia scolded her, saying that it’s bad manners to ask about such things.

“I’m sorry,” Tess apologised. “I wasn’t aware that you aren’t supposed to do that.”

“It’s quite alright,” I said, looking at my empty teacup.

I’m done with my tea. It’s time to bail before my head explodes.

Just as I was about to speak, the doors to the mansion flung open, and a small boy with blonde hair came running.

“Teeess!” he yelled, running over with a maid chasing him.

“Master Lukas, don’t run off like that,” she called after him.

The boy ran up to Tess, hugging her. “Tess! I can write my own name now!” He proclaimed proudly.

“Oh? I’m so proud of you!” She said with a huge smile, hugging him back.

The small boy turned his head toward me. “Who is that?” He asked.

“This is Luna. I told you about her before.”

He walked over to my chair and looked up at me. “I’m Lukas. I’m three.”

“I’m Luna,” I smiled at him.

Lukas stared at me intensely for a moment, making me unsure if I was supposed to say something else, when he suddenly raised his arms. “Uppies.”

Uppies? No, no, no. I don’t do ‘Uppies’.

As I was panicking internally, trying to figure out what to do, the maid that chased after him spoke. “Master Lukas, you’re being rude to our guest.”

Lukas looked up at me, a slight quiver appearing on his lips. Not wanting to deal with that, I reached down and picked him up, putting him in my lap.

I want to go home.

Lukas’ expression changed into a broad smile as he tilted his head back to look at me. “You’re pretty,” he grinned.

“Why, thank you,” I grinned back.

“Are you friends with my sister?”

Tess looked at me intensely, eagerly awaiting my answer. “I am,” I said.

I want to go home.

“Can you be my friend as well?” He asked with a big smile.

“Of course,” I grinned.

“Do you want to play with me?”

Okay, I’m going home now!

“I’m sorry,” I apologised. “I don’t have time today. I’m supposed to meet with some people soon.”

“You’re going already?” Tess asked, visibly saddened by what I said.

“I’m afraid so, I still have a job to do today,” I lied, planning my escape.

“Oh,” Tess replied. “My father would like to express his gratitude personally, but he couldn’t be here today. Do you think you could come back again?”

Maybe it’s time to visit the Troadis kingdom?

“I’m not sure. It depends on where my job takes me,” I replied as vaguely as I could. “Besides, you already paid me through the adventurers guild.”

“An adventurer as strong as Luna will be asked to take requests all over the kingdom. She can’t know where she will be at all times,” Sofia said.

Can I hire Sofia? I don’t need a maid, but she is perfect.

“I see,” Tess replied, sounding defeated. “But If you can, will you visit?”

“Uhm, I’ll try.”

“Come along now, Master Lukas,” the other maid said. “It’s time for your next lesson.”

“Boo,” he groaned, climbing down from my lap and walking over to the maid.

“I will take my leave, as well,” I said, standing up.

“I will escort you,” Sofia said, squeezing Tess’ shoulder as she was about to protest.

“I must apologise,” Sofia said as we made our way through the mansion. “My Lady doesn’t have many friends she can, well, be herself with. I understand that it can be a bit much. Please don’t think ill of her for it.”

“You don’t have to worry. You did an exemplary job holding her back,” I smiled.

“It’s my job,” she replied, smiling back. “But it is true that Marquess Riese would like to meet you. It would mean a lot if you could manage that sometime when you are in Baruda.”

“I’ll try.”

I declined the offer for a carriage and left the mansion, eager to go back to the inn.

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