Reincarnated as the Strongest Dragon

Chapter 52: Liz’s Resolve

Chapter 52: Liz’s Resolve

I awoke in a panic after hearing Luna yell something and saw her sit upright next to me, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. “Luna, you’re awake! What happened? Are you alright?”

“I’m, hmm, I’m fine… I just had a nightmare.”

I pulled her into my embrace and stroked her hair. “It’s okay, it was just a bad dream.”

“I know,” she replied, snuggling into my chest.

She is shivering. What kind of nightmare could reduce Luna to this state?

“I’m relieved that you are awake. I was worried beyond belief when you collapsed.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. We can talk tomorrow,” I said as I kept stroking her hair. “It’s still dark outside. Let’s go back to sleep,”

“I’m sorry,” she repeated.

“You don’t have to apologize for anything.”

I woke up early the following day, just as the first rays of sunlight shone through the window. I then realised Luna was nowhere to be seen.

How unusual for her to leave without saying anything. Maybe she went to the guild as early as she could? She had to tell them what happened yesterday, after all. Yesterday… My family is gone. It doesn’t feel real. Maybe it just hasn’t sunk in yet? Or am I just too worried about Luna? I wonder if she's okay… I have never seen her like that before. I should go to the guild and look for her.

As I fumbled with my clothes, I toppled forward and bumped into the drawer close to the bed.

Luckily, Luna wasn’t here to see that.

I made my way down the stairs and had breakfast. The atmosphere in the dining hall felt heavy. The same thing could be felt as I made my way to the guild, and it was even worse inside. Everyone seemed to be on edge, including the guild staff. I looked around, trying to find Luna, until I ran into Hanna.

“Hanna,” I called out. “Do you know if Luna came here?”

“No, I haven’t seen her since yesterday after…” Hanna said and stopped.

“She didn’t come here to report about what happened yesterday?”

“No, do you know something?” Hanna asked, looking at me in anticipation.

“I do, but…” I stopped, looking around at the few people in the guild hall. “Should I go talk to Chloe?”

Hanna nodded and led me up to the guildmaster’s office.

“Now isn’t the best time,” Chloe said from behind her desk. She had dark rings around her eyes.

“I wanted to tell you what Luna told me when she came back yesterday.”

Chloe’s eyes fixated on me. “Tell me everything.”

I should probably leave out Luna’s condition. I don’t think I should be telling anyone about [Red Haze].

“Luna arrived at the inn yesterday evening and told me that she had defeated the Kaydossan army, around thirty thousand soldiers.”

Chloe’s eyes went wide. “Thirty thousand?!”

I sat down on the couch. “She said… She killed all of them.”

“What about… Kleadan?” Hanna asked reluctantly.

I didn’t say anything and just shook my head, not wanting to think about it in fear of breaking down.

Hanna understood my gesture and leaned over from behind the couch, hugging me.

Chloe leaned back in her chair, a small sigh of relief leaving her lips. “I can’t believe they had mustered such a big army, even attacking unprovoked. Where is Luna now?”

“I… I don’t know. She was already gone when I woke up,” I said, not being able to hide my anxious expression.

“You don’t think…” Chloe frowned. “She could have gone to Kaydossa?”

“I don’t know, but…” I said, glancing at the map on the wall. “I don’t think she would go there without telling anyone.”

“I’m sure she will be back soon,” Hanna said, noticing how anxious I was.

“You’re probably right. Thank you, Hanna.”

“For now, all we can do is wait,” Chloe sighed, tapping her fingers on her desk. “The scouts that got sent out should return tomorrow. We can’t tell anyone about this until then. Having the scouts report to the lord that the Kaydossan army is gone is a better option than telling him a dragon killed them all.”

“I want to go to Kleadan village,” I said, turning to Chloe.

“I can’t let you go there now. There might still be enemies. Depending on the scout reports, a squadron will probably get sent there in a few days. Could you please wait until then?”

“I can take care of myself.”

“Liz, don’t do anything reckless,” Hanna said with pleading eyes.

I looked back at Hanna and sighed. “I know, I’ll wait. I’ll go back to the inn for now and wait for Luna. Can you let me know if something comes up?”

“Of course, you can count on me!” Hanna said assuringly. “If Luna comes here, I will be sure to scold her for worrying you.”

I gave her a small smile. “Thank you, I will take my leave then.”

I spent the rest of the day in our room, even skipping dinner. I didn’t really have an appetite, and I didn't want to see anyone.

I had trouble sleeping and woke up early the next morning. Luna had yet to return.

The bed feels so empty. I can’t believe how fast I became accustomed to having Luna around. I hope she comes back today.

I spent the morning in bed until there was a knock on the door.

“Liz, are you in there?” I heard Mira say from the hall.

I walked over and opened the door. “What is it?”

“Can I come in?”

I nodded and let her in before going back to the bed.

“Hanna asked me to check up on you.”

“I see,” I said, my eyes fixated on the ceiling. “Tell her I’m fine.”

“Are you?” Mira asked with a concerned voice.

“Would it make a difference if I wasn’t?”

“Would you like to talk about it?”

“What is there to talk about? My uncle is dead. Maria is dead. Colette… Colette is dead,” I said as I felt the tears I had tried so hard to hold back fill my eyes.

Mira sat down on the edge of the bed and held my hand. “I… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

Everything I had bottled up came out. I don’t know how long I cried, but Mira sat there patiently the whole time, holding my hand. After what felt like an eternity, my tears finally stopped.

“Have you eaten anything today?” Mira asked after I had calmed down.

“I’m not hungry.”

“I didn’t see you at dinner yesterday either.”

“Wasn’t hungry then either.”

“Liz… You have to eat something,” Mira replied with a worried expression.

I know. I know, but…

Mira sighed and looked at the door. “I assume you haven’t heard anything from Luna yet?”

“Not a thing.”

“I can’t believe she would just disappear when her girlfriend needs her,” she said with a frown.

“Is she my girlfriend?”


“I don’t know what we are. We never talked about it,” I said, looking back up at the ceiling.

“What do you mean? She obviously is,” Mira said with a confused look on her face.

What is a girlfriend anyway? Sure, we spent a lot of time together, or most of our time, but we never talked about it. Do you even talk about it? It's not like I have ever had a relationship before, so what would I know? I do like Luna a lot… But does she feel the same way? I never said anything for fear of being rejected… And she is a dragon. I will grow old while she stays the same. Would I even be ready for that? Would Luna even want that? My heart aches thinking about it.

“It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that you like each other.”

“You know I have never been in a relationship before. Not everything is obvious to me.”

“Trust me on this,” Mira assured me.

“Then why did she just disappear?” I asked, trying to keep my voice from trembling

“I’m sure Luna has a good reason. She adores you. Have some faith in her.”

“I guess you’re right,” I sighed. “When that stupid dragon of mine comes back, I’m going to have to scold her.”

Mira let out a small laugh. “So you won’t call her your girlfriend, but rather your dragon?”

“Didn’t I tell you what I got during our trip to the capital?”

“Huh? No, I don't think so,” Mira replied, curious.

“I got level one dragon taming and the Dragon Tamer title,” I said, forcing a small smile.

“Really? You tamed a dragon by sleeping with one?” Mira said and couldn’t contain her laughter.

“Easier than fighting it,” I said and sat up next to Mira.

Mira smirked. “And probably more fun.”

I let out a small laugh. “Thank you for checking up on me. I feel a lot better now.”

“It’s what friends are for,” she said and bumped her shoulder against mine. “Do you want to get something to eat now?”

“Will you stop nagging me if I agree?”

“Only until I find something else to nag about,” Mira said as she stood up and pulled me to my feet.

I sighed. “Alright then. Let’s go eat.”

After lunch, Mira hung out in my room for the rest of the day. She said it was because all requests were put on hold until they could get more information and that she was bored, but I know she was just worried about me.

The next day, in the afternoon, Mira came to my room and dragged me to the guild. Hanna had told her she wanted to see me.

“Hi, Liz,” Hanna said as I approached the counter. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine, thank you for worrying,” I said and gave her a small smile.

“We’re friends, of course I would worry,” she replied and smiled back. “Some of the scouts have returned, and the lord has decided to send out a few squads of soldiers to the three villages north of here to investigate and root out any potential Kaydossan scouts that might still be in the area.”

“What did the reports say of the army?”

Hanna beckoned us to follow her to a more remote area of the guild. “It was a gruesome sight. One described it as a complete massacre. The entire camp was filled with craters, and most of the remains were charred husks at best.”

“It was probably quite a shock for them since they didn’t know who or what did it,” I said with a shrug.

“That’s putting it mildly,” Hanna said with a frown. “It made many of our adventurers reluctant to take the request to join the squads moving out.”

“I’ll join the one going to Kleadan.”

“I knew you would say that,” Hanna replied. “Since it’s the furthest village from Baruda, you will be going on horseback. I took the liberty to secure two horses from the eastern stable. You will leave at dawn the day after tomorrow.”

“Two horses?”

“I’m going too,” Mira said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

“You are?”

“Of course,” Mira smirked. ”Can’t let you go alone, now can I?”

“It might be dangerous.”

“All the more reason to go with you then,” she replied. “Though I doubt there is anything an adventurer of your caliber can’t handle.”

“I still can’t hold a candle to a certain someone.”

“Don’t sell yourself short. You’re one of the two A ranks currently in the city. There are some adventurers on their way here from the capital, but they won’t arrive anytime soon,“ Hanna frowned. ”Soldiers have also been sent here from Millholt to the south and from the capital, but they will take even longer to get here. I don’t know how much of the army is being mobilized to go meet an enemy that has already been wiped out, though.”

“I see,” I pondered. “So, two days from now at the eastern stable?”

“Yes, I will inform them, so you just have to show up,” Hanna said and put a finger on her chin. “Depending on the situation, it will probably take two or three days for a round trip, so be sure to bring enough supplies. The guild will reimburse you afterward.”

“I understand. Anything else?”

“That is all.”

“I will go take care of my supplies then. What about you, Mira?”

“I will join you.”

On the morning of our departure, we made our way to the eastern stable.

“That guy over there seems to be in charge,” Mira said, pointing at a man clad in adorned armor barking orders.

We went over to the man and introduced ourselves. He looked at our guild cards and smiled.

“I’m the captain here,” he said with a voice filled with authority. “It’s reassuring to have you with us. We will leave as soon as we are done preparing.”

“There doesn’t seem to be any other adventurers joining,” Mira said as she looked around.

“It’s understandable,” he replied. “I read the report from the scouts. Many would be reluctant to go anywhere near that place, so I’m grateful that you are here. Our squad is also made up of seasoned veterans.”

“That’s reassuring,” Mira said, glancing over at the soldiers.

We left the town after the soldiers had finished their preparations and made our way toward Kleadan. It would probably take almost the entire day before we arrived at the village.

I had almost forgotten how slow it is to ride a horse when you are used to flying… Where are you, Luna? I miss you.

We arrived at Kleadan village in the evening after an uneventful trip. We met neither monsters nor any Kaydossan soldiers.

We walked through the village, witnessing the events that had unfolded while making sure the village was empty.

“This is horrible…” Mira said as she looked around at the corpses of the people I grew up with.


As we walked past the bodies of two soldiers, with Marcus next to them, several wounds could be seen all over his body.

You tried your best, didn’t you?

“Are you okay?” Mira asked as I stopped and looked at Marcus’ body.

“I’m fine,” I replied and pointed to a house further ahead. “That’s my uncle's house.”

I steeled my nerves and opened the door. It was dark enough that I had to use a lantern to see into what was once my home.

“There are some bloodstains on the floor here, but…” Mira said as she looked around. “Nothing else.”

“Look into the room over there,” I said, pointing at a door. “I will go to the room further back.”

I took a deep breath and opened the door to where Colette and I used to sleep. I noticed some more bloodstains but nothing else. I made my way back to the living room.

“Did you find anything?” I asked Mira, who had also returned.

“Nothing at all,” She said and reluctantly continued. “You?”

“Just more blood,” I said and looked around again. “Let’s go back out for now.”

This doesn’t make any sense. Luna said they had died, but where are their bodies? Do I even want to see them in that state? But I have to find them. Did Luna move them? Maybe she…

“Let’s go this way,” I said and beckoned Mira to follow as we passed a few soldiers carrying a body out from a house.

“What’s this way?”

“That,” I replied, pointing toward the small graveyard that was located on the outskirts of the village a short distance from my uncle’s house.

When we arrived at the graveyard, we started looking around, and I quickly found three graves that were clearly newer than the rest and made with earth magic. Klaus, Maria, and Colette were engraved on the sturdy gravestones.

“Oh, Luna…” I whispered as tears began running down my cheeks.

Mira walked up to me and looked at the graves. She silently stood beside me until my tears finally stopped.

“Thank you for waiting,” I said as I wiped away the last of my tears. “I’m fine now.”

“Luna made these, didn’t she?” Mira asked as she inspected the gravestones.

“It couldn’t have been anyone else,” I said and looked up at the evening sky. “I hope she comes back soon.”

“I’m sure she will be back before you know it. She might even be waiting for you when we get back to Baruda.”

We spent the night in the village, and after taking care of the deceased, it was time to go back to Baruda. There was no point hanging around an empty village, and the soldiers who had gone out to check the surrounding area found nothing worth reporting.

When we returned to Baruda, I went back to our room, hoping to find Luna waiting for me, but I came back to an empty room. I decided to take a bath and wash away the two days I had spent on horseback. I sat down in the bath and looked down at where my scar used to be before fixating my vision on the necklace hanging around my neck.

The necklace…

I grabbed the necklace and channeled my mana into it, causing it to give off a faint blue glow, just like the last time I used it.

Luna said she would know if I used this.

After I got out of the bath, I crawled into bed and watched the faint glow of the necklace until it eventually stopped.

You said you would come if I used it. Luna, you liar…

In the next couple of days, I had fallen into a routine. I woke up, used the necklace, ate, spent time in my room, ate again, went back to my room, used the necklace, and then went to sleep. Each time, I hoped Luna would suddenly appear in front of me, and each time, my hope dwindled more and more.

Mira had dragged me down for a drink together with Hanna to get my mind on something else. “You’re doing it again,” she said with a frown.

“Doing what?”

“Staring down on your gloves.”

“It’s only been a week. She will come back,” Hanna said as she waved at Lucy at the counter, signaling she wanted more mead.

“I’m sure you’re right,” I replied, the lack of confidence evident in my voice.

Lucy came over and put down another mug of mead in front of Hanna. “The atmosphere is rather heavy here. Did something happen?”

“Liz is sad that Luna hasn't come back yet.”

“Oh my, didn’t she tell you anything when she left?” Lucy asked.

“No,” I sighed.

“I don’t think she said anything about where she was going when she gave me her key either,” Lucy said and tapped a finger on her chin, trying to remember.

“She gave you her key?!” I blurted, jumping up and staring at her.

“Y-Yes, early one morning about a week ago,” Lucy said, startled. “I was preparing the dining hall for breakfast when she came down the stairs, but… She looked rather distressed. Did something happen to her?”

I sank back down in my chair and put my head on the table. “She isn’t coming back.”

“You don’t know that,” Mira replied, trying to console me. “Maybe she just gave her the key because she didn’t know how long she would be gone?”

“I’m going back to my room,” I said, standing up to leave.

“Liz…” Mira said, looking at me with concerned eyes.

“Good night.”

I went back to my room and toppled down on the bed.

You said I wouldn’t wake up one day and you would be gone. You said you would always be here… Luna, you liar.

I once again channeled mana into the necklace.

Why do I keep doing this? If she didn’t come the first time, why would she come now? Maybe she can’t feel it when I use the necklace? But she did before…

I let out a sigh as I tilted my head to the side when I noticed something white sticking out from behind the drawer. I got up and pulled out the barely visible paper. On it, the words ‘I’m sorry’ were written along with some traces of tears that had fallen on the paper.

I’m sorry? I’m sorry, what?! Did you go to Kaydossa? Did you just decide to leave me for some other reason? Did you… Maybe? It’s a long shot, but I have to make sure. I will go crazy if I just sit here.

The following day, I left town at the crack of dawn on horseback. After four or so hours, I arrived at my destination, the mountain where we met, Luna’s lair. I tied my horse to a tree and walked to the area where the cave opening was and found… nothing. Where once there was a crack in the mountain, it was now just solid stone. I cast [Icicle] at the wall, but it just shattered. All my emotions shifted to anger.

I unleashed another [Icicle], aiming two meters to the left of where the crack had once been, creating a sizable indentation in the mountain wall.

I knew it.

I continued casting [Icicle] over and over until I could see the open cave at the end of the hole. I didn't stop casting until the hole was big enough for me to crawl into. After that, I went inside the cave.

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