Reincarnated as the Strongest Dragon

Chapter 57: Finding The Tamer

Chapter 57: Finding The Tamer

“I didn’t get disoriented this time,” Liz said as we appeared at my telenode.

“It was a short distance, after all,” I replied, spreading my wings. “Shall we get going then?”

“Uhm, would it be alright if we rode the foxlings instead of flying?”

“I don’t see why not,” I pondered. “It will be slower, though. Any particular reason?”

“I haven’t seen them in a while,” Liz answered. “Also, well… It’s starting to get a bit chilly.”

“Oh? I’m sorry. I didn’t realise that it was getting colder,” I apologized, glancing at the leaves around us that had started changing colors, signaling that autumn was fast approaching. “I can cast [Warmth] on you if you want?”

“Thanks, but I do miss the foxlings if that would be okay.”

“Of course,” I smiled. “We aren’t exactly in a rush. I’m sure they will be happy to see you, as well.”

I summoned my foxlings, and Woxy, as expected, immediately jumped up in Liz’s arms and tried to lick her face.

“Aaw, I’m happy to see you too, Woxy,” Liz giggled, happily hugging Woxy.

“You’re going to make Roxy and Boxy jealous,” I chuckled. “Don’t spoil Woxy too much.”

“Of course, I’m happy to see them, too,” Liz smiled, putting down Woxy, much to his protests. She then beckoned Boxy and Roxy to come to her so she could pat their heads.

“We are going to visit a village,” I said, leaning down to fluff Woxy’s tails. “Could you give us a ride?”

Woxy immediately grew bigger and began nudging Liz with his head.

“Well, I guess it’s obvious who you will be riding,” I smirked. “Now, which of you two will be taking me?”

Boxy walked over to me and grew bigger, while Roxy stayed in his smaller form.

Roxy didn’t even complain. Is he mad at me?

As soon as we got on Boxy and Woxy, Roxy jumped up in my lap.

“Oh, you little rascal,” I giggled. “You just want to be spoiled, don’t you?”

“Kyun!” Roxy squeaked.

“You sneaky little fluffball,” I chuckled, stroking his tails. “Let’s go then.”

Boxy and Woxy turned their heads and looked around but didn’t move.

“Oh, right. You want a direction, don’t you? Let’s see,” I pondered, trying to figure out the direction of the capital before pointing to the south. “Go that way. We should find a road soon.”

“Kyu~” Boxy and Woxy cried in unison before accelerating through the forest at a remarkable pace.

We soon came upon the road going south from the capital and continued following it toward the village.

After following the road for about an hour, we arrived at a fork in the road. We stopped at the signpost, which had signs pointing down both roads and one pointing toward the capital. Lesuna, Stromborg, and Valena were written on the three signs.

“Uhm, Liz?” I said while looking at the signs. “Did Grahl tell us what the village was called?”

“I don’t think so?” She pondered. “He only said directly south.”

“I really need to get better at asking for important information,” I muttered before pointing in the direction of the road that led to Valena. “This way should be south, I think?”

“Stromborg is a town, so it’s probably Valena.”

“What would I ever do without you?” I smirked. “You heard her. It’s that way.”

We traveled along the road leading to Valena and quickly left the open plains, entering a dense forest. We continued moving forward for another fifteen minutes until my [Biomagic Radar] picked up something.

“There is something up ahead,” I said.


“Two humans… and three dark wolves.”

“They might need help!”

“I guess so? Let’s pick up the pace.”

A villager should be able to defeat a dark wolf, at least if they have a weapon. Three might be too much, though.

They soon came into sight, and Liz appeared to have been correct. A woman with dark violet hair, holding a large dagger, was protecting a child who hid behind her. They had their backs against a large tree, and the three dark wolves circled in front of her, looking for an opening.

Liz urged Woxy to go even faster. As soon as she came into range, she shot three [Icicle] with pinpoint precision, instantly killing the dark wolves.

I didn’t even need to do anything. It was only dark wolves, but still, Liz the heroine to the rescue.

“Are you okay?” Liz called out as she approached the pair.

“We are just fine,” the woman smiled. “Thank you for the help. It might have been a bit troublesome if you hadn’t come by.”

She sounds oddly calm for someone who just got attacked by monsters.

“Are you sure?”

“Quite alright,” the woman assured Liz. “I could take a dark wolf or two, but I had a bit of trouble protecting Millie at the same time, so I’m thankful that you showed up.”

“That’s good then,” Liz smiled, looking at the girl. “My name is Liz. What’s your name?”

“Millie,” she answered while hiding behind the woman’s skirt.

“I’m Sandra,” the woman said, pushing Millie in front of her. “You don’t need to hide. They don’t seem like bad people.”

Isn’t it the fact that Liz is sitting on a large spirit fox that makes Millie want to hide?

“The silent one back there is Luna,” Liz smirked, pointing back at me.

Eh? Silent one? Liz, that’s your job.

“I’m the silent one now?” I muttered as Boxy walked up beside Liz and Woxy.

Millie stared intensely at Liz, or so I thought, but it was Woxy who had caught her eye. “Is that a fox?”

“It’s a kind of fox,” Liz answered.

“Can I pet it?”

“Can she?” Liz asked while petting Woxy’s head, who promptly nodded. “Looks like you can.”

Millie immediately ran up to Woxy and hugged him. “You’re so soft!”

Okay, so not afraid of my foxlings.

“What are you doing out here in the forest?” Sandra asked with a warm smile while she watched Millie bury her head in Woxy’s fur.

“We are on our way to Valena,” I replied.

“I see. It’s not too far from here,” Sandra said. “We are also on our way there after our trip to the capital.”

“You walked all the way from the capital?” Liz wondered.

“Heavens, no,” Sandra chuckled. “We rode a carriage heading for Stromborg from the capital and jumped off where the road splits. Millie is a bit too young to walk such a long distance.”

“Am not!” She protested. “I’m already seven!”

“So big!” Liz grinned.

“Millie, say goodbye to the fox now,” Sandra said before putting a hand on Millie’s shoulder. “We need to get you home and get some food in your tummy.”

“B-but,” Millie pouted.

“Should we?” Liz whispered after turning to face me.

“I guess we can.”

Liz turned back to the pair. “Do you want to come with us? We are going to the same place, after all.”

I never really thought about it before, but Liz is really good at handling kids, at least compared to me.

“Can we?!” Millie blurted out, escaping Sandra’s grasp and running into Woxy again.

“Are you sure?” Sandra asked reluctantly. “We don’t want to impose.”

I picked Roxy up from my lap and held him in front of me. “Do you want to give these two a lift?”

“Kyun!” he squeaked and licked my nose before jumping down and growing larger.

“Another fox!” Millie shouted, letting go of Woxy and running into Roxy with her arms open.

“That is something you don’t see every day,” Sandra mused. “I have never ridden anything other than a horse before.”

“My foxlings are far better than a horse,” I said with a smug grin. “Roxy, lean down so they can get on.”

“What about those?” Sandra wondered, pointing at the dark wolves.

“I can bring them to the village,” I said as I jumped off Boxy and swiftly stored the dark wolves in my [Inventory].

“Now, that is also something you don’t see every day,” Sandra mused, slightly surprised when the dark wolves disappeared into the void. “You’re not ordinary people, are you?”

“Well, we are adventurers,” I replied.

“I have met a few adventurers, but even among them, you stand out.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I smirked. “Let’s go to Valena.”

After traveling for about fifteen minutes, we exited the forest and could see a village surrounded by fields. It was a bit bigger than Kleadan and had a palisade surrounding it. A man could be seen leaning against the wooden gate that led into the village.

“So fast!” Mille giggled while leaning down and hugging Roxy’s back. “Faster, faster!”

“We should probably get off and walk the rest of the way,” I said, thinking that my foxlings would stop so we could dismount. “The guard might get frightened otherwise.”

My foxlings, however, ignored me and kept running toward the village at a fast pace.

“I said stop, you rascals,” I shouted. “You will scare the man.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem,” Sandra said.

“It doesn’t look like they have any intention of stopping,” Liz laughed. “I thought summons always listened to their summoner.”

“I have clearly spoiled them too much,” I muttered. “At least slow down. We can’t be barreling into the village like this.”

My foxlings complied with my request and slowed down to a brisk walking pace. By now, the man at the gate had noticed us but did not seem alarmed.

We arrived at the village entrance and stopped as the man casually greeted us.

“Hello there,” He said, looking at us curiously. “Is that Sandra and Millie I see?”

“Hi, Roy,” Sandra greeted the guard. “They offered to let us ride with them, and I couldn’t possibly refuse since Millie was already stuck to one of the foxes.”

“Who could say no to that girl,” Roy grinned before turning to me. “What brings you to our village?

“We are looking for a man named Gregory,” I replied, jumping off Boxy. “Is he living here?”

“Old man Greg, eh?” He said, rubbing his chin. “He sure does. Want me to lead you to his house?”

“That would be helpful,” I smiled before looking at my foxlings. “Do you want to go back now?”

“Kyuuu~” they protested. Woxy then turned smaller and jumped up into Liz’s arms while Boxy jumped up and hung over my shoulder. Roxy waited until Millie had dismounted before turning smaller and escaping into my arms.

“I guess you’re coming with us,” I sighed before turning to the man. “Is it okay for them to enter the village?”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” he chuckled. “You got some interesting companions with you.”

“Foxes…” Millie pouted.

“Now, now, Millie,” Sandra said, taking Millie’s hand. “They were nice enough to let you ride one all the way here. It’s time to say goodbye.”

“Before I forget. Where should I put the dark wolves?”

“Put them?” Sandra asked. “You are the ones who killed them.”

“You can take them. I’m not a big fan of dismantling.”

“Are you sure?” Sandra wondered.

“Of course.”

“Well, if you insist,” she smiled. “You can put them down here inside the gate. I will ask Roy to help with the dismantling.”

I pulled out the dark wolves and put them in a neat pile. After waving goodbye to Sandra and Millie, we followed Roy into the village.

“You are rather calm,” I remarked as we left the entrance to the village. “Most people would get frightened if these ones came running toward them.”

“I’m used to it,” he said with a smirk. “Greg and his pets are a common sight in this village.”

That might explain why Sandra and Millie weren’t scared.

We continued through the village until we arrived at a small house.

“Greg!” Roy called out. “You got visitors.”

An older man with white hair and a beard opened the door. On his arms, he had several marks in various colors depicting monsters.

“Visitors, you say?” He asked, looking at us, or more precisely, at my foxlings. “It appears an interesting group has come to visit me. Please, do come in.”

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