Reincarnated as the Strongest Dragon

Chapter 63: Hindsight

Chapter 63: Hindsight

Sometime later, I was awoken by something wet on my nose. The culprit behind my wet nose was Boxy, who was sitting on my chest and had chosen to lick my nose as an excellent way to wake me up. Roxy and Woxy had also decided it was time to wake up and had begun jumping all over the bed.

“Good morning to you, too,” I said, scratching Boxy’s head while letting out a big yawn. “I had forgotten how sleeping with you in my bed usually panned out.”

“Kyu,” he squeaked, leaning his head to guide my scratching to his ears.

Liz suddenly kissed my cheek. “There are others here who want attention.”

“And good morning to you, as well,” I said, turning my head to look into Liz’s eyes. “If you wake me up by licking my nose, I will scratch your ears as well.”

“Good to know,” she giggled and licked my nose. “I’m waiting.”

“Oh, you,” I smirked, moving my hand from Boxy’s head to Liz’s ear and began playfully scratching behind it. “Did you sleep well?”

“I would say so,” she purred, leaning into my scratching. “Your bed is nice, but it was a bit empty without you.”

“But you had company,” I giggled. “The bed looked full enough when I came to bed.”

“It’s not really the same,” she said, sticking her tongue out. “Did you sleep well?”

“As well as one could while being pinned down, I suppose?” I pondered. “Both you and Boxy used me as a pillow.”

“You’re the best pillow,” Liz replied, trying her best to wrap her arms and legs around me without shoving Boxy off my chest. “Are you done with your crafting?”

“I am!” I exclaimed proudly. “And I’m super satisfied with the result!”

“Are you going to tell me what you made now?” Liz asked. “My curiosity is reaching its limits.”

“I suppose I can reveal it,” I chuckled. “Let’s get out of bed first.”

I managed to get Boxy to move, escape Liz’s embrace, get out of bed, and get dressed. Liz also got out of bed and began collecting her clothes.

“Oh! I almost forgot,” I said, taking a box with a ribbon around it out of my [Inventory]. “I stumbled upon a store in the capital and got you this.”

“What is it?” Liz asked, taking the box.

“You will see,” I smirked before turning around and walking toward the door. “I’ll go set the table for breakfast.”

My foxlings followed me as I left the room and closed the door behind me. I walked over to the table in my living room and began taking out some breakfast.

“What is this?” Liz yelled from the bedroom. “You expect me to wear these?”

“I was hoping you would,” I chuckled. “At least try them on.”

I heard Liz mutter something incomprehensible from the bedroom while I continued setting the table. As I was done, Liz came out of the bedroom wearing nothing other than her present.

“Where did you even find something like this?” Liz said as she came out of the bedroom, suddenly taking a step back away from me when she met my gaze.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

“Instinct?” Liz replied, relaxing her shoulders. “Have you ever seen a cat hunt mice?”

“Uhm, maybe?” I pondered. “What about it?”

“Your eyes dilated like you had seen your prey. It was almost unsettling.”

“They did? I’m sorry,” I laughed. “Well, you’re not wrong.”

She isn’t exactly wrong. My first thought when I saw her in her new red lace panties and bra was to pounce on her.

“But never mind that. Where did you find this?” Liz asked, looking down on her underwear. “A napkin has more fabric than the panties! And everything is basically see-through.”

“All the important bits are covered, aren’t they?” I giggled. “I found them when I walked into a clothing store for nobles to ask for some directions.”

“They barely cover anything,” she muttered. “They must have cost a fortune if they came from a store for nobles.”

“I have no idea. I saw them and wanted them,” I shrugged, taking out the other three boxes. “I actually got you four pairs.”

Liz reluctantly took the boxes and put them on the table. “You could have asked before buying me something expensive.”

“It was a spur of the moment,” I smirked. “Go ahead. Open them.”

Liz sighed and opened the first box, revealing underwear in a similar design to the first pair, except that they were slightly less see-through and black.

“This is better, I think?” Liz said, holding up the panties. “Are all of them like this?”

“Why don’t you find out?” I giggled. “I did buy different designs.”

Liz opened another box and picked up the bra. It was a slightly darker shade of red compared to what she was wearing and more modest, but still one of the more alluring options that the shop had for sale. Lastly, she opened the last box, which revealed a black pair with a white floral pattern, the most modest pair of the four.

“These are all so well made,” she said, inspecting the underwear. “And touching the fabric tells me how expensive they must have been.”

“Don’t worry about the price,” I smirked. “Do you like them?”

“I think so?” Liz pondered. “They are comfortable, but maybe just a little too revealing.”

“I believe they are the perfect amount of revealing,” I replied, biting my lip.

“Of course you would think that,” Liz frowned. “Did you buy any for yourself?”

“No, it would be a hassle,” I shrugged. “With the whole [Inventory] thing. Besides, you know clothes aren’t really my thing.”

“So I don’t get something to look at?” Liz pouted playfully. “How unfair.”

“You haven’t complained so far,” I giggled. “And you have never seen me in just my underwear.”

“That’s odd in itself,” she pondered. “But, well, thank you for these.”

“You’re welcome,” I smiled. “Now, are you going to put on the rest of your clothes before we eat, or are you staying like that? Not that I mind.”

“I’m sure you don’t,” Liz replied with a deep sigh before disappearing into the bedroom, only to reappear fully clothed a few moments later.

“So, what did you make?” Liz asked with anticipation in her eyes.

“Breakfast first,” I smirked, taking a seat at the table.

“Muh,” Liz grumbled, squinting her eyes at me before sitting down at the table and beginning to eat.

“There, now tell me what you made,” Liz said as she tossed the last piece of bread in her mouth.

“Aren’t you impatient today?” I chuckled as I stood up and pulled the cloak from [Inventory]. “I made this!”

“A cloak?” Liz wondered, looking at the blue cloak with yeti fur lining the hood that I held up.

“Yes!” I exclaimed proudly. “It’s water-proof and thermodynamic.”

“Thermo-what now?”

“It keeps you nice and cozy in both hot and cold temperatures,” I explained smugly. “It’s also very durable and with good protection.”

“I see?” Liz replied, tilting her head.

“You don’t sound impressed,” I muttered, pouting. “Just try it on.”

“You made it for me?” Liz asked.

“Of course I did,” I smiled and gave her the cloak. “Channel some mana into the clasp.”

“Before I do this,” Liz said and squinted at me. “How much is this cloak worth?”

“You don’t have to worry,” I laughed. “I didn’t spend that much on the materials.”

Liz eyed me suspiciously before sighing and channeling mana into the clasp.

Item name: Dragon’s Embrace

Durability 1500/1500
+148 Stamina
+13% Physical Resistance
+11% Magic Resistance
+17% Elemental Resistance

[Warmth Lv.6]
[Chill Lv.8]
[Enhanced Durability Lv.7]
[Auto Repair Lv.10]
[Identify Blocker Lv.10]

Bound to: Lizette

“Luna,” Liz muttered with wide eyes. “You liar. You said it wasn’t expensive.”

“I didn’t lie,” I said, tilting my head. “I didn’t spend that much.”

“How could you not have?” Liz asked. “This is at least as insane as my gloves!”

“Didn’t I mention that before?” I wondered, thinking back to what I said in the capital. “The materials are only a part of the process. It’s the crafter that plays the biggest part.”


“Refining materials strengthens the effect they give,” I explained. “And refining is an intricate process that has to be done in one go, so the end product is dependent on how much mana the crafter has.”

“And since you can probably keep going until you die from old age, you can use the materials to their full capacity,” Liz pondered, tapping her chin. “I see now, but it doesn’t make it any less valuable.”

“How unfortunate that you already bound the item to you then,” I said with a smug grin. “Now, you couldn’t even give it back if you wanted to.”

“I did say I wouldn’t care no matter how much you spoiled me, so I guess I can’t even complain,” Liz sighed. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome,” I chuckled. “Now, let me show you what it can do.”

I grabbed a glass from the table and took back the cloak, pouring some water on it. “As you can see, the water just bounces off.”

“You’re getting water on the floor,” Liz said, grabbing the glass. “So it’s good for when it rains? That’s handy.”

“Indeed, but that is not all,” I smirked smugly and turned the clasp to reveal the magic stones. “If you channel mana into the red magic stone on the left, it will protect you from the cold for two hours. The blue one will protect from heat for the same duration.”

“So that is what thermo-what now means?” Liz wondered.

“Thermodynamic,” I chuckled. “And yes.”

“That also sounds handy,” Liz replied.

“That’s not all,” I grinned, grabbing the knife we used to cut meat with from the table and giving it to Liz. “Stab it.”


“Stab the cloak,” I repeated, stretching the cloak in front of Liz. “Give it a good thrust.”

Liz eyed me suspiciously before complying and stabbing the cloak. The knife, however, did not manage to penetrate the fabric.

“Hmm, use your claws,” I said, looking at where the knife had hit the cloak. “Give it a bit more oomph.”

Liz sighed, took out her gloves from her magic bag, and used [Glacial Dragon Claws]. She then grabbed the knife again and thrust it into the cloak with all her might, causing the tip of the knife to slightly penetrate the cloak before the blade snapped in two.

“Not bad,” I chuckled. “I wasn’t sure if you would be able to do that.”

“And what was the point of this?” Liz asked as she picked up the blade from the floor. “Other than to make a hole in the cloak and break a knife.”

“The first was to check how durable it is,” I said, holding up the cloak. “The other is this.”

I showed Liz the small hole she had made and watched it slowly mend itself until there was no trace left.

“So it protects from water, heat, cold, attacks, and mends itself…” Liz muttered with a deep sigh. “I’m not even surprised anymore.”

“Good,” I grinned and tossed the cloak over her shoulders. “And I think it’s quite comfortable as well.”

Liz fastened that clasp and pulled up the hood. “It really is. But why did you make this?”

“You said it was getting chilly,” I shrugged.

“You went through the trouble of making this just because I said it was getting chilly?” Liz asked with wide eyes.

“Yes?” I replied, pursing my lips and tilting my head.

“That does sound like something you would do,” Liz replied with a sigh. “I will have to be careful with what I say moving forward.”

“It’s more fun if you aren’t,” I smirked. “I couldn’t give it the ability to clean itself, though. It would have been perfect then.”

“You couldn’t?”

“I couldn’t add anything else to the cloak,” I explained. “It’s at maximum capacity.”

“I see,” Liz said, tapping her chin. “Say, is [Chill] necessary? Couldn’t I just take off the cloak if it’s hot? And isn’t [Chill] a spell I could learn myself?”

“I guess so? You have the skills required for it, so you…” I stopped, my eyes widening at the realisation. “I’m such an idiot!”

“You didn’t think of that?” Liz laughed.

“I was so focused on making the cloak thermodynamic that I didn’t consider that. I could have added [Cleanse] instead,” I groaned, grabbing my head. “I’ll make a new cloak.”

“No, it’s fine!” Liz assured me. “I can just wash it normally. And what if it’s both hot and raining? I would need to use the cloak even if I knew the spell myself.”

“You don’t need to console me,” I said, my shoulders slumped. “Let me wallow in self-pity.”

“It’s fine!” Liz repeated. “It’s useful, beautiful, and comfortable. Not to mention, it’s got a cute name. With this, I will be comfortable no matter what weather we fly in.”

“I guess It’s good enough. I can alway— Aaah!” I yelled out. “I could have added [Slow Fall] instead in case you fell instead!”

“Stop it,” Liz said, flicking my forehead. “I don’t need that since you would never let me fall. It’s perfect as it is.”

I thought I had gotten better at thinking things through. Well, they say hindsight is 20/20.

“My scatterbrain really showed itself this time,” I muttered, letting out a deep sigh. “I’m glad you like it.”

“Yes, thank you,” Liz said with a wide smile. “You’re always so caring.”

“It’s fun to craft things, but I rarely need to make something for myself,” I replied. “And I don’t want to make things to sell.”

“Putting anything you make out on the market could end badly if the wrong person got their hands on it,” Liz chuckled.

“No need to be overdramatic,” I said with a slight smirk. “Not everything I make is of that quality.”

“So you say, but even Mira’s staff was very good,” Liz frowned. “And you just made that on a whim.”

“Fair enough,” I said, sticking out my tongue. “So, what now? Want to go back to town?”

“I guess…” Liz pondered, looking at Woxy at her feet. “We could go later? We rarely spend any time in your house.”

“Let’s stay until it’s dinnertime then.”

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