ReLife Player

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

Unlocked chapter (6/13)

[When the Fox Rain Stops (13)]

The television in the living room continued to broadcast recent developments.

Chairwoman Yoo Seonkyung of Eternal Group apologized for the corruption involving her three sons and vowed to lead the group towards a better future.

The entire family decided to step down from all managerial positions and relocate to Jeju Island, essentially as an exile.

[Next up: At 3 a.m. today, Dangun E&Cs president, Yeom Jun-woo, committed suicide by jumping from his home. In his room, he wrote his last will and testament-].

Yeom Jun-woo, the president of Dangun Construction, has committed suicide.

A few days ago, he went on a rampage at a press conference saying he would confess the corruption of Dangun Group, and left a will admitting his sins.

Dangun Group abandoned Dangun Construction.

KK E&C and Donghae E&C decided to absorb the bankrupt company.

In addition to that, Dangun Group suffered a significant blow.

The criticism from Ain players was a bonus.

However, the boycott was short-lived.

While the media may have given Ain a temporary boost of positive coverage, it was short-lived in terms of its place in society.

Ain remained a target of persecution.

The survivors of a once-destroyed world were so weak that they couldnt survive without blaming someone.

Avernier, catch me!


Eunae ran around the house, not even paying attention to the television.

Avernier, now three years old, wiggled his butt and chased after her.

The house was noisy with the sound of the two children playing.

As if the recent events were irrelevant.

Avernier, didnt Mommy tell you not to run around, theres a scary old man downstairs whos going to come up and say, This kid!

Here it comes!

Julieta, sitting at the living room table, scolded the squeaky child.

Unaware that he was being scolded, he made a playful face, imitating Eunae.

Julieta laughed as if she couldnt help it.

Here, kids, have some cocoa.

Thank you, Eunaes mom.

Wow! Cocoa!


Hearing the word cocoa, Eunae threw her arms up and ran to her mother.

My daughter. Mom told you not to behave recklessly, didnt she? Mom almost got hurt.

Setting the tray down on the table as if she had been expecting this, her mother stretched and grabbed Eunaes cheeks as she clung to her leg.

Her cheeks reddened, Eunae grabbed the cocoa and ran into the living room with Avernier.

Im worried that Eunae will end up like Euna and Eunha.

Isnt it Eunha Boss who acts recklessly, not Euna?

Hes a lot of things, like putting his clothes on backwards in his sleep, reaching for the remote and not being able to find it when he is holding it, and leaving the window open in the middle of the night.

Yesterday, it was raining, so I told him to grab his umbrella and go out, but he left it at the front door.

His mother grumbled.

But the corners of her mouth curled into a smile as she thought of her children.

By the way, wheres Eunha Boss? Its the weekend, where is he?

Seonas been discharged from the hospital, so the kids are going to go to Gyeongbokgung Palace.

I hope they have a good time and return safely.

Thats right.

The two people who stopped talking also knew what had happened to Seona recently.

All the parents at Doan Elementary School knew.

A vocal group of parents had sent a letter in favor of her expulsion.

Julieta jumped around in anger just thinking about it.

If the situation were reversed, she would have asked to be a representative of the parents who opposed her expulsion.

Of course, she wasnt a parent at their school, so she couldnt represent them.

Instead, she went around the neighborhood catching people spreading slander about Ain.

Bruno followed suit, and it was a predictable development.

Eunhas mom. Did you see the letter that came home? What do you think?

Setting down her glass, Julieta left to play with the children.

Eunhas mom, alone at the table, remembered what had happened only moments before.

What?, now the parents are up here saying she should be expelled.

Are you going to join in?

Shes their friend.

Yeah, shes a friend of the kids, but that doesnt make her a friend of the moms. Dont you think so?


At that moment, she couldnt outright deny Minjis mothers words.

She didnt believe in the prejudice against Ain as it was, but she was well aware of how Ain was treated in society.

Also, the fact that her child could face a difficult situation by associating with Ain.

Seona is a good girl.

She felt sorry for her because she had no parents.

But no matter what, her children came first.

The safety and happiness of Eunha came first.

I dont want her to be with Minji, what if she is judged by the kids later? I know Im a bad person, but my daughter comes first. Dont you agree?

Eunha comes first, too, but I want to let him do what he wants because he comes first.

They both felt the same way about their children.

The only difference was whether they supported or guided their childs path.

If Eunha likes his friend, then from today, Mom also likes his friend. Come play again with her next time.

His mom had made a promise to herself when he first brought Seona home.

She would support Eunhas choice.

If he liked his friend, she would consider her a good child too.

Mom, its raining outside!

Rain! Rain! Mom! Rain!

She snapped out of her reverie and headed to the veranda when she heard Eunae calling out.

The sky was clear as ever, but rain was falling from the sky.

It was just a light shower.

Its fox rain.


Julieta said as she hold Avernier and looked out at the rain in broad daylight.

Eunae tilted her head curiously.

The rain that falls during the day is called fox rain. Maybe a fox is getting married today.

A fox? Is it getting married?

Thats right.

Julieta replied playfully as she watched Eunaes eyes widen.

Eunae was intrigued by the story of the fox.

Then, Unnie, is the fox crying because its sad about getting married?

Eh? Uh, well.

The question came out of nowhere.

Julieta was taken aback by the unexpected question.

It was then that her mother spoke up for her as she searched for an answer.

The fox isnt crying because its sad; its the cloud that is sad.

The clouds?

Yes, because the cloud liked the fox. So when it saw the fox get married to the tiger, it was so sad that it cried.

Poor cloud. So is the cloud still crying now for the fox?

Eunae cried as she empathized with the cloud in the story.

Her mother bent down and hugged her. She put her hands on her shoulders and guided her to look up at the sky.

Its only crying for a little while.


The cloud decided to stop crying to wish the fox happiness.

Before they knew it, the rain was subsiding.

The raindrops stopped falling.

The cloud, hiding behind the sun, seemed to be drying its tears, trying hard to smile.

So now the cloud is wishing the fox happiness?

Thats right. Its the day of the wedding; it should smile.

Eunae, will you also wish the fox a happy life?


Please let our fox walk on a flower path.

So when the fox rain stops, the fox will be smiling happily.

Lately, he had spent too much money.

His resolution was that this month he would definitely tighten his belt.

The doorbell rang.

Whats this? I didnt order anything

He frowned as he checked how much money was left in the safe.

He was ready to break the legs of the MLM sellers if they were trying to persuade him again.

He told them to find fortune elsewhere.

This world, believing that good deeds bring blessings Such nonsense.

Good Morning, Mr. Jung Geum-joon.

Jung Geum-joon eyes wide, scratched his stomach through his workout clothes.

A woman in a suit stood straight in front of him.

There was no doubt about who she was.

Jung Geum-joon changed his expression, pulling his hand out from the workout clothes and leaning against the corner of the entrance.

Whats going on?

With his arms folded, he addressed the woman in a condescending manner.

The woman, the general secretary of Donghae Group, pulled something out of her pocket as if she was used to this kind of thing.

She held it out with both hands.

What is it?

Please see it yourself.

He asked, his eyebrows twitching.

She calmly replied without showing fear.


After staring down at the woman for a long time, he took the envelope.

He stared at the contents of the envelope, his hands trembling as he read the word statement.

What What is this?

As you can see, its a statement. Its the record of the laborers hired through Donghae Group this time.

W-wasnt it provided for free?

Young Master. Have you forgotten? Theres no such thing as free without a price in this world.

But still! C-cant we get a family discount or something! And! Why is the cost so high!

The Chairman said so. If you plan to haggle for discounts, he suggests you return home immediately.

Also, I want to inform you that additional costs were incurred because the task you requested had to be done discreetly without leaving any traces.

The Chairman said attacks should be made without leaving any tails when targeting enemies.

Jung Geum-joon was in desbelief.

His little scheme had failed.

Dangun Construction was involved in the flow of attacking Jin Seona.

Thats why he had sought the assistance of Donghae Group, with whom he had almost cut off communication since he left home.

Hadnt the Chairman of Donghae Group, also his grandfather, readily agreed?

Still, I didnt think hed take money from his grandson!

Young master. Did you really think the chairman would like freebies?

What are you all doing? Not coming out with the money.


Uh-uh-uh, hey, who are you to come into my room? Hey, you bastards, why dont you take off your shoes?

The general secretary of the Donghae Group shouted at the men waiting behind the open door.

The sunglasses-wearing men pushed their way inside, unperturbed by him.

It didnt take them long to open the safe with the equipment they had brought with them.

Okay, Im going to pay you, so get the hell out of my vault!

We have no intention of touching your assets if youre willing to pay us, but-.

The Donghae Groups general secretary, who had maintained an expressionless face until now, raised the corners of her mouth.

Jung Geum-joon, who had known her for a long time, knew what that smile meant.

It was the smile she wore whenever she felt pleasure in tormenting him.

If youre willing to pay in cash, that is.

No! Card! Ill pay by card, but please dont take my cash, you know that the cash I have in my vault holds quite a bit of mana!

The chairman said to take the money in the vault.

Please! Ill get down on my knees and.

Young Master. Ive told you so many times. You cannot kneel down as a person directly in the Donghae Group.

The frowning woman grabbed Jung Geum-jeon, who was about to kneel, and pulled him up.

The roles were reversed.

Jung Geum joon grabbed the hand of the woman wearing white gloves with both hands and shook it vehemently.

God! Do they know what kind of money was in the safe?!

Even if the amounts were the same, the mana accumulated based on how many peoples hands it passed through could vary!

Of course, the chairman said that you might not be able to pay in cash right away, so he made one condition. Would you like to take a listen?

So this is what you were planning on doing?

The woman handed over her smartphone.

Only then did Jung Geum realize why she was being like this.

Youre the one who called first.

Okay, give it to me.

He should have made a more careful decision.

If he had known this would happen, he wouldnt have bothered helping that Ain brat.

Even without his help, Dangun Construction would have been dismantled anyway, unable to withstand the Eternal Groups attack.

But he had already walked into a trap.

Sighing, Jung Geum-joon snatched the womans smartphone from her grasp.

The phone rang just in time.

It was Jung Jae-man, chairman of Donghae Group.


[Are you living well?]

Im living very well because of my grandfather. You wanted to take money from your grandchildren so badly, huh?

[The one who made the request is throwing a tantrum Why? Are you planning to pay back the interest too?]

Whats the matter?

No business before money.

Jung Geum-joon redirected the topic with a sly grin.

A muffled laugh could be heard over the phone.

[Im sure youve run out of money by now. stop being so stubborn and come home and help your brother].

No. I ran out of the house because I didnt want to work, and now you want me to go back to work?

[Dont you smell the money? and Im not going to make you work much].

Grandfather, if I work, I lose.

[Then why dont you go down to Jeju Island?]

Internally, Jung Geum -joon groaned.

Jung Jae-man, the chairman of Donghae Group, had always said that he would pass on the management to his eldest son.

He emphasized the principle of inheritance so much that he sent all of his immediate family members, except for the eldest sons family, down to Jeju Island.

Having belonged to the eldest son family, he was able to avoid being sent back to Jeju Island.

And he had a role to play in supporting his brother, who would one day become chairman.

Why should I work?

Im going to spend all my time playing.

If you work, you lose!

Of course, he ran away from home because he didnt want to work.

He was confident that his grandfather wouldnt send him into exile on Jeju Island.

But his grandfather was scolding him, saying,

[Go! You can go to Jeju Island. I heard from the kids that it has good water and clean air.]

No, not Jeju.

Jung Geum-joon shook his head.

Currently, more than half of Jeju Islands land mass had been transformed into monster habitats.

Hallasan Mountain was one of the highest difficulty Red Dungeons.

The Gyeonggi Northern Provincial Office had recently increased its difficulty.

Plus, I cant play games! Where can I buy comics! Where can I order fried chicken and pizza for delivery!

In Jeju Island, where the mana was thick, electronic devices were not able to communicate properly.

Since the Red Dungeon was located in the central part of Jeju Island, no matter where you went, you had to travel along the outskirts.

Deliveries always resulted in losses and mana depletion.

I wont go back home, so please find another solution.

He didnt want to go back home, nor did he want to be banished to Jeju Island. So Jung Geum-joon had no choice but to answer in a respectful manner.

[There is another way].

Damn it, what a cursed inspiration.

Jung Geum-joon cursed under his breath.

He was probably just waiting for him to be forced to bow down.

[The Donghae Clans presence has diminished a lot since the reclamation of Uijeongbu.

I wont ask you to come home, so manage Donghae Clan and run it].

You want me to be the clan leader?

[What clan leader with your skills? You just need to handle management, just management!]

Managing money is not something I know. How can I handle losses?

[Youre already in debt anyway. You manage it.]

Okay, then should I go to work with a sui.

[By the way, Geum-joon. Just the other day, Kim Geon made fun of your grandfather].


[He was bragging about how there are Twelve Seats of KK clan this time. He said they were selected as a navigator or something, and I got annoyed the whole time.

Its like hearing that the kid next door got first place in school while my own kid cant even get good grades.

Geum-joon, you understand how I feel, right?]

So, what do you want me to do?

[What do I want you to do? I dont ask for much. Just make Donghae Clan a clan that can break KK Clans arrogance.]

Grandpa, isnt that too much to ask, leaving me with a debt and expecting me to produce a Twelve Seat?

[Im not asking you to produce Twelve Seats, Im asking you to run the clan and make it better than KKs clan.

Its not that hard. Did I tell you to make it the best clan in the country like Genesis Clan?]

Thats not the same as this.

[Forget it, I expect good results. Youll know if you dont, right?]


Jung Geum-joon returned the smartphone to the woman with a chewed-up face.

The woman put the phone in her front pocket and smiled softly.

What, whats wrong with you?

Im glad to be working with you again, young master.

Huh? What do you mean?

Youve been appointed as the Donghae Clans administrative advisor as of today, please take care of it.

Jung Geum-joon was at a loss for words with a puzzled face.

That means shes going to keep an eye on him.

Since when did the fox rain start falling?

He had turned into a cow that would laboriously work until the day of the foxs wedding.

Hey, its raining now! Hurry, run under that roof!

Its strange, isnt it? The weather forecast said it wouldnt rain today

Wow, my clothes are all wet! I should have brought an umbrella today

I did bring one. Um, it will stop soon, so we dont need to use an umbrella, right?

Anyway, its just fox rain, so it will pass quickly. Lets rest here until then.

Wow! The captain is the only one using an umbrella! Hes really shameless!

Guys, whats a fox rain? There is a big cloud over there.

Even thoughwell we shouldnt be the only ones getting rained on, charge!


Do I have to go too?

Seona, lets go quickly!


Fox rain fell.


Why are guys are trying to steal my umbrella!

Whos going to take your umbrella?

Captain, in times like this, were supposed to play in the rain together!

What nonsense Jung Hayang, are you using magic right now, or not!?

Im not using magic! Dont come over here! Seona, pass!

Pass. Why are you using it? I brought an umbrella too, but Im not using it.

Doggy, dont stand there!

When the fox rain stopped,

they shall all go on a picnic.


Fox Rain is a traditional Korean fairy tale.

Once upon a time, there lived a clever and gullible fox, which was greedy. So, of course, it was aiming to marry the tiger, the king of the forest at the time.

In old fairy tales, tigers always come out as the king of the forest and the highest ranking position.

The fox went to great lengths to win the heart of the tiger, and their love story culminated in a beautiful wedding. However, on the day of the ceremony, the cloud, who had been pining for the fox, was heartbroken to see the one it loved marrying someone else. Despite its own pain, the kind cloud put on a brave face and tried to make the day as joyful as possible for the newlyweds. Though tears streamed down its face, the cloud forced a smile and brought sunshine to the ceremony so that the fox and tigers special day would not be ruined.

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