ReLife Player

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

[ReLife (2)]

Not everything about the future is known.

Unless experienced firsthand, one cannot claim to fully understand.

However, its not unknown how the events unfolding might affect the future.

The weathers nice.

Reaching the bottom of the bridge, Eunha sat down on the grass.

He felt the wind blowing from across the river as he did.

The Han River had been transformed into a habitat for monsters after the <End of the Century Destruction>.

Its waters are so turbid that you cant see into them, and monsters live in them.

However, it is difficult to dispel the mana in this great river.

Even if you could, it would only be temporary.

The Han River is ubiquitous with mana shed unconsciously by people traveling between Gangnam and Gangbuk.

In the end, the best the Korean Mana Management Organization could do was to divide the river into accessible and off-limits zones based on the distribution of mana in the water.


The location of Eunha overlooking the river was off-limits.

The reason for entering the off-limits area even though there was an accessible area that functioned as a park was because a kraken had appeared under the Seongsan Bridge.

Although there are no longer any signs of the creature.

Technically, it started here.

The Fairy Government had been troubled by disturbances since its inception.

The appearance of the Kraken, which called numerous victims during the Familys Month, was only the beginning of sowing distrust in the government.

After that, various unplanned incidents occurred, further eroding trust in the government.

Incidents such as the attack by monsters on elementary school students and hikers during an outing on Bukhansan Mountain criticized the government and clans for their neglect.

Incidents like, the South Korea-U.S. talks to bring back South Koreans stranded in Italy hurt national pride.

Incidents like, the injuries and disappearances of the Twelve Seats sent to take down the second-rank overranked Leviathan shocked the country.

These incidents were piled on top of each other, resulting in widespread discontent and distrust.

Then, in the first reclamation of Uijeongbu, everything that had been wrapped up and fought for exploded.

The first reclamation of Uijeongbu was a gamble for the government.

In order to dispel the accusations against the government, they had to show something worthwhile.

That was the reclamation of Uijeongbu.

It was the best policy to reverse the public opinion that criticized the government and win the enthusiastic support of the public.

At the same time, it was the perfect way to show the world that the Fairy was the hope of humanity.

But the gamble failed.

Miserably, tragically.

Public opinion changed irreversibly due to the operation that caused unprecedented damage since the <End of the Century Destruction>.

From here on is what.

Its no wonder that forces that questioned the righteousness of the Fairy Godmothers existence began to rise from beneath the surface.

The government was supposed to keep them in check, but one bad thing after another came along.

There were significant incidents that could overturn South Koreas landscape and minor events that shook public opinion.

Among the major incidents, one was the invasion of Seoul by the Monster Legion.

Shortly after Eunha graduated from the Player Academy, the Monster Legion took advantage of the absence of Fairy Im Gaeul to invade the Gangbuk area of Seoul.

Crushing the Cocoon.

Right in the Han River.

Children whove just graduated from the academy and know nothing fought for three days and nights without rest Did they think the survivors wont get stronger and will just be slaughtered?

As if they had been waiting for it, the monster legions that emerged from the river in unison first ravaged Yongsan District.

With fewer than Twelve Seats available for combat, there were not enough hands to stop the invasion and protect the citizens.

They had to reach out to players who had just graduated from the Player Academy.

They fought for three days and three nights until the Fairy Lady Im Gaeul and her escorts of Twelves returned.

Many people died, and those who survived became stronger in place of the deceased.

The Lizard King, because I killed itthere are only two legionnaires left.

There were three legionnaires who invaded Seoul at the time.

And one who ruled them.

Each one of them posed a threat of at least the third rank, and it was only after the return of the Fairy Goddess Im Gaeul that they could be destroyed.

It had been a hellish three days.

How can we defeat them?

Even now, I could clearly hear Yoo Jungs voice as she felt hopeless after confirming their presence from a distance.

Eunha felt the same way.

He, too, felt helpless and endlessly hopeless when faced with them.

The highly intelligent ones even moved their legions as if they were entertaining.

As if they could eat you at any moment.

As if you were nothing more than prey.

Many died.

When the tide turned with the return of the Fairy Lady Im Gaeul, the Twelfth Seat, Moon Joon <Unbreakable Shield>, who was the focal point of the Korean Mana Management Organization, was killed.

Also the injuries of Baek Seo-jin <Shadow King> once again created an opportunity for forces opposing the Fairy to intervene.

Did the Mana Association start manipulating public opinion from this time?

More importantly, the monsters invasion of Seoul made people realize that the Cocoons existence was essential.

Its not the Fairys presence that matters, but her power.

Im Gaeul made her move.

Gangbuk was where the central functions of the Fairy government were concentrated.

In Gangbuk, the Cocoons were indispensable.

The problem was that there were no remaining Cocoons in the country.

So the Fairy government made a mistake they should never have made.

They arbitrarily collected the Cocoons from the areas they were touring.

And it happened to be Gwangju.

The decrease in support for the Fairy in areas outside Seoul was natural, considering that people perceived the existence of cocoons as essential.

Certain regions, including Gwangju, even claimed independence.

Then came Baek-ryeon.

The Fairy approval ratings dropped even further, and public opinion was slowly forming that she should be removed as head of state.

By this time, Ha Baek-ryeon had blossomed into the power of <White Silver>.

She was only ten years old.

This was a great opportunity for those who wanted to depose the Fairy Godmother and seize power.

Even if the Fairy approval ratings plummeted, they couldnt overthrow her because there was only one other Fairy in Korea, Im Gaeul.

But then along came Ha Baek-ryeon, who was easy to handle and easy to bead.

You should clean up your own shit. How could you leave the child you picked up to a stranger?

Now that I think about itmaybe the reason she entrusted me with the Baek-ryeon was because I didnt belong to either group.

Back then, known by the alias <Berserker>, Eunha didnt belong to any faction but had risen as a Named player.

Unintentionally, he had connections with Yoo Dojun, the second chairman of the Eternal Group.

With the resources to protect Baekryeon and a legitimate reason to take responsibility for her, he became her rightful guardian.

But whats the use?

Even though he was called <The Protector of the Little Princess> and acted as it was said, the situation didnt improve..

Afterward, the <Dark King> Sindorim, with the mana believers, devastated the Yeongdeungpo area.

The Fairy Government had to put in effort to handle the situation, and they couldnt avoid blame with their careless handling of it.

Partnering with the chaebol groups for the Yeongdeungpo restoration was a bonus.

Then there were other issues.

What the hell was this government even doing?

Eunha stood up, dusting off his pants.

It was getting late; it was time to go back.

He glanced toward the National Assembly building in the distance, reconstructed after the Gangnam Stabilization operation, only to face destruction again under <King of darkness> Shin Do-rims influence.

Anyway, deploying an army in the world where does that even happen? Seriously, what were they thinking? Honestly.

The 2nd Reclamation of Uijeongbu.

South Koreas strongest players, <Flame Demon> Kang Hyun-cheol, <Brainwave> Lee Do-jin, and <Divine Spear> Ryu Yeon-hwa, are the first to reclaim Uijeongbu.

He and the golden generation players were also crucial.

Yet, the military surrounding Uijeongbu, due to misinformation, stupidly bombarded the remaining players in Uijeongbu, misunderstanding them as enemies.

The Fairy Governments standing plummeted, and numerous players turned away from the government.

The Red Dungeon located in the northern Gyeonggi Provincial Office, captured by the efforts of the golden-age players like <Braver> On Taeyang, returned entirely to the chaebol groups and clans.

Finally, what happened next.

That was truly bad luck, there was no other way to put it.

The decisive event that led to the dismissal of Fairy Im Gaeul from her position as a fairy was the appearance of the Guma (Nine Demons).

Each of them had the power of a natural disaster, and they unleashed a massive attack on Seoul and Gyeonggi Province.

Taking all the blame and stepping down, Im Gaeul is reduced to a tool to restore Cocoon.

The fairys authority was dissolved.

Her bodyguard, escort and protector, Lee Jung-hyun, is falsely accused and beheaded in Gwanghwamun Square, and Park Sang-jin is killed while helping her escape.

Ha Baek-ryeon is enthusiastically welcomed by the people as the second Fairy Lady, but in reality, she is treated like a puppet.

So theres so much that needs to be done, so much.

Just reviewing what needed to be done felt like an impossibly long and arduous journey.

If this was the end, it would be fortunate.

Even after Baek-ryeon became a fairy, misfortune continued to strike.

<Flame Demon> Kang Hyun-cheol and <Brainwave> Lee Do-jin were killed while exterminating a third-rank overranked monster in the Gangneung area, <Silent> Yoo Soo-jin went missing, and <Holy Mother> Park Hye-rim went insane.

Even the mysteriously <Witch of time> Precis Memory, disappeared in that situation.

Additionally, there was the tremendous impact on South Korea from the conquest of the < Abyssal Dungeon> brought by the Southern European Union.

Am I really never going to get a break?

Eunha shivered.

There was too much to do.

Nevertheless, he had to move forward.


He stood on the bridge, gazing up at the sky.

The first thing he had to aim for was to defeat the creature up there somewhere.

Ye Gyeong, you first.

Ye Gyeong, a third-rank Overrank.

It was the monster that controlled the legion leaders who invaded Seoul.

It was also the one who led the invasion of Seoul.

I had to prepare myself to defend Seoul against its threats.

At the Player Academy.

The six years to be spent there were not only a time to cultivate strength to oppose them but also a time to discover talents that would support him.

The road ahead was very long. However, there was no need to hurry.

One step at a time.

If he kept moving forward, he would eventually reach his destination.

So, wait. Somewhere beyond the Cocoon, Ye-Gyeong was waiting for an opportunity to invade Seoul.

It will conceal its presence carefully, and when the time is right, it will raise an army and invade Seoul.

Then, humanity would realize that they still hadnt escaped the threat of monsters.

Fear loomed large over the entire Gangbuk area.

I wont let that happen.

In my last life, I may have felt helpless, but in this life, I will kill them all.

Calling his name was a declaration of war.

He would kill that entity floating leisurely somewhere in the sky with his own hands.

Eunha turned his head.

First of all, we need to create a party that has the authority to act on its own in any situation, just like the Mist Flower Party.

That, and a party that is so powerful that no one canuh?

He stopped in his tracks.

A fearsome aura suddenly rose from his back.


He turned and froze at the sight of a figure rising up from beneath the Han River.

It was a grotesquely shaped creature, pointing a scythe-like hook at him.

It had appeared so suddenly that his senses had failed him.

He quickly raised his mana shield when the hook almost touched him.


The barrier he swiftly deployed dispersed as soon as the tip of the hook touched it.

You are.

Ye Gyeong.

Before he could complete his sentence, the massive figure, now revealing a sinister smile, disappeared.

Like smoke.

The oppressive atmosphere dissipated like a lie.

Whoa, shi that startled me.

He barely managed to keep his composure.

It was Ye-Gyeong.

Or more precisely, the remnants of it.

Suspicious little bastard, youve been sending out reconnaissance teams even before the cocoon was broken.

Unfortunately, there was no way to defeat the remnants of Ye Gyeong.

Its not a monster with a magic stone.

It was just a tiny bit of mana that made up its existence.

Normally, it melted into the atmosphere, occasionally controlling it from beyond the Cocoon.


Seven years to go.

He had to complete all preparations before they invaded Seoul.

He needed to create a party with the authority to act independently and the strength to oppose them.

And he had to get stronger.

He couldnt afford to stand still any longer.

To protect happiness, he had to stay ahead of everyone else.

He had no time to look back at those left behind.

Even if they couldnt keep up, he had to leave them behind.

So, alone.

And yet, in silence.

Lets do it again.

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