Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 78: Truth and Lu Bing's past

Chapter 78: Truth and Lu Bing's past

Hearing her question Tianlong Yun knew it was the time to come clean with them and said gently,

Tianlong Yun:"I will tell you all the truth without hiding anything I just hope that you don't get disgusted by me." He was saying this words in general but they knew that his words were directed at Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing.

After saying that and releasing all three of them he started recounting everything that had happened today, without keeping any secret to his beautiful lovers. Even though he was a bit afraid of their reactions he still didn't hide anything.

Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing were a little a bit startled at the beginning because in place of Ren Chang Xia it could have been them, well Lu Bing started like that but still her story was different because she really had done some bad things in her life.

But Ren Chang Xia was a kind of innocent person like Tianlong Yue with an idiotic sense of idealism, so it was a bit unfair to her. But at the end of the day they were his women and his future wives so no matter even if the whole world detested him they would love him like always and be by his side.

Even though they felt sorry about Ren Chang Xia, they would never go against him for something he was doing for his family and them at the end of the day, because they were his family. Furthermore this was also a big chance for Ren Chang Xia to fly towards a bigger world, together with them.

Tianlong Yue as the most affected said tenderly to him,

Tianlong Yue:"Husb..husband it's not that we don't feel sorry for her but we know you and believe in you. We know you are doing this for our future and family so even if the whole world is against you we will always be by your side."

Even though she still wasn't used to tell him husband and talk freely she was still trying really hard and saying things like that made her look even cuter. Lu Bing also felt the same but she didn't want to repeat her sisters words so she just showed her feelings by kissing his lips and embracing him in her warm chest.

Tianlong Yun was enjoying the perks of having so many beautiful future wives in his arms, after all these were his women, his family. Feeling their support his resolve to become stronger increased with each passing second.

Thinking like this about his plans he said with the same tenderness as if pampering three little kids,

Tianlong Yun:"My loves today our main plan will be put in action so we might not be able to meet for some time as not to raise suspicions, so you better continue with your cultivation and it would be for the best if Bing'er also joined you here as a infected person."

He didn't want that succubus to have some kind of idiotic idea to send his dear Bing'er to her perverted 'master' Chu Feng. He would never allow any harm to come to his beloved women.

The three women understood his words and his meaning and to tell the truth Lu Bing was really happy that her hubby thought so much about her, and that she would spend the next week together with her new sisters.

She was really happy at this new chance life was giving her, it seemed like all the pain and suffering she had passed from her childhood was finally over and her new life full of happiness was blooming like a flower with the coming of the spring. Unwittingly she remembered her past.

Flashback of Lu Bing past..

Lu Bing was an orphan from the moment she was born, after giving birth to her, her mother had disappeared leaving her behind in the little beds of the just born babies. She didn't know anything about her mother, beside that she had left behind a letter telling she was sorry and that her name would be Lu Bing.

She had disappeared from that night leaving behind her just born little girl who was later taken to the closest orphanage that had relations with the hospital where she was born. Since a little kid she had proven to be a smart and beautiful girl that would be the dream of many boys.

But sometimes life and heavens shatter people's dreams like melting ice-cream in the middle of summer. Like in many other places like that, the person in charge of the orphanage was a perverted old man who was trying to make extra money from the kids in the orphanage.

There had been many cases where little girls were sold or used as cheap girls to pleasure other perverted beasts that paid for them. Since she was one of the most beautiful girls in the orphanage she was offered for her first time to a young master coming from Shanghai.

Everything happened against her will, she felt a lot of pain and was cursing the heavens for having born as a woman and her ruthless parents for leaving her at a place like this. The ones who were beside her after that night were the other kids in the orphanage that were going through the same hell.

By a crazy turn of events, or heavens taking pity in her Tianlong Xiangyun visited the orphanage one day, and not even understanding why she had been adopted by her. Later she found out she had been adopted so that Tianlong Xiangyun could use her as a chip against that young master from Shanghai.

But there was nothing she could do about it, she didn't have enough power or energy to fight against her fate, and chose to just do the biding of the woman that had adopted her and took her away from that hell.

Tianlong Xiangyun didn't treat her badly she had sent her to school, and also to university she had graduated with perfect results from the best university in China for management. All this time she felt disgusted by the men and never had any other in her life.

When she returned to Tianchang she found out that her adoptive mother had married to the Tianlog house and after the death of her husband had taken over the family businesses and power. She thought she would be left to manage those businesses but no, her adoptive mother had made her a maid in the house.

She started working there as her confidante and seeing the situation of the family she felt a bit bad that she had to molest and make the lives of Tianlong Xia and Tianlong Yun worse, even though she was following the orders of her adoptive mother.

She was feeling really bad and pressured but she could not fight against her adoptive mother and her fate, when her adoptive mother started to play with her physically she felt as disgusted as she felt her first time with that young master.

It was at a time like this that she got ordered by that succubus to seduce and trap that young boy called Tianlong Yun, who in her eyes was just a shy and timid young boy. Continuing with the drama and the fake mask of happiness like always she accepted her assignment.

Having that day with that young boy and seeing this young boy from up close she was just thinking she couldn't do such a thing to such an innocent kid. But she could not go against her adoptive mother so there was nothing she could do.

When they entered that hotel room and she was looking around she felt as if she couldn't do it and went to take a shower to calm herself down. During the shower she decided to try and say everything to this young boy, she couldn't do it after all.

But just as she came out of the bathroom she felt dizzy and really quick she got unconscious and wasn't understanding what happened. Then during the time that she was Tianlong Yun at the beginning she felt really afraid and terrified of this Young master, after all she had a trauma already.

But something changed this time, sometime through their stay in that room she started feeling some kind of warm feelings embracing her, and as if she could feel something warm coming from his soul. And knowing his intentions made her startled at first but she thought inside that she owed that to him.

But with the passing of the day that warm feeling started to feed her soul and just like someone was providing her warmness in the middle of the avaricious winter she started to fall in love with that feeling and especially to the person that was supplying her with that warmness.

Becoming sure of her feelings and emotions she accepted his offer and finally got the courage to fight against the heavens and try to be part of his heart and life. She was stunned when she saw him having two more woman and being even more awesome than she thought but it didn't matter to her.

To Lu Bing it was enough that she would be by his side and provide her soul that warmness that she hadn't felt from no one else. She accepted everything and the most important matter was that she never felt disgusted of their relationship.

Every day she would wake him up with that tasting of his dragon, but she was enjoying it as much as he would. She was finally happy making love with him. It was like he had saved her from her abyss. With every passing day she fell even more in love with him.

When Tianlong Xia tested her resolve and love for him, she didn't thought a second time because to her the warmness she had taken in return was more than enough and her life was just a small thing compared to that.

Gaining the acceptance and approval of her sisters made her even more happy and she was feeling a different kind of warmness that of her sisters, connected not through blood but through love for the same man.

When she saw the same unafraid man, scared in front of her due to her acceptance or refusal she was even more convinced that he truly had accepted her and she now had a place in his heart. To her he was the new reason to live a better life.

Then he made her learn cultivation and she finally felt that it was worthy of living a long life if it was by his side and that she would do whatever it takes to give him back the same warmness he gave her. She wasn't happy when he told her that he didn't like to be known and wanted to stay in the shadows, but she would still support him.

Even though she was a bit jealous that she would have to share him with a lot of other women she knew she couldn't stop him so she decided to support him all the way, even when she heard what happened with Ren Chang Xia she was still thinking how lucky this woman was to earn her hubby's attention.

And now hearing him say those words just to prevent something like that happening even though the chances were infinitely small, also seeing the support of her sisters made her unable to control herself and cry.

End of flashback


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