Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 329

Chapter 329

It was still late at night when Damocles starship arrived at Fan Han Star.

The military port was brightly lit, but the cadets felt the extreme cold as soon as they stepped out, and even the individual 3S mecha soldiers shivered as soon as they got off, and ran into the aircraft.

Its tootoo, too cold. Liao Runing rushed into the aircraft, shaking his hands and blowing.

Seeing that Huo Xuanshan next to him didnt seem to respond, Liao Runing reached out to touch his trouser legs, and found that Huo Xuanshan was shaking too, and he clicked tut twice, he just wanted to save face.

Several people came in one after another, Liao Runing turned his head and found that Wei San came in wearing a thick coat.

Where did you get that from? Liao Runing squeezed over and rubbed the sleeve of her thick coat.

Huo Xuanshan sat on the other side without a trace, pulled off the other sleeve of Wei Sans coat, and stretched his hand in to warm it.

It was given by the doctor. Wei San raised her eyebrows triumphantly, Im weak and cant stand the cold.

Liao Runing looked constipated, although logically he knew that Wei San had a hard time before and her health was indeed poor, but in reality, Wei San clearly killed a star beast with one punch.

Jin Ke watched the three of them huddled together and shivering, shook his head, and sat opposite Ying Chenghe with him, then pressed the seat, and a gust of heat came over him.

Ying Chenghe leaned on it, closed his eyes comfortably: Call me when we arrive.

The three mecha soldiers who had never seen the world and only relied on physics for warmth were dumbfounded.

Seeing that Liao Runing wanted to rush over, Jin Ke immediately said: The white button under the seat.

At last, the five people leaned comfortably on the seats, as for the doctors coat.

Wei San was too hot, she stuffed it to Huo Xuanshan, Huo Xuanshan took it for a while and then threw it to Liao Runing.

After all, Liao Runing is a native of Sadu Star, and he is tolerant of high temperatures, so he just hugged it all the way.

Arriving at the Fan Han Star practice field, everyone got off the aircraft and felt the extreme cold again.

Damocles cadets entered the dormitory building tremblingly. Fortunately, Fan Han Star was not as outdated as Guyu Stars equipment, and even needed the main team members to check. They could go to rest after arriving that night.

Its just that when they entered the dormitory, they were shocked to find that there was no equipment to increase the temperature in the room, and even the quilt was only a thin layer. When they lifted the mattress, there was still an iron plate underneath!

They live such a life, why is the harsh environment of Damocles famous? Master Liao, a native of Sadu Star, couldnt understand.

Huo Xuanshans tone was calm: Damocles lived a hard life because they were really poor, and Pingtong Academy lived such a life to train students.

Liao Runing: Feel a little heartbroken.

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