Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 378

Chapter 378


Wrapped into an aircraft somewhere by a cold wave.

“The lights for the final announcement seemed to be turned on just now.” A staff member guarding the center of the various light screens turned to his colleagues and said.

“How is that possible?” A colleague asked without thinking. “Which military school would still pull out the flag under such circumstances? Even if it were pulled out, the equipment under the terminal platform would have been frozen.”

There’s no way they can finish unfurling the flag and repair the broadcasting equipment. Who could do such an outrageous thing?

“But.…..I really saw it.” The staff clearly saw the light indicating the finish line turn on. “Maybe someone really pulled the flag.”

A colleague bent over and took a bottle of water and threw it to the staff: “Drink some water and wake up. Even if the broadcast equipment on the terminal platform is not broken, the high-frequency receiver on our aircraft has been damaged. Unless the aircraft is very close to the terminal, it will not be able to receive the signal at all.”

However, the rescuers on the aircraft went out to investigate a few hours ago. The place where they were rolled up was not near the finish line, but should be somewhere on the track.

“Maybe I’m too tired.” The staff member sighed.

“Let’s go take a rest first.” The colleague stood up and said.

There is no reason for them to stay here the whole time. All the communication equipment is broken. At least they have to wait until the maintenance personnel on the aircraft can completely repair the communication in the aircraft.

The second the two turned around and left, the red light on the light screen flashed slightly again.


“Commander, are you alright?” Wei San followed, “Are you sure we are heading to the exit?”

The commander ashamedly admitted: “Actually…… I’m not sure yet.”

The surrounding white fog had become visible to the naked eye and was getting worse, and the cold wave was still intensifying. It stands to reason that the further you go outside, the colder air should weaken, but now everything is white in all directions.

The three of them had nothing but a dugged-out broadcasting equipment and could not contact anyone. In the end, they could only resign themselves to fate and walk in one direction.

“It seems that our energy can last for half a day at most.” He walked and directed, “Otherwise, we can just wait where we are and we can support our energy use for a longer period. The teacher should send someone to rescue us.”

The soldier was the first to disagree: “When the cold wave comes, it will be a question of whether the rescue team can come in. By the time they come, we may have frozen to death in the extremely cold arena.”

“If we can’t find an exit and run out of energy, we will freeze to death.” The commander said helplessly. Now they don’t even know where they are.

“Let’s go first, maybe we can head to the exit.” Wei San insisted on playing the radio, “The cold wave is moving, we will die faster if we stay where we are.”

The three of them walked forward again, and the broadcast never stopped.

The staff who had rested for a while returned to their positions. Now the aircraft could not be started. Except for the maintenance personnel who were making repairs and the rescuers who went out to explore the road from time to time, everyone else stayed at their jobs.

He sat on the chair, looking at the light screen with dull eyes. There were many cabins in the large aircraft, seats reserved for military cadets, and the room where resources were stored in the exchange office. Previously, the monitors could be clearly called up on the light screen. Now, it was basically all black.

While they were in a daze, the staff discovered that the light spot representing the end point broadcast lit up red again.

“Look!” The staff member quickly stood up and patted his colleague who was resting on the bench next to him. “It’s on, it’s on!”

The colleague raised his eyes in confusion and looked at the light screen as usual: “Where? You are under too much psychological pressure.”

The staff member was anxious, staring at the light spot that turned dark again: “I really saw it! There is nothing wrong with my mentally!”

The colleague who was still lying on the bench suddenly stood up. He didn’t even care about the blanket falling to the ground. He stepped forward and looked at the red dot that was completely lit up on the light screen: “It’s really lit?! How could it be?”

“I already said I saw it.…..” the staff member whispered.

The colleague ran to the window of the aircraft and looked out: “It’s not moving. Our aircraft is still in place. Why are there red dots?”

The staff thought for a while and asked: “Is the light screen display in our main cabin broken?”

“Impossible.” The colleague turned back and looked at the light curtain, “The maintenance staff have already checked here.”

[Congratulations to Damocles Military Academy for successfully reaching the finish line, congratulations.…..]

The sound of a broadcast came through the cold wind.

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