Solo Max-Level Newbie

Chapter 152: The Masquerade Ball (2)

Chapter 152: The Masquerade Ball (2)

Chapter 152: The Masquerade Ball (2)

Chapter 152: The Masquerade Ball (2)

The first floor of the Tower of Trials is, in many ways, the most complex of places. It serves as the entrance for players from all over the world and unfolds a field for hunting. It also has neutral zones like where Jinhyuk and Ellis are now, areas that monsters cannot enter.

Is this the place?

Ellis looked around with a curious expression on her face. The walls seemed to stretch on indefinitely, and their height alone was imposing, reaching up to 50 meters.

Yes. The masquerade ball is scheduled to take place here.

Jinhyuk nodded.

The sense of nostalgia was overwhelming; it had been so long since he had last visited this place. The frenetic pace of leveling up and climbing the tower had given him little time to take a breath, contributing heavily to this feeling.

[You have entered the neutral zone Nameless City.]

As they stepped further in, an interesting scene unfoldeda bustling crowd. Players gathered from all over the world created a sea of humanity inside the zone. But what caught the eye were not the players themselves but the beings interspersed among them, dressed plainly, floating like ghosts.

Those guys arent human, right?

Those are the minions of the Intermediate Managers. They tend to handle all sorts of miscellaneous tasks throughout the city.

Most players were unaware that such a notion as Intermediate Managers even existed, not to mention these particular details. They probably just thought of them as NPCs within the tower.

Of course, players who received an invitation will start noticing their presence now, Jinhyuk thought with a corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk, walking casually down the street.

A proper outfit would naturally be needed to attend the masquerade ball. He halted at a clothing store tucked away in an alley. Not particularly conspicuous, but this was a place known only to those in the know, run by a craftsman of note. The choice wasnt solely for the tailoring skills, however.

The door opened with a clank to reveal a goblin with green skin and a small stature. And there was another, very familiar man.

What, you got an invitation too? Figures, the Sword Saint well, its only to be expected, I guess.

A man with chiseled features and an aura that kept most people at a distance, it was Cheon Yuseong.

Standing upon a rounded platform, being fitted by the goblin tailor, Cheon Yuseongs eyes widened in anger.

Not too long ago, Cheon Yuseong had challenged and dropped a man into ice-cold water during a hunting bet, only to disappear after finishing his prey without even giving him a chance to fight back. Now, standing before him was the source of his irritation.

Wait, I know youre pissed, but hear me out.

Do you think I would fall for your silver tongue again after being tricked more than once?

Cheon Yuseong reached for the sword he had placed on the table, unable to contain his fury any longer. The air immediately turned icy with tension.

Ahem. I would advise against fighting here

Even the goblin tailor paused, adjusting his glasses. The so-called civilized man looked like he threw his manners into the dogs food bowl next door. It was infuriating to think that someone like him could be a doctor responsible for future patients lives.

Nevertheless, Jinhyuk knew he had to intervene. If they actually broke into a fight here, it wouldnt just be the ball that would be interrupted, they would end up in the towers jail.

No, seriously, this time I mean it. I was actually planning to trade you a sword at the ball. An exchange of sorts! Really!

At this, Cheon Yuseong hesitated.

A trade?

Come on, man. You know I care about you, right? Let me get you something proper, not that scrappy thing youre so fond of.

That sword you dont know anything about it. Below floor 10

So you think a sword with an option that increases cutting power by 30% after three successful attacks isnt bad. But with that, youll struggle on floor 8 in that place, wont you?

How do you?

Cheon Yuseong started to speak, surprised, but then trailed off. Of course, this damnable veteran probably already knew the specificities of the sword just by its appearance.

He even predicted my next move Is he clairvoyant or something?

Feeling like his thoughts and actions were being read, Cheon Yuseongs pride was crumpled. Yet, what could he do? The maze on the 8th floor was an obstacle he hadnt been able to overcome, and if it meant getting his hands on a better weapon

Lets stay calm, he thought to himself, focusing on his breathing, resolving not to fall into the same trap with this demonic creature again.

Fine. Really. This will be the last time I trust you.

Dont worry. Theres even a fourth verse to the national anthem, why would I deceive you again?

This time, Jinhyuk really intended to provide a useful sword. After all, it took only one good deed to melt a heart, despite all the wrongs one may have done. Thats the nature of people, and why bad boys were so often irresistible.

And besides

It should be convincing enough for now.

In reality, there was a hidden reason behind his promise to give away a sword: Cheon Yuseong needed to overcome that annoying maze on the 8th floor in order to focus entirely on training on the 15th floor. Only by training intensively and acquiring a unique skill could Jinhyuk copy it for himself.

Given the 90-day cooldown on copying from the same target, by that time, he would be ready to copy it again.

I wont be fooled this time. Ill make sure to secure that sword.

Hehe, grow well, my skill shuttle, and adorn my status window.

With both men harboring their own thoughts, the chilled air between them thawed.


Speaking of which, is that lady also here because of the invitation?

Cheon Yuseong glanced at Ellis standing behind Jinhyuk.

She had been watching the two mens verbal tussle with great interest up until that point.

Thats right. I too

Ah. Shes also here for the masquerade.

Jinhyuk swiftly intervened, wary that any later and Ellis would have blurted out some cringeworthy, pretentious line.

Really? Since floor 7, Ive thought she was a player out of the ordinary, but which country does she belong to?

Ah, thats a tricky question. Naturally, he couldnt reveal the truth.

Lu, Lumania?


What?! I am not from Ro-ma-ni-a, or whatever. I am the great uh!

Once again, Jinhyuk covered Elliss mouth with his hand.

Generally, somewhere over there. Apparently, a descendant of some fallen noble with too much pride. Plus, shes had some trauma, so she goes off on tangents easily. Just be a bit understanding.

I see. Well, Ive finished here; Ill see you at the ball.

Cheon Yuseong dropped the matter and left, paying the goblin tailor for the suit.

Ive verified the 2,500 coins. Then, the finished suit will be sent to Mr. Cheon Yuseongs personal subspace inventory.

With a polite bow from the goblin, Cheon Yuseong exited the shop.

So, would you two like to be fitted for attire to wear to the ball as well? If I may suggest, you could opt for a unified black ensemble for clothes and shoes.

Hmm. Formal wear Oh. Formal wear, of course. I should get two suits tailored, but

He pondered.

Its not that. I am more interested in something else.

Indeed, we offer bags and accessories too, but those arent our speciality.

How about Mantigrass scales, or Red Drake claws, or the roots of Yohwacho ()? I was hoping to purchase items like those.

Ha ha. Those are all things you cant find on the 1st floor, Im afraid. Its beyond my ability to help you there.

The goblins patronizing chuckle and dismissive shrug made him seem perplexed, as if Jinhyuk was looking for fish in the mountains.

However, Jinhyuks smile did not fade.

Really? The venerated Intermediate Manager cant find items like that?

The time had come to play his card.

The words were concise but laden with underlying significance. The goblins pupils jittered just slightlya fleeting moment, but Jinhyuk caught the subtle change.

You must be mistaking me with someone else. I am not an Intermediate Manager, merely the proprietor of this establishment.

As expected, the goblin fell back on denial.


Jinhyuk began counting with his fingers.

There are exactly three oddities Ive noticed.

The goblin remained silent, waiting for him to continue. This was the first checkpoint crossed.

Firstly, this store itself. Since I walked in, Ive smelled a sweet fragrance, which I recognized. Its the scent of Snowflake Mustard Flowers that only grow on the 16th floor, known for fatigue recovery and mental calm. And there are other flowers blended in as well?

Wildflowers from the marshes typically found in forest regions, Last Dewdrops growing only on perpetual snow peaks. A combination designed to synergize their scents.

Isnt it strange? The owner of a small shop on the 1st floor possessing flowers that can only be found on the mid- or upper levels of the tower? And just for the purpose of air freshening?


The goblins silent, but his expression had shifted slightly, harboring a tinge of curiosity about what would be said next.

Secondly, you displayed no fear when Cheon Yuseong unleashed his magic.

Goblins are considered among the weakest creatures in the tower. For such a frail creature to endure the aura of a player whose average level neared 50?

That simply didnt add up.

Meaning, the goblin before them wasnt your typical, weak monstrosity.

And, lastly, you mentioned both of you when asking if we needed suits.

Jinhyuk continued, prompting the goblin to object for the first time.

Its common sense to tailor two suits for two guests, no? I cant see how thats a clue.

No, its odd. Since the masquerade event has started, all entities in this city should be able to verify whether or not a player holds an invitation.

Whos a regular visitor, and whos the actual subject of the eventthey should know it all. However

This friend doesnt have an invitation.

Jinhyuk motioned towards Ellis.

She wasnt a player, but a genuine race member. An invitation was, from the start, nonexistent. If someone knew that and still assumed Ellis would attend the ball

It means youve already heard about me from Master Rick. Naturally, if youre acquainted with the owner of a prominent trading company, then you too must lead an establishment of some importance.

Likely one of Ricks higher-ups.

I was surprised when I saw him, but thats enough talk for now.

If the goblin had any conscience, hed stop the excuses after hearing this.

Proving Jinhyuks thoughts correct, the goblin burst into a jovial laugh.

Haha! This is quite amusing. Rick mentioned an interesting player, but I had no idea youd be so intriguing.


But Jinhyuk, there is one thing youre mistaken about.

A smirk lined the goblins features, and Jinhyuks gaze flickered with uncertainty in response to what would be said next.

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