Speed Is King

Chapter 335 Call me senior sister now!

“This blood is really expensive, you know. If I give your brother four more vials, I will need a huge amount of compensation!” Primal Lilian teased them lightly.

Jennifer and Jessica exchanged a quick glance.

They have reached the most critical part of their extortion of a being that was much more powerful than them.

Negotiating the price!

“Name your price! If we can afford it, we will pay!” Jessica declared loudly even though she had no money at all.

“Hey, how about this? Let’s trade blood for blood. You said my blood is pretty strong right? Why don’t you harvest mine in exchange for those vials?” Jennifer asked.

“Great idea. Harvest mine too! In fact, feel free to harvest big bro’s blood as well! His blood is pretty strong too! Wahahaha!” Jessica offered Elliot’s blood to her generously.

“Wahahaha yes! One liter of big bro’s blood, one liter of mine, and one liter of Jessica’s in exchange for four more vials! How’s that sound?” Jennifer asked excitedly.

Primal Lilian didn’t know if she should laugh or be touched by their offer.

One liter of blood from bodies as thin as theirs?? Plus the trade was so uneven that it was quite funny to think that they were being so serious about it.

“No. No amount of power up is worth one liter of my sisters’ blood.” Elliot shook his head firmly. “Plus we are not dealing with this issue right now.”

“Big bro! Shush! Don’t interrupt girls when we are haggling!” Jessica glared at him.

“Yeah big bro! Have you forgotten how we ended up paying ten cents more for that watermelon a few months ago because of your intervention?” Jennifer glared at him.

“No.” Elliot insisted. “I will not-“

“I’ll get him!” Jessica shouted to Jennifer and immediately pounced on Elliot!

“HAIYAA!” Jessica let out a kung-fu battle cry and physically jumped on Elliot, forcing him to catch her!

“How about it, aunty Lilian? Do we have a deal? Quick before Elliot overpowers Jessica!” Jennifer urged Primal Lilian who was quite speechless over their antics.

Although completely unintended, their antics caused Primal Lilian to be caught in a dilemma.

Should she really give up a whole six drops for Elliot, on top of the one which she already gave him earlier as a show of goodwill?

That’s seven! Plus she really wanted to give the girls one each too, so that’s nine! At market price, that’s nine whole Empires!

“Quick, aunty! Jessica’s losing the fight! Deal? Deal alright? Silence means consent! Deal! Here take my blood!” Jennifer shouted and immediately slashed her entire left arm!

Primal Lilian shook her head helplessly with a laugh as she gently touched Jennifer’s bleeding arm and healed her in an instant.

“Alright, alright. Enough girls. I was just teasing you about compensation, earlier! You two girls are so passionate about your brother. I appreciate and respect that.” Primal Lilian said. “Come back here, Jessica!”

“You were kidding about compensation? So you’ll give the blood for free? All hail free stuff!” Jessica squealed in joy!

“All hail free stuff!” Jennifer laughed happily as well, completely forgetting the fact that she had just cut her arm open mere seconds ago.

“Primal Lilian, I apologize for my sisters. They’re still so young and naughty.” Elliot said to Primal Lilian with a sigh. “Don’t take their words to heart.”

“Ah pooh. You don’t have to apologize for them. They are truly wonderful siblings. And Jessica, your earlier words about what is the worth of a bloodline if your blood siblings are dead… You have your priorities perfectly right. I’ve asked Elliot this, and let me ask you girls personally now. Will the two of you be my disciples? I will teach you, guide-“


“JENNIFER GREETS MASTER!!” Jennifer shouted as well!

Primal Lilian was pleasantly surprised by their willingness to be her disciples.

“Good! Very good! The two of you are more decisive than your brother! He actually hadn’t officially greeted me as his master yet. So technically… That makes you two his senior sisters! Hahahahahahaha!” Primal Lilian couldn’t help but laugh at the strange development!

“Hahaha! Big bro! Call me senior sister now!” Jessica laughed at Elliot evilly.

“Call me second senior sister!” Jennifer giggled as well.

“You two girls are too rash. Especially you, Jennifer.” Elliot frowned at her. “How could you just slash your arm open like that! I can’t believe you did that!”

“Uhhh… Sorry big broo.” Jennifer pouted lightly.

“Yeah… Sorry big bro.” Jessica sighed and pouted too.

“Don’t do that ever again, you understand me?” Elliot continued to talk to his sisters sternly.

“We understand. Now make scary big bro go away! Shoo! Shoo!!” Jennifer said while grabbing his hand.

“Shoo! Go away!” Jessica said as she grabbed his other hand too.

Like magic, the two girls made angry big bro go away almost in an instant.

Elliot smiled at his two cute sisters and sighed.

“Alright, now that you’re Primal Li- Ehm. Master Lilian’s disciples, you need to treat her as family. We are a family of four now!” Elliot said to them, much to Primal Lilian’s pleasure.

“Your teacher needs to give all of you first gifts. Here, take these and drink them right away.” Primal Lilian smiled widely at her three new disciples and sent three golden vials floating towards them.

By their side, Primal Alexander looked at the golden vial curiously. All around the room, all the Primals frowned deeply and wondered about it too. What exactly was it?

“Ehm, Primal Lilian, if I may be so bold to ask…” Primal Alexander began.

“It’s a secret.” Primal Lilian said mysteriously.

Jennifer, Jessica and Elliot quickly drank the golden vials and then looked at Primal Lilian expectantly.

“You three might want to sit down for this.” Primal Lilian said with a grin. She waved her hand, and all three of them sat comfortably on three thick cushions.

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