Speed Is King

Chapter 356 Dragon Eggs

However, Primal Purity simply ignored her, and kept her lustrous eyes locked on Elliot’s.

She was way too old to bother with the words of a mere child.

At her age, when she wanted something, she would go after it with a single minded intensity that most lesser lived beings would find completely mind blowing.

And at that moment, she wanted Elliot inside her, to impregnate her and give her the most powerful offspring ever!

“Uhhh. I am good, thanks for the Blood Essence, Primal Purity.” Elliot smiled awkwardly before turning to the other four Dragon Primals.

“Ok guys. Blood Essences please. Quick. Quick.” Elliot stretched out his hand impatiently.

However, to his surprise, all four Dragon Primals did as they were told, and quickly surrendered their Blood Essences!

It was the effect of Elliot’s powerful bloodline!

The powerful five-headed dragon energy which Elliot had unleashed in defense of the other dragons’ attack had finally made its effects felt on the dragons, and they had completely fallen prey to its power and majesty.

Elliot received the four vials of precious Dragon Blood Essences and kept them carefully in his storage.

“These are the dragon runes that are unique to the red dragon race. With them… Your ascent as a Red Dragon Lord is all but certain.” The previously full of bluster Red Dragon said quietly as he sent over a small device.

The four other dragons followed suit as well with their own secret repository of dragon runes.

Elliot nodded at them appreciatively, and they all returned to their seats without another word.

Their doubts about Elliot and his worth to lead them had been cleanly put to rest by Elliot!

After successfully robbing the dragons completely blind, he faced the other Primals and continued his daylight robbery.

“Those who are willing to work with me… Send me your bloodlines. I do not need your blood essences. And don’t forget your runes. Primal Alexander here will find out if you hold back any of your runes.” Elliot said solemnly.

If even the five infinitely proud Chromatic Dragons had been subdued with such great ease, what other chance did the rest of them have?

The Metallic Dragons had not fought with him yet, but they didn’t have the heart to challenge him.

They too were not exempt from Elliot’s majestic draconic aura which completely stirred the zeal and produced a sense of reverence in their hearts!

At Elliot’s words, the five Metallic Dragons immediately went forward to surrender their treasures.

And as though a dam had burst, many of the other Primals immediately followed suit.

Like what Chairman El’Taras did before to his board of directors, Elliot extorted all the various races of the universe.

The only difference was… Elliot extorted the leaders of each race!

At the end, forty five Primals out of a hundred withheld their treasures.

Elliot’s extortion strategy had an impressive 55% success rate!

“Elliot Musk, you may be powerful, and you may be the only one able to sneak attack the Shadow Realm. But I’ll be damned if I surrender my treasures to you just like that! Our coalition of forty five Primals resist you and your tyranny completely. If you want our treasure, then you can get them from our dead, lifeless hands!” The lead Primal, a creepy looking grandma with yellow spotted black robes and a headful of white hair paired with wrinkled face and limbs, said resolutely.

“We will be taking our leave from this meeting now. Do not think even for a second that we will sit back while you make your way to the top of the universe! Hmph!” She stamped her cane down and then shimmered into nothingness.

All around her, the forty four Primals gave loud snorts and then disappeared as well!

Saint Dul’Akharat sighed deeply.

But he simply took the development in stride and pushed forward.

“What are your other two conditions?” Saint Dul’Akharat said.

“Ah. I actually wanted the rest of the universe to recognize the formation of my new Empire called the Dragonblood Empire and form alliances with them. But the recognition and alliances from the existing ones will do.

I also wanted an honor guard and a bunch of treasures to be gifted to my new empire as my first army. That can come from all the Primals present here too.” Elliot said easily.

“Hahahahahahaha!” Red Dragon Primal laughed uproariously. “Great! With such guts, I look forward to your leadership for our universe! As compensation for my earlier outburst, let me be the first to recognize your Dragonblood Empire and gift you with my precious offspring!”

He immediately reached into his own dimensional world and sent a hundred red dragon eggs floating towards Elliot!

“A hundred Spiritual Grade Red Dragons! They shall be ferocious warriors that will defend your honor and your empire from your enemies! Long live our alliance, and Long live Emperor Elliot!” Red Dragon Primal smiled widely and proclaimed his alliance loudly!

“Long live Emperor Elliot.” The other Dragon Primals immediately said without any hesitations, and sent out a hundred of their own Spiritual Grade Dragon Eggs!

Within a few seconds, an impressive and hyper precious thousand Spiritual Grade Dragon eggs from all ten different Dragon Types were arrayed neatly before a dumbfounded Elliot.

When he had requested warriors, he had merely expected a couple hundred of warriors from each Primal.

Of course he had expected strong ones which he could sign contracts with.

But he did not expect that completely unborn dragons which would have their loyalties completely and unquestioningly placed on Elliot to be gifted to him.

The Dragon Primals had effectively pledged their long term alliances with Elliot and his new Empire by gifting him with the best and the most precious seeds of their own future!

And with the ten dragon Primals going all in with their gifts to Elliot, how could the other Primals do any less?

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