Speed Is King

Chapter 367 Proof of strength

“Hmmmm? Who is that?”

“Her strength is completely off the charts. She is definitely a Primal. But how come I have never seen her before?”

“Hey… Isn’t that…”

“Great grandma!” Jessica Sands shouted in shock. “Why are you here? You should be resting!”

At her words, all eyes swiveled to look at Jessica Sands, then Harold Sands, then at the newcomer who had appeared in Primal Alexander’s dimensional world as though it was her backyard.

And judging by Primal Alexander’s slightly surprised look, she had entered completely uninvited.

A very clear sign of her mastery over spacetime and Realms.

“Uh. Honorable mother. It’s good to see you he-” Harold Sands started to say hastily.

But she raised her hand and glared at him.

“You would have me sleep at home while my son and my beloved great grand daughter fights for our universe?” She asked Harold Sands softly.

“Ah hahaha! Of course not! I was planning to go over to ask you for help as soon as the meeting is over later. How can the universe fight its greatest and most desperate war and not include its strongest and most powerful warrior? Ah hahaha!” Harold Sands laughed out loudly and awkwardly.

“Most powerful warrior? That’s a high claim, especially in this room.” Primal Greentree Life said in his rumbly voice amusedly.

“A claim that has been verified countless times over. Forgive the new Primal, dear Elise Sands. He knows not what he speaks. It’s good to have you join us.” Saint Dul’Akharat said with a wide smile as he politely welcomed her.

“You’ve grown to be a fine young man, Dul dul.” Elise Sands said with a wrinkly smile.

Although outwardly the meeting room was silent, one could probably easily imagine the explosive laughter that was rocking all of the Primals’ inner worlds.

“Dul… dul… Pffffttt!!!”

“Bahahahahahahahahaha! Dul! Dul!”


“Uhhhh. Nobody has ever called me that ever since I got to Ancient level.” Saint Dul’Akharat said with a deeply rueful sigh. He had hoped that the name had died along with the eons that had passed.

But alas!

Elise Sands had used it in a room full of long lived Primals! The era of Dul Dul had returned unlike anything he had seen before!

“Oh? Did I just ruin your prestige with that name? I apologize. However, let me teach you how to cement prestige and respect from your fellow Primals despite your name, little Dul dul. Just do as I do next time.” Elise Sands said with a small smile as she raised her hand horizontally towards Primal Greenlife Tree.

As soon as she did that, Primal Greenlife Tree started to choke lightly as he slowly rose into the air.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Primal Greenlife Tree’s limbs started to break apart and green pus started to leak from all over his body.

All the other Primals could only watch silently, as all the laughter in their minds evaporated like teardrops before a blast furnace.

Crack! Crack!

More of Greenlife Tree’s many bones started to crack as the irresistible crushing pressure continued unabated.

“See? Who will dare to disrespect me now? Even though I am just a wrinkly old woman, I can assure you I am now the most respected being in this room.” Elise Sands said mildly before she sighed.

“You’re slightly stronger than me now, but your bad habits are still as bad as ever. Humility is good for the weak and the half strongs. But for us who stand at the peak, we must show our strength to be able to lead effectively. This is true in peaceful times, and doubly true in dangerous times such as this. That is why, my poor whatever tree Primal, even though you barely did anything to offend me, I have to kill you to make a statement.” Elise Sands said as her fist started to clench.

“I disagree.” Elliot spoke up lightly as he weaved an Ascendant Rune powered void field around Greenlife Tree and very cleanly broke Elise Sands’ death grip.

Primal Greenlife Tree collapsed back to his seat, gasping for breath as his body’s regenerative powers surged to repair the extensive damage.

“Great grand ma! No!!” Jessica Sands shrieked in horror.

However, at that moment, Elliot laughed out loud.

“Jessica’s great grandma, you are truly a warrior above all warriors! But by your own words, might is right. And if so, then I am right, and you are wrong.” Elliot said easily. “I disagree with killing any Primals just to make a statement. Please do not do that without my permission.”

Saint Dul’Akharat’s jaw dropped.

When the hell did Elliot become so overbearing? And why did he adopt such an attitude towards Elise Sands, of all people?

“Hahahahahahaha! Good! Very good! Excellent!!! See, Dul dul? This little boy here learnt the lesson I have been trying to teach you for so long, in just a minute!

That’s right, boy! That’s exactly what I want to hear! If you are standing at the peak, then you shouldn’t have to take other people’s bullshit way of doing things! Just do whatever you want! The only thing that’s missing now from you is… Proof of your strength! Show me!!”

Elise Sands laughed uproariously with no small amount of glee as she attacked Elliot all of a sudden!

However, not even the tiniest bit of energy leaked out from her energy strike, a clear indication of her godly level of control.

She truly was a top notch fighter!

Elliot unleashed his own energy strike, which also did not leak anything, much to her approval, and met Elise Sands’ attack head on!

Saint Dul’Akharat sighed and raised his hand as well to create a containment field for their clash of energies.


A mini explosion ripped out and swirled powerfully within the sphere of power which Saint Dul’Akharat had erected around their point of collision.

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