SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 297: He's a Legend (2)

Chapter 297: He's a Legend (2)


Followers began gathering in the caves hideout.

Assistant Writer? You were alive? Thats surprising.

I heard there was a commotion at the Magic Tower yesterday. It was your doing, huh?

Followers serving different Constellations were present. Among them were some who had lost their Constellations long ago, and others who, though not yet lost, were branded by the Magic Tower and living in hiding.

They were, so to speak, the non-mainstream of the 50th floor.

I heard a decree of extermination has been issued by the Magic Tower. Wow! Thats amazing!

A woman wearing a hood tapped the Assistant Writer on the shoulder.

How much did you have to annoy those spiders to get a decree of extermination? Im jealous. Hey, Assistant Writer. You should ditch a Constellation like Hamustra and come to us. Well treat you well!

Not twisting your neck is the last courtesy I have as the person who invited you all. Be thankful for my sensible and elegant manners.

Id better be twice as thankful, or I might lose my life. Hehe.

The followers noisily chatted and found places to sit as they pleased. Some found flat stalagmites to sit on, others lay down, and some spread their ragged cushions.

At first glance, they seemed like a ragtag group.

It was like a bustling market.


However, my senses had been sharpening for a while.

They are strong these hunters.

-Well, theyre all vagabonds chased by the Magic Tower.

Bae Hu-ryeong crossed his arms.

-In other words, they havent been caught by the Magic Tower yet. Either theyre clever, extremely lucky, or just strong. If they have even one of those qualities, theyre strong.

Everyone here is at least on the level of the Crusader.

I looked around. In our world, one of the top ten, maybe even top five, powerhouses would be considered [average] here.

As expected, the 50th floor is not to be underestimated.

The hunters I had met in Monopolized City were not weak, but they lacked something. At best, they knew the basics of [Aura? Not bad].

But the followers gathered before me now were different.

Theres also an uninvited guest hiding among us.

I glanced towards the darker part of the cave.

There was a hunter quietly observing us while concealing their presence.

Truly, a lineup worthy of the 50th floors reputation.

First of all, thanks to everyone who gathered here today, even without money for food.

The Assistant Writer stood up.

She walked to the center of the gathering. The followers looked at her, some focusing, others pretending to be disinterested.

There are people here I havent seen in 10 years. And some I will never see again. I

Hey, Writer lady.

The woman who had tapped the Assistant Writers shoulder raised her hand. She was chewing on something.

Sorry to interrupt your warm welcome, but

What is it?

Ive been feeling very uncomfortable since a while ago. And Im probably not the only one. Ah, dont get me wrong. Its not about not having chairs or cushions for us. We know you cant afford them.

The woman turned her gaze with a smile.

Directly towards me.

That guy. Whats with him?


My guts are churning right now. The rat tail I ate yesterday feels like its coming back up my throat. Writer lady. Imagine being invited to a friends house only to find they keep a penguin at home. And without even a metal cage. Can you swallow your food?

Contrary to her words, the hunters eyes werent smiling.

The noisy atmosphere quieted down.

I realized it. The reason the followers werent focusing on the Assistant Writer wasnt due to their rudeness. The hunters were actually paying attention to [me].

Just as I was surprised by their capabilities, they too had detected me.

Right. I was just about to introduce you.

The Assistant Writer sighed.

Let me introduce him. This person is.

Hello. Nice to meet you for the first time.

I stood up from my seat. As soon as I moved, some followers reached for their waists, ready to draw their weapons at any moment.

It couldnt be helped. We were strangers. To convey friendliness to the people as much as possible, I broadly smiled.

My name is Kim Gong-ja. Thank you for comparing me to a penguin. I too was curious about the texture of penguin skin when I was younger.

Kim Gong-ja? Hey, thats not an alias but your real name. Youre not joking. Tell us your alias.

Yes. My alias is Death King.


The air in the cave tensed. It wasnt a metaphor. Several followers who had been conserving their energy suddenly raised their aura.

Death King? The one whom Mahos issued an extermination and pursuit decree against?

The heretical leader who devoured numerous worlds and turned countless humans into undead!

Assistant Writer! Why did you invite such a lich to the meeting?


It seems my broad smile had no effect

I was slightly disheartened but still kept a smile on my lips.

Please calm down, everyone. I am not a lich.


As long as you dont attack me, I wont attack you. Im as safe and harmless as a penguin. Look at my smile. Do I look like a lich to you?

Uh, wait. Are you saying youre not a heretical leader?

The casual hunter asked with a sour expression.

I answered as politely as possible.

I do lead a small sect. But its not heretical.

Have you never used the dead as undead?

The definition of undead is a bit tricky. I do have the ability to summon the dead, but I dont use them as zombies or vampires. In fact, many have found happiness thanks to my spirit summoning skill.

Mahos said you go around killing Constellations.

Ah. Thats an exaggeration. Going around killing Constellations, you say.

I shook my head.

Ive only killed one or two.

This bastard is indeed that evil undead lich, No-Life-King-Overlord!

What are you doing, everyone! Subdue him now! Were in danger!

This is troublesome.

Why does it turn out like this even though I answered kindly.

-Hey, youre actually enjoying this, arent you? Right?

Im being wrongfully accused. Please stop the slander and defamation.

Its not that Im intentionally enjoying it. Its just that I found an inexplicable joy in people screaming in terror, mistaking me for a fearsome villain.


I loosened the holy sword at my waist, sheath and all. Startled! The followers who were wary of me flinched.

While showing them I had no hostility I slowly placed the sword sheath on the ground. I showed them my empty palms.


Smiling broadly.

I dont bite.


I know [The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains] has declared me a public enemy. But really, Mahos doesnt see me as a lord of evil. He just wanted to use me for the moment. For all of you.

For us? Mahos?

The casual hunter asked back.

Hes like a loudmouth in the Constellation world. How is he doing anything for us?

I heard from the Assistant Writer. The current situation here is such that if youre not affiliated with the Magic Tower, you cant ascend to the 51st floor. But you all dont want to join the Magic Tower, nor do you have the power to break it.


Im sorry. I didnt mean any harm. Im just saying that the current situation might be frustrating from the Constellations perspective. Perhaps Mahos thought I could be some kind of [breakthrough].

Why did Mahos become hostile towards me as soon as I reached the 50th floor?

Was it because I took away his apostle, Lady of Golden Silk? Was that the only reason he decided to fight? It could be, but if he really wanted to kill me, gathering a group of mediocre fighters for a surprise attack wasnt the right approach.

He should have gathered only the [real deal] hunters like the ones present here for the attack.

Mahos wants to make me the evil boss.


To replace the Magic Tower, that is.

I said that with conviction.


The casual hunter closed her eyes.

She hmm-ed and looked at me with narrowed eyes.

Turn you into [a new boss] and then subdue you. Yeah. That makes sense. Like the Constellation Killer, basically making you a [seasonal event boss].

Yes. Thats what I suspect. A chicken for a pheasant. If you dont have teeth, use your gums.

The other followers murmured among themselves. Sounds of Ah, Indeed flowed from here and there. They understood our conversation and each came to their own understanding.

I quietly smiled and looked up at the cave ceiling.

[The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains remains silent.]

Silence can sometimes be an affirmation.

Okay, Death King. Thats a very plausible observation.

The casual hunter stood up.

But why tell us this? Its hard to call it wise. It only gives us more reason to see you as an evil lich.

She smirked, fiddling with the handle of her dagger.

Of course, it would be easier to deal with you than to break down the Magic Tower. Right? I was getting tired of playing the beggar on the 50th floor! Im tempted to join Mahos quest.

A clear provocation.

Ah. Of course, thats your choice.

I laughed and spread my palms wide open.

But really, will it be easier to kill me than to bring down the Magic Tower?


If youre as skilled as you claim, you must have killed numerous enemies by now. You must be familiar with the dance of life and death. But, everyone.

I smiled amicably.

Killing someone. Isnt it supposed to be a really difficult task?

What are you trying to say?

Its simple. Mahos wouldnt consider me a [substitute for the Magic Tower] without any basis. Perhaps I am indeed [as difficult to subdue as the Magic Tower itself]. Just me, one person, could be equivalent to the entire Magic Tower. Do you really think you can catch someone like me?

Everyone, including the casual hunter, gasped.

I humbly smiled and scratched the back of my head.

You havent even caught the Constellation Killer yet.

A provocation met with a provocation.

Thats the way Ive learned.


The casual hunter smirked.

Thats a good point! Lets see if youre really on the level of the Constellation Killer-.

No. Stop it. [Berserker].

Thats when it happened.

Someone emerged from behind me. It was a man wrapped in bandages from head to toe. There was no sound of footsteps or breathing, only his voice flowed out without any trace.

The followers seemed surprised, noticing his presence only now. The casual hunter, who was about to draw her dagger, furrowed her brows.

[Paparazzo]? Whats this. How long have you been hiding like a cockroach?

Before you all arrived.

The bandaged hunter murmured.

It seems my skills havent rusted yet. Im pleased. None of you detected me.

Ha? Of course. Who could find you when youre seriously hiding?

That man did.

The bandaged hunter, Paparazzo, pointed at me. A glimpse of his hand showed, but from his fingernails to the back of his hand, it was all wrapped in bandages.

Hes been aware and cautious of me since earlier.


I also got competitive. While you all were talking, I was constantly watching for an opening to strike at that man. I even felt the urge to really sever his neck if the opportunity arose. But even when he laid down his sword, I couldnt find a single opening.

That means

It means hes stronger than us. Clearly.

The casual hunter, [Berserker], gritted her teeth.

You mean hes really at the level of the Magic Tower? Hey, dont exaggerate.

I dont know his exact level. But its clear hes a cut above us. I dont have the hobby of risking my life against someone stronger than me. I believe you feel the same.

Berserker gave me another piercing look. I could feel her eyes scanning me from head to toe. Eyes filled with murderous intent, burning with competitiveness, and above all, suppressing her pride.


Thats the kind of gaze I like.

Its okay.

I smiled broadly.

I wont kill you!


For some reason, Berserker clenched her fist at my reassurance. She exhaled deeply, huffing and puffing, then slowly withdrew her hand from the dagger.


Isnt she attacking? A bit disappointing.

I was looking forward to seeing what kind of martial arts a 50th-floor powerhouse would display.

Bae Hu-ryeong chuckled at my disappointment.

-You rascal. Making a noisy entrance to your initiation.

Thanks to one persons intrusion, we avoided an immediate crisis.



However, the atmosphere in the cave did not change. In fact, it became even more tense. The followers, who had been relaxed until now, started to clearly guard against me after hearing the conversation between [Berserker] and [Paparazzo].

Many followers swallowed hard.


This is awkward.

I was trying to be as gentle as possible to avoid this atmosphere.

I scratched my cheek. Not everything in life can be solved with words and smiles. Its important to think positively.

Well. Its fortunate that it didnt end in a brawl. Thats a good start!


The reason I asked the Assistant Writer to invite you all is simple. Its difficult for me to bring down the Magic Tower alone I could summon my forces, but that wouldnt mean much. It would just be [The Second Coming of the Sword Emperor].

What do you mean by that?

Just showing [a winning stance] isnt enough.

I clapped my hands.

Im more interested in all of you winning than just me winning.


Assistant Writer.

I turned to the Assistant Writer.

You said it yourself. Youre not [the protagonist of this story].

The Assistant Writer remained silent.

Again, silence can convey determination, and I understood various things from it.

She wouldnt have said that just for self-deprecation. Her words carried that much weight.


Why does it have to be that way?


Its not just a message for the Assistant Writer.

I looked around at the followers again.

And said,

Contact the forgotten Constellations of this 50th floor. Those whose power has weakened and might lose their position. You are followers of such Constellations, so I believe you have the means to communicate.

The followers looked at me suspiciously.

Even though I hadnt done anything yet.

I felt the terrible power of prejudice but still smiled brightly without being discouraged.

Gather [everyones quests]. I will unify them and help you all reach the 51st floor!


The hall fell silent.

Behind me, the Assistant Writer muttered softly.

Hey. Havent you heard that your smile is suspicious? If you keep smiling like that and talking, anyone would think youre a heartless bastard, only interested in power, treating human lives like flies.

Thats a bit harsh.

Raviel likes my smile, you know.


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