Strongest Mage with the Lust system

Chapter 75 Memories

Chapter 75 Memories

After Max and butler George had gone out of hannah's room, a man covered in black from head to toe appeared in front of the room and used his mana to form a key. The key was the same as the one Butler George used to open the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he put the key in the keyhole, it turned into mana and was absorbed by the door. The black figure's expression changed drastically, and he tried to move away but couldn't. In just a few seconds; all of his mana was absorbed, and a thin cracks started appearing on his mana core. 


Another figure appeared and took him away from the door. It stared at the door for a moment, and then it vanished along with the man who looked like a shrivelled zombie.


After what seemed a long time, Max woke up. He was covered in sweat, his breathing uneven. Just as he stood up from the ground, that splitting pain assaulted his mind again, and a flood of memories appeared in his mind.

"Huh? These are the original Max's memories." He muttered and dazedly walked to the bed, laid down and closed his eyes. After half an hour, the pain subsided and all of the memories settled in his mind. He then started reading his memories to see what kind of life he lived before dying.

He opened his eyes after looking at his memories. "Wouldn't it have been better if had these memories when I first woke up? It would have saved a lot of time I wasted in the library. Sigh!" He sighed.

After getting his memories back, he found out that what he learnt by spending a few weeks in the library and asking around for information was nothing compared to what his previous self knew.

"At least he didn't waste his time after knowing he was useless and couldn't accomplish anything in future. And his personality apart from a bit too much introvert was good." He nodded in satisfaction. After all no matter, if it was the previous host of this body or he, both were now the same person after he got his memories back. 

After getting the memories, he no longer felt that he was in some alien body or place. He looked around his room and could feel the familiarity with everything here. After these old memories came back, it made hard for him to realise whether he was the Max from earth or the Max from this world. Everything 'this' Max experienced, felt as if he had experienced them too.

'No matter what. We both are one from now on. And I'll accomplish everything you wanted.' Although the original Max was was trash according to this world's standards, he was more ambitious than him. Now he too didn't much different from him. It seems he also inherited his ambitions along with his memories. 'It's fine too. After all I too want to become stronger.'

He got up and walked toward the wall which was right in front of the bed and pushed lightly. A rock fell and a small hole appeared. It was only large enough to put one hand inside. He put his hand inside and found a pendant. It was a simple looking pendant which had a silky string attached to a blue stone. The blue stone was only around two inches and was egg shaped. He touched it, it was very smooth and hard.

Looking at the pendant in his hand, he recalled that this was something his mother gave him on his tenth birthday. He was very happy after getting this simple looking gift from his mother and would always wear it.

But when she died, he stopped wearing it because he wanted to suppress the pain of losing his most beloved person in the world, and this pendant would make him remember her every time he wore it.

Remembering his mother, his eyes grew misty. He shook his head and stopped thinking about it. There was no point in feeling sad over it as long as he remembered her.

Although he felt sad thinking about his mother after getting the memories back, at the same time he was happy too. In his previous life, he didn't even see his mother other than in photos and didn't have any memory of her. So he was happy after remembering 'his' mother and how much she loved him. He finally experienced the motherly love he longed for. 

"Count Wiley, until I kill you, I won't rest easy." He gritted his teeth and clenched the pendant, remembering the reason why she died and this was one of the goals original Max wanted to accomplish as he also knew that his mother's death was related to him.

After a while, he calmed down and wore the pendant around his neck and then went to take a bath.


It was afternoon, and the sun was shining brightly in the sky when a group of six people appeared outside the Garfield manor. Their clothes were ragged and we're stained with blood and dust.

This was Ashton's group. Ashton looked at his home and then looked at others behind him and said, "Let's enter. After you guys have fully recovered, we can go to Vista city together to report the mission's success."

Hangchi laughed "Haha, thank you brother Ashton for your invitation but I will to go my town first. It's been more than two weeks and my family must be worried about me. As for reporting to Vista city, our generous Madam Mari can do it on our behalf."

Others also looked at Madam Mari and laughed quietly, remembering her expression when she handed out her healing pills.

Seeing this Madam Mari glared at Hangchi and then looked at Ashton and unexpectedly nodded "Yeah, I can do it alone. You guys don't have to worry about this and I'll also go back now as I've only superficial injuries."

Ashton nodded. "In that case, let me arrange for a carriage for each of you to travel and, in the meantime, wash yourselves." He pointed at the dirty clothes everyone wearing.

Hearing this Valerie impatiently said "Big Brother let's not waste anymore time here and go in. I can't bear this filth on my body anymore." Hearing her say this, Madam Mari and the other woman's eyes also gleamed and they nodded vigorously.

Ashton, Hangchi and the other man saw them being so impatient and smiled bitterly. 'Woman are strange creatures indeed. A while before they were calm and collected and as soon as they heard about washing themselves, they became so impatient.' They all thought this but no one commented, and Ashton quickly led them inside.

The guards noticed them coming and were about to stop them when one of them noticed Ashton and bowed down. "Welcome, my Lord." Others also quickly followed and bowed. 

Ashton nodded and entered the manor. Just as he stepped a foot inside, he frowned and stopped.

Madam Mari and others also saw his frown and stopped. Even when they faced a group of ten three starred beasts, they didn't see him frowning. So they grew curious, and Hangchi asked, "Brother Ashton, what happened? Is something wrong?" 

Ashton shook his head. "It's nothing. Let's go." 

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